
Sunni Shia Discussion Forum => Sahabah-AhlulBayt => Topic started by: zichan on July 20, 2015, 07:48:54 PM

Title: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 20, 2015, 07:48:54 PM
As Salamu Alaykum

I want to use this thread to refute the narration - "Ali best of men" InshaAllah.

The narration is transmitted via 9 Sahabah.

1. Umm Al-Mumineen Aisha (ra)
2. Amirul Mumineen Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra)
3. Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman (ra)
4. Abu Said Al-Khudri (ra)
5. Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari (ra)
6. Abdullah ibn Masud (ra)
7. Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra)
8. Anas bin Malik (ra)

Let us start with the narration narrated by Umm Al-Mumineen Aisha bint Abi Bakr (ra):

narration #1:

أخبرنا أبو القاسم إسماعيل بن محمد وأبو بكر محمد بن شجاع قالا أنا أبو محمد التميمي أنا أبو الحسين بن بشران أنا إسماعيل الصفار نا محمد بن عبيد بن عتبة أنا عبد الرحمن بن شريك حدثني أبي عن الأعمش عن عطاء قال سألت عائشة عن علي رضي الله عنهما فقالت ذاك خير البشر لا يشك فيه إلا كافر

Shareek - Al-Amash - Ata: I asked Aisha about Ali - Radiyallahu anhuma. She said: This(men)is the best of creation, no one except disbeliever would be in doubt about that.  [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]

grading: weak


1) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating in anana.
2) Shareek bin Abdullah, Mudallis narrating in anana, weak memory at the end of his life.

Narration #2 - narrated by Ali bin Abi Talib(ra)

أخبرنا أبو القاسم علي بن إبراهيم وأبو الحسن بن سعيد قالا نا وأبو منصور بن زريق أنا أبو بكر الخطيب أنا عبيد الله بن أبي الفتح وعلي بن أبي على قالا نا محمد بن المظفر الحافظ نا عبد الله بن جعفر الثعلبي قال علي أبو القاسم نا محمد بن منصور الطوسي نا محمد بن كثير الكوفي نا الأعمش عن عدي بن ثابت عن زر عن عبد الله عن علي قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من لم يقل علي خير الناس فقد كفر

Muhammad bin Kathir - Al-Amash - Adi bin Thabit - Zirr - Abdullah - Ali: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Whoever does not say, that Ali is best of mankind commits kufr. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Tarikh Al-Baghdad]

grading: fabricated

1) Muhammad bin Kathir Al-Kufi, weak in hadith according Al-Ijli and Abu Hatim, Munkar Al-Hadith according Al-Bukhari. [Tarikh Al-Kabir, Lisan Al-Mizan, Al-Mauwduat Ibn Al-Jawzi]
2) Tadlis of Al-Amash.

According Ibn Al-Jawzi the narration is mawdu and Muhammad bin Kathir Al-Kufi is Mutaham bil Wada in the chain. Al-Jawzqani said "Batil" and the Muhaqqiq of Tarikh Al-Baghdad Bashar Awwad said mawdu.

Another Narration 2.1 from Ali bin Abit Talib (ra) narrated by Ibn Kathir in his Al-Bidaya:

عن علي وحذيفة مرفوعا " علي خير البشر، من أبي فقد فكر ومن رضي فقد شكر "

grading: fabricated

1) Ibn Kathir said its mawdu.

Narration #3 - narrated by Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman (ra)

أخبرنا أبو محمد بن الأكفاني بقراءتي عليه أنا علي بن الحسين بن أحمد بن صصرى أنا تمام بن محمد أنا خيثمة بن سليمان نا أبو إسحاق إبراهيم بن سليمان بن حرارة النهمي نا الحسن بن سعيد النخعي ابن عم شريك نا شريك بن عبد الله عن أبي إسحاق عن أبي وائل شقيق بن سلمة عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال قال: رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم علي خير البشر من أبى فقد كفر

Ibrahim bin Sulaiman - Al-Hassan bin Said An-Nakhi - Shareek bin Abdullah - Abu Ishaq - Abi Wail Shaqiq bin Salmah- Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of men; whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]

grading: batil

1) Tadlis of Sharik and his weak memory at the end.
2) Tadlis of Abu Ishaq.
3) Al-Hussein or Al-Hassan bin Said An-Nakhi, majhool (unknown)
4) Ibrahim bin Sulaiman, weak according Ad-Darqutni - Lisan Al-Mizan

