At first you denied [on Facebook] the verse being about Fadak, then when I mentioned your own scholar, you had to backtrack. Alhamdulillah.
Allah [swt] is My Witness; when I pressed you to present the Qur'anic verses regarding Fadak - which you still have not been able to do - you said "Qur'an 17:26". In fact, you even said something to the effect, “if I am not mistaken” after giving me the (wrong) reference. Of course you were mistaken and it is a shame that after having been refuted on more than one basis – it is not a Madani surah, the verse speaks about “haq” (right) not gift, and the fact that the narrations that support your conclusion are all weak – you are still holding on to it. You did not even bother to quote the verse, neither on Facebook nor here. Again, to repeat myself for a third time,
what does the verse have to do with Fadak?
You had to eat your words. How did it taste? Good, I bet. Anyhow, There are many references, as you've posted, that point to that verse being about Fadak. That should suffice to anyone with a good level of sincerity.
Wow! Many references? Yes, many references pointing to a
single narration which has been weakened by at least 43 scholars. And here is the elephant in the room. I presented that (weak) report and then gave you its grading.
Thus far, Alhamdulilah, every single reference you have shared with us has backfired. Rest assured, the future (for you) will be just as gloomy as the skies have been over Washington DC for the past few days. And I will ask you then, "how did it taste?"
As for verses revealed in Makkah or Madeenah, I showed you proof, on Facebook, that some Surahs have verses that were said to have been revealed in Makkah and/or Madeenah. As for Fadak, it can be a right given by Allah (swt).
You did not even post Qur'an 17:26 on Facebook, let alone show me proof that it was revealed in Mecca. Here is proof that state otherwise:
Shia Tafsir mizan states:
الميزان في تفسير القرآن سورة الإسراء 23 – 39
قوله تعالى: «و آت ذا القربى حقه و المسكين و ابن السبيل» تقدم الكلام فيه في نظائره، و بالآية يظهر أن إيتاء ذي القربى و المسكين و ابن السبيل مما شرع قبل الهجرة لأنها آية مكية من سورة مكية.
In His saying {And give to the kindred his due and to the poor and to the wayfarer}, We already mentioned earlier on similar verse, by this aya it appears that giving (charity) to kindred and poor and wayfarer was legislated before Hijra because
this aya is Makki from a Makki surah[/u].
سورة بني إسرائيل مكية
Tafsir Qummi Vol. 2, p. 3.
Shia Ayatullah Nasser Makarem Shirazi states:
وبالنسبة لمكان نزول السورة، فمن المشهور أن جميع آياتها مكية، ومما يؤيد ذلك أن مضمون السورة ومفاهيمها يناسب بشكل كامل مضمون ومحتوى وسياق السور المكية، هذا بالرغم من أن المفسرين يعتقد بأن هناك مقطعا من السورة قد نزل في المدينة، ولكن المشهور ما شاع بين المفسرين من مكية تمام السورة
As far as the issue that where this Surah (Isra) was revealed, then the famous thing is that all the verses are Makki, and what supports it is the text and the meanings and the context of the Surah, even though some Mufassireen believe that there are parts which were revealed in Madinah, but the famous thing between Mufassireen is that the whole Surah is Makki.( ‘al Amthal Fi Tafsir Kitab Allah Al Manzil, by Sheikh Nasser Makarem Shirazi, Vol8, page 384).
Here's another hadeeth we can use to prove :
Similarly Hakim Haskani al-Hanai also records in Shawahid al-Tanzeel, Volume 1 page 570:
أخبرنا عقيل بن الحسين قال: أخبرنا علي بن الحسين قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبيد الله قال: حدثنا أبو مروان عبد الملك بن مروان قاضي مدينة الرسول بها سنة سبع وأربعين وثلاث مائة قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن منيع ، قال: حدثنا آدم قال: حدثنا سفيان عن واصل الأحدب عن عطاء: عن ابن عباس قال: لما أنزل الله: (وآت ذا القربى حقه) دعا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فاطمة وأعطاها فدكا وذلك لصلة القرابة.
Aqeel bin al-Hussain from Ali bin al-Hussain from Muhammad bin Ubaidullah from Abu Marwan Abdulmalik bin Marwan the judge of Madina from Abdullah bin Manee from Adam from Sufyan from Wasel al-Ahdab from Atta from ibn Abbas saying: ‘When Allah revealed ‘{And give to the near of kin his due}’ Allah’s Apostle (s) called Fatima and gave her Fadak because she was the near of kin’.
I was ready for this one before you even reached out to it.
The author of the above book is a Shia, although not a Rafidhi and Aqa Buzruq al-Tehrani listed him among the Shia authors in al-Dharee`ah ila Tasaneef al-Shi`ah. Also, it is written in the introduction of the Shia Tafseer “Furat al-Kufi” that al-Hasakani, in his book, mainly quotes from Tafseer Furat meaning the contents of his book are Shia contents (they lean towards Shia beliefs).
The chain of this narration is weak anyways since we do not know who this Adam who narrates from al-Thawri is nor who ibn Munay`is.While I will address the remainder of your verbal diarrhea later today, inshaAllah, please provide us the Qur'anic verses regarding Fadak. You have till tomorrow.