I remember watching a show of Yasser Al-Khabith in Arabic. He came up with 1001 excuses as to why his fallible Imams were so keen in choosing names such as Abu Bakr, Omar, Aisha (and even Talha and Othman!) for their kids. He came up with all the known excuses that we have debunked in several articles but a particular one was hilarious, in fact two:
In the case of the name of Othman he said:
"Who told you Bakris (Sunnis, the morons use it as a swear word, not realising that all Muslims are proud MUHAMMADIS, BAKRIS, OMARIS, OTHMANIS, ALAWIS, HUSSEINIS etc.) that Ali intended Othman Ibn Affan when he named one of his sons Othman? We Shias believe he intended another noble Sahabi, one of the very few who did not apostate, namely Othman Ibn Madh3un."
Counter argument:
Even IF Ali did not name is son after Othman Ibn Affan, point is he LIKED the name Othman and so do the mainstream orthodox Muslims i.e. us Sunnis who STILL follow the Ahl Al-Bayt such as Ali by naming their sons Othman. If the Rafidah are truthful they would name their children Othman whilst making clear that they intend Othman Ibn Madh3un. Of course they don't because the issue is not Othman Ibn Affan or Ibn Madh3un, Shiism is a conspiracy, an Anti-Islamic and Anti-Arabic cult that makes even Arab (Shias) hate anything traditional Islamic and Arabic (including ancient Arab names that the Ahl Al-Bayt themselves loved!).
In the case of the name of Omar he said:
"Who told you Bakris that Ali intended Omar Ibn Al-Khattab when he named one of his sons Omar? We Shias believe that Ali named his sons after OMAR Ibn Umm Salamah, both were loyal Shias of Ali."
Counter argument:
Again, Even (for the sake of argument only) IF Ali did not name is son after Omar IBN AL-KHATTAB, point is he LIKED the name Omar and the mainstream orthodox Muslims i.e. us Sunnis STILL follow the Ahl Al-Bayt such as Ali by naming our sons Omar. In fact, Umm Salamah loved the name Omar to, hence she named/her husband named their son Omar and never changed it. Why didn't she name her son Ali, Hussein, Hassan, Ja'far? And what Omar did she intended, maybe Omar Al-Jamayki, or maybe IBN AL-KHATTAB, which one is more likely ....
And again, if the Rafidah were truthful they would name their children OMAR with the intention of naming him after Omar IBN UMM SALAMAH. But ff course they won't because the issue is not about any of the Omar's, Shiism is a conspiracy, an Anti-Islamic and Anti-Arabic cult that makes even Arab (Shias) hate anything traditional Islamic and Arabic (including ancient Arab names that the Ahl Al-Bayt themselves loved!).