Narration #3.1

أخبرناه أبو القاسم الواسطي أنا أبو بكر الخطيب أنا الحسن بن محمد بن الحسن الخلال نا أحمد بن محمد بن عمران نا أبو الحسن علي بن الحسن بن شقير الهمداني بالكوفة نا أبو العباس أحمد بن العباس المقرئ مولى بني هاشم قال قلت للحر بن سعيد النخعي حدثكم شريك بن عبد الله عن أبي إسحاق السبيعي عن شقيق بن سلمة عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول علي خير البشر من أبى فقد كفر

Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Imran - Ali bin Al-Hassan bin Shaqir Al-Hamdani - Ahmad bin Al-Abbas Al-Muqri - Al-Hurr bin Said An-Nakhi - Shareek bin Abdullah - Abu Ishaq - (Abi Wail) Shaqiq bin Salamah - Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman:i heard the massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of men; whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Al-Kamil fi Duafa Al-Rijal]

grading: weak

1) Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Imran is laysa bi shay [nothing] according Al-Azhari - [Siyar Alam]
2) Ali bin Al-Hassan bin Shaqir Al-Hamdani, Majhool Al-Hal
3) Ahmad bin Al-Abbas Al-Muqri,  Majhool Al-Hal
4) Al-Hurr bin Said An-Nakhi, majhool according Al-Khatib - [Lisan Al-Mizan]

Narration #3.2

حدثنا إبراهيم بن سليمان البهمي بالكوفة قال : حدثنا الحسين بن سعيد النخعي ابن عم شريك ، عن إسحاق ، عن أبي وائل شقيق ابن سلمة عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :  علي خير البشر ، من أبى فقد كفر

Ahmad bin Al-Abbas Al-Muqri - Al-Hussein bin Said An-Nakhi - Abu Ishaq - (Abi Wail) Shaqiq bin Salamah - Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of men; whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Al-Kamil fi Duafa Al-Rijal]

grading: weak

1) Al-Hussein bin Said An-Nakhi, majhool
2) Ibrahim bin Sulaiman, weak according Ad-Darqutni - [Lisan Al-Mizan]

Ibn Hajar said, that Ibn Adi narrates this (narration) with all of them having weak chains - [Tesdid Al-Qaus]
In Lisan Al-Mizan he said, Al-Hurr narrates from Shariq the Batil-narration Ali Khayral Bashar.

To be continued InshaAllah....
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Al-Hassan on July 20, 2015, 11:14:44 PM
As Salamu Alaykum

I want to use this thread to refute the narration - "Ali best of men" InshaAllah.

The narration is transmitted via 9 Sahabah.

1. Umm Al-Mumineen Aisha (ra)
2. Amirul Mumineen Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra)
3. Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman (ra)
4. Abu Said Al-Khudri (ra)
5. Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari (ra)
6. Abdullah ibn Masud (ra)
7. Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra)
8. Anas bin Malik (ra)

Let us start with the narration narrated by Umm Al-Mumineen Aisha bint Abi Bakr (ra):

narration #1:

أخبرنا أبو القاسم إسماعيل بن محمد وأبو بكر محمد بن شجاع قالا أنا أبو محمد التميمي أنا أبو الحسين بن بشران أنا إسماعيل الصفار نا محمد بن عبيد بن عتبة أنا عبد الرحمن بن شريك حدثني أبي عن الأعمش عن عطاء قال سألت عائشة عن علي رضي الله عنهما فقالت ذاك خير البشر لا يشك فيه إلا كافر

Shareek - Al-Amash - Ata: I asked Aisha about Ali - Radiyallahu anhuma. She said: This(men)is the best of creation, no one except disbeliever would be in doubt about that.  [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]

grading: weak


1) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating in anana.
2) Shareek bin Abdullah, Mudallis narrating in anana, weak memory at the end of his life.

Narration #2 - narrated by Ali bin Abi Talib(ra)

أخبرنا أبو القاسم علي بن إبراهيم وأبو الحسن بن سعيد قالا نا وأبو منصور بن زريق أنا أبو بكر الخطيب أنا عبيد الله بن أبي الفتح وعلي بن أبي على قالا نا محمد بن المظفر الحافظ نا عبد الله بن جعفر الثعلبي قال علي أبو القاسم نا محمد بن منصور الطوسي نا محمد بن كثير الكوفي نا الأعمش عن عدي بن ثابت عن زر عن عبد الله عن علي قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من لم يقل علي خير الناس فقد كفر

Muhammad bin Kathir - Al-Amash - Adi bin Thabit - Zirr - Abdullah - Ali: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Whoever does not say, that Ali is best of mankind commits kufr. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Tarikh Al-Baghdad]

grading: fabricated

1) Muhammad bin Kathir Al-Kufi, weak in hadith according Al-Ijli and Abu Hatim, Munkar Al-Hadith according Al-Bukhari. [Tarikh Al-Kabir, Lisan Al-Mizan, Al-Mauwduat Ibn Al-Jawzi]
2) Tadlis of Al-Amash.

According Ibn Al-Jawzi the narration is mawdu and Muhammad bin Kathir Al-Kufi is Mutaham bil Wada in the chain. Al-Jawzqani said "Batil" and the Muhaqqiq of Tarikh Al-Baghdad Bashar Awwad said mawdu.

Another Narration 2.1 from Ali bin Abit Talib (ra) narrated by Ibn Kathir in his Al-Bidaya:

عن علي وحذيفة مرفوعا " علي خير البشر، من أبي فقد فكر ومن رضي فقد شكر "

grading: fabricated

1) Ibn Kathir said its mawdu.

Narration #3 - narrated by Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman (ra)

أخبرنا أبو محمد بن الأكفاني بقراءتي عليه أنا علي بن الحسين بن أحمد بن صصرى أنا تمام بن محمد أنا خيثمة بن سليمان نا أبو إسحاق إبراهيم بن سليمان بن حرارة النهمي نا الحسن بن سعيد النخعي ابن عم شريك نا شريك بن عبد الله عن أبي إسحاق عن أبي وائل شقيق بن سلمة عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال قال: رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم علي خير البشر من أبى فقد كفر

Ibrahim bin Sulaiman - Al-Hassan bin Said An-Nakhi - Shareek bin Abdullah - Abu Ishaq - Abi Wail Shaqiq bin Salmah- Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of men; whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]

grading: batil

1) Tadlis of Sharik and his weak memory at the end.
2) Tadlis of Abu Ishaq.
3) Al-Hussein or Al-Hassan bin Said An-Nakhi, majhool (unknown)
4) Ibrahim bin Sulaiman, weak according Ad-Darqutni - Lisan Al-Mizan

Narration #3.1

أخبرناه أبو القاسم الواسطي أنا أبو بكر الخطيب أنا الحسن بن محمد بن الحسن الخلال نا أحمد بن محمد بن عمران نا أبو الحسن علي بن الحسن بن شقير الهمداني بالكوفة نا أبو العباس أحمد بن العباس المقرئ مولى بني هاشم قال قلت للحر بن سعيد النخعي حدثكم شريك بن عبد الله عن أبي إسحاق السبيعي عن شقيق بن سلمة عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول علي خير البشر من أبى فقد كفر

Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Imran - Ali bin Al-Hassan bin Shaqir Al-Hamdani - Ahmad bin Al-Abbas Al-Muqri - Al-Hurr bin Said An-Nakhi - Shareek bin Abdullah - Abu Ishaq - (Abi Wail) Shaqiq bin Salamah - Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman:i heard the massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of men; whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Al-Kamil fi Duafa Al-Rijal]

grading: weak

1) Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Imran is laysa bi shay [nothing] according Al-Azhari - [Siyar Alam]
2) Ali bin Al-Hassan bin Shaqir Al-Hamdani, Majhool Al-Hal
3) Ahmad bin Al-Abbas Al-Muqri,  Majhool Al-Hal
4) Al-Hurr bin Said An-Nakhi, majhool according Al-Khatib - [Lisan Al-Mizan]

Narration #3.2

حدثنا إبراهيم بن سليمان البهمي بالكوفة قال : حدثنا الحسين بن سعيد النخعي ابن عم شريك ، عن إسحاق ، عن أبي وائل شقيق ابن سلمة عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :  علي خير البشر ، من أبى فقد كفر

Ahmad bin Al-Abbas Al-Muqri - Al-Hussein bin Said An-Nakhi - Abu Ishaq - (Abi Wail) Shaqiq bin Salamah - Hudhaifa bin Al-Yamman: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of men; whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Al-Kamil fi Duafa Al-Rijal]

grading: weak

1) Al-Hussein bin Said An-Nakhi, majhool
2) Ibrahim bin Sulaiman, weak according Ad-Darqutni - [Lisan Al-Mizan]

Ibn Hajar said, that Ibn Adi narrates this (narration) with all of them having weak chains - [Tesdid Al-Qaus]
In Lisan Al-Mizan he said, Al-Hurr narrates from Shariq the Batil-narration Ali Khayral Bashar.

To be continued InshaAllah....

I find it quite strange how most of those narrators whose judgment is used to weaken those Ahadith are not necceesrily 'Rafidha' themselves being accused of fabricating this Hadith together as a group(considering here the typical and common criticism of these types of pro-Shi'i Ahadeeh to be a result of fabrications from the Rafidha - hence fabricated). In fact, a couple are reliable and trustworthy Sunni scholars(i.e al-A'mash and Abu Ishaq despite their Tadlees - which should have nothing to do with their honesty as narrators) while others although they might be Majaheel, they are not necceesrily Rafidhi(there is a possibility that they might be Sunni).

This just clearly shows how famous this Hadith was from the 1st century AH where all these narrators living at different times and places came in contact with it at some point during their life. It's also obvious based in these Asaneed that it was not a group of Rafidha living during the same time and place(i.e in Kufa) making this up and being the only ones narrating it.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Farid on July 21, 2015, 02:38:55 AM
^ I like the way you think, but your post is lacking evidences.

Please list how they are all from different places along with the evidences that this was narrated by first century narrators.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Hani on July 21, 2015, 02:47:13 AM
The fact that `A'ishah told this to `Ata' as well as Ibn Mas`oud who according to you folks are hardcore Nawasib proves that chains were being fabricated.

Secondly, the narration of `Ali doesn't even agree with Islamic beliefs, he says "Whoever does not say that `Ali is the best human has disbelieved." Seriously!? Why don't we become Hindu while we're at it? What kind of man made religion is this? At least list the Prophet (saw) as an exception as I can't find any narration about him that resembles this.

Thirdly, you think that during these past 1,400 years you can't have nine different fabricated chains saying `Ali is the best of creations? This can easily happen as you can see, refer to this in order to refresh the Rafidi inside: (

Also check the sources for these reports, "Tarikh Dimashq" isn't the place to fish for your `Aqidah.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 21, 2015, 04:53:10 AM
I hope brother Al-Hassan won't go offtopic. My request to admin is to clean this thread from offtopic, so that everyone can benefit InshaAllah.


Narration #4 - narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri

أخبرنا أبو القاسم بن السمرقندي أنا أبو القاسم بن مسعدة أنا حمزة بن يوسف أنا أبو أحمد بن عدي نا الحسن بن علي الأهوازي نا معمر بن سهل نا أبو سمرة أحمد بن سالم نا شريك عن الأعمش عن عطية عن أبي سعيد عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال علي خير البرية

Al-Hassan bin Ali Al-Ahwazi - Muamar bin Sahl - Abu Samurah Ahmad bin Salim - Shareek - Al-Amash - Atiyyah - Abi Said - Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam): Ali is best of creation. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]   

grading: fabricated

1) Al-Hassan bin Ali Al-Ahwazi, liar according Al-Khatib - [Lisan Al-Mizan]
2) Muamar bin Sahl, Majhool Al-Hal
3) Abu Samurah Ahmad bin Salim, la yuhtaj bih (no proof) according Ash-Shawkani, laysa bi thiqah (not trustworthy) according adh-Dhahabi - [Al-Fawaid, Tarteeb Al-Mawduat]
4) Shareek, Mudallis weak memory at the end.
5) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating anana.
6) Atiyyah he is Atiyyah bin Sad bin Junadah Al-Awfi, weak in Hadith according Abu Hatim, Laysa bi thak (Nothing) according Al-Bukhari and weak according Ibn Hajar

Ash-Shawkani said: In Mizan he says: This is a lie and Ibn Jawzi said: Mawdu - [Al-Fawaid]

Narration #5 - narrated by Abdullah ibn Masood

أخبرنا علي ابن أبي علي ، قال : حدثنا محمد بن المظفر الحافظ ، قال : حدثنا أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد بن إسحاق بن إبراهيم النيسابوري المقرئ ، قال : حدثنا محمد بن حمدويه النيسابوري ، قال : حدثنا خشنام بن زنجويه وهو يختلف معنا نعيم بن عمرو ، قال : حدثنا ، عن إبراهيم بن طهمان ، عن حماد بن أبي سليمان ، عن إبراهيم ، عن علقمة ، عن عبد الله ، قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : " خير رجالكم علي بن أبي طالب ، وخير شبابكم الحسن والحسين ، وخير نسائكم فاطمة بنت محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم "

Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Muhammad An-Naisaburi - Muhammad bin Hamdawiyah Naisaburi - Khashnam bin Zanjawi - Nuaim bin Amr - Ibrahim bin Tahman - Hammad bin Abi-Sulaiman - Ibrahim - Alqamah - Abdullah: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Best of men is Ali and Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein are best of the youth, best of women is Fatima bint Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam). [ Tarikh Baghdad]

grading: weak

1) Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Muhammad An-Naisaburi,  Majhool Al-Hal
2) Muhammad bin Hamdawiyah Naisaburi, Majhool Al-Hal
3) Khashnam bin Zanjawi: Majhool Al-Hal
4) Nuaim bin Amr: Majhool
5) Hammad bin Abi-Sulaiman, Saduq mistakes

Muhaqqiq of Tarikh Al-Baghdads Bashar Awwad says: Chain is weak due to jahala (being unknown) of Nuaim bin Amr.

Narration #5.1

حدثنا محمد بن علي بن عبد الله أبو أحمد الجرجاني إمام أهل التشيع في زمانه ، حدثنا علي بن موسى القمي ، حدثنا محمد بن شجاع الثلجي ، حدثنا حفص بن عمر الكوفي ، حدثنا أبو معاوية ، عن الأعمش ، عن أبي وائل ، عن ابن مسعود ، عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، عن جبريل ، أنه قال : " يا محمد ، علي خير البشر ، من أبى فقد كفر "

Muhammad bin Ali Al-Jurjani, Imam of the Shia of his time - Ali bin Musa Al-Qummi - Muhammad Shujah Ath-Thalji -  Hafs bin Umar Al-Kuf - Abu Muawiyah - Al-Amash - Aba Wail - Ibn Masood - Massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) - Gibrail: O Muhammad , Ali is best of men, whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Ilal Al-Masnuah fil Ahadith Al-Mauwduah]


1) Muhammad Shujah Ath-Thalji, liar according As-Syuti, Ibn Al-Jawzi,  Ash-Shawkani - [Al-Mawduat, Ilal Al-Masnuah, Al-Fawaid] 
2) Hafs bin Umar Al-Kufi, laysa bi shay (nothing) according As-Syuti, Ibn Al-Jawzi,  Ash-Shawkani - [Al-Mawduat, Ilal Al-Masnuah, Al-Fawaid] 
3) Muhammad bin Ali Al-Jurjani, Mutaham according As-Suyuti, Ash-Shawkani, Ibn Al-Jawzi, Ibn Hajar - [Al-Mawduat, Ilal Al-Masnuah, Al-Fawaid] 

Imam Adh-Dhahabi said: May Allah curse him, whoever forged it. - [Tartib Al-Mawduat]

Narration #6 - narrated by Jabir (ra)

أخبرنا أبو القاسم بن السمرقندي أنا عاصم بن الحسن أنا أبو عمر بن مهدي أنا أبو العباس بن عقدة نا محمد بن أحمد بن الحسن القطواني نا إبراهيم بن أنس الأنصاري نا إبراهيم بن جعفر بن عبد الله بن محمد بن مسلمة عن أبي الزبير عن جابر بن عبد الله قال كنا عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فأقبل علي بن أبي طالب فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قد أتاكم أخي ثم التفت إلى الكعبة فضربها بيده ثم قال والذي نفسي بيده إن هذا وشيعته لهم الفائزون يوم القيامة ثم قال إنه أولكم إيمانا معي وأوفاكم بعهد الله وأقومكم بأمر الله وأعدلكم في الرعية وأقسمكم بالسوية وأعظمكم عند الله مزية قال ونزلت إن الذين امنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية قال فكان أصحاب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا أقبل على قالوا قد جاء خير البرية

Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Al-Hassan - Ibrahim bin Anas Al-Ansari - Ibrahim bin Jafar - Abi Zubair - Jabir bin Abdillah: [...]Whenever Ali showed up among the companions of the prophet, they used to say here comes Khayrul Bariya. [Tartib Al-Mauwduat]

grading: fabricated

1) Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Al-Hassan, Majhool Al-Hal
2) Ibrahim bin Anas Al-Ansari, Mutaham bil Kathib (accused of lying) according adh-Dhahabi
3) Abu Az-Zubair, Mudallis narrating anana

Al-Albani said: Mawdu

Narration #6.1

الذارع -وهو دجال- ثنا صدقة بن موسى ثنا أبي ثنا يحيى بن يعلى ثنا الأعمش عن أبي سفيان عن جابر مرفوعاً علي خير البشر فن أبى فقد كفر

Al-Dhari - he is a dajjal - Sdqh bin Musa - Yahya bin Yala - Al-Amash - Abi Sufyan - Jabir: Ali is the best of men; whoever disagrees then he has disbelieved. [Tartib Al-Mauwduat]

grading: fabricated

1) Al-Dhari, Dajjal (big liar) according adh-dhahabi - [Tartib Al-Mawduat]
2) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating anana

To be continued InshaAllah...
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Mussana on July 21, 2015, 08:04:56 AM
Can anyone please clarify what the term means

"Mudallis narrating anana"

Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 21, 2015, 12:09:33 PM
Can anyone please clarify what the term means

"Mudallis narrating anana"

Mudallis is someone who is doing Tadlis and anana is the form he used to narrate. In Mustalah Al-Hadeeth by Ibn Uthaymeen ( translated version) its stated:

Tadlis (Concealing/Masking):


This is a hadeeth in which a narrator in its chain makes the chain appear to short and closer to the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa salam), while in fact, it is longer (i.e. Th narrator conceals the identity or misses out 1 or 2 reporters in the chain). Narrator known to practice tadlis includes; Hasan Al-Basree (d.160H), Sulayman Al-Amash (known as the Mushaf) Rahimahullaah.


Ibn Salah (d643H) Rahimahullaah describes two types of tadlis;

1) Tadlis as-Sanad: This is a chain where a narrator in it reprts from his Teacher (whom he met) or from his contemporary (whom he did not meet) what he did not hear from them, using certain words that give the impression that the narrator heard directly from either one of them. [Mustala Al-Hadeeth by Ibn Uthaymeen]

One of those certain word is "an Fulan (on the authority of)" - in short: whenever a Mudallis uses this form and do not clarify from whom he narrates actually, i will just say: Mudallis narrating in anana (form).

I hope i could clarify what the term means brother Mussana.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: muslim720 on July 22, 2015, 03:33:48 AM
Personally, I do not see anything wrong with the phrase, "Ali best of men".  If anything, it is a way to express affection towards Imam Ali [ra].  The problem arises when Shias take it literally and use it to downgrade other Sahabas [ra].  Islam is the middle path completely opposed to extremes, therefore, this phrase should be understood in a balanced way.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 22, 2015, 03:57:53 AM

Narration #6.2

حدثنا ابن حميد ، قال : ثنا عيسى بن فرقد ، عن أبي الجارود ، عن محمد بن علي : أولئك هم خير البرية سورة البينة آية 7 " فقال النبي صلى ال عليه وسلم : " أنت يا علي وشيعتك

Ibn Humayd or Ibn Hamid - Isa ibn Farqad - Abul Jarud - Muhammad ibn Ali that the prophet said the following about the verse: 'You Ali and your followers (Shia'a).'. [Tafsir At-Tabari]

grading: fabricated

1) Ibn Humayd or Ibn Hamid, weak according Ibn Hajar  - [Taqrib Al-Tahdhib]
2) Abu Jarud, liar according Ibn Muin and Abu Dawud, Matruk Al-Hadith (Abandoned in Hadith) according Ahmad ibn Hanbal. He was Rafidhi and used to fabricate narration according Ibn Hibban. - [Silsilah Ad-Daifah,Al-Jarh wa Tadil]
3) Disconnected chain between Muhammad ibn Ali and the prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam). Muhammad ibn Ali is Abu Jafar Al-Baqir 

Narration #6.3

أخبرنا أبو منصور بن خيرون أنا وأبو الحسن بن سعيد نا أبو بكر أحمد بن علي الخطيب أنا الحسن بن أبي طالب نا محمد بن إسحاق بن محمد القطيعي حدثني أبو محمد العلوي الحسن بن محمد بن يحيى صاحب كتاب النسب نا إسحاق بن إبراهيم الصنعاني نا عبد الرزاق بن همام أنا سفيان الثوري عن محمد بن المنكدر عن جابر قال قال رسول ال صلى ال عليه وسلم علي خير البشر فمن امترى فقد كفر

Abu Muhammad Al-Alawi - Ishaq bin Ibrahim - AbdurRazzaq bin Hamam - Sufyan Ath-Thawri - Muhammad bin Al-Munkadir - Jabir: The massenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Best of men is Ali, whoever denys  then he has disbelieved. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Tarikh Al-Baghdad]

grading: Munkar

1) Abu Muhammad Al-Alawi, liar according Ibn Hajar and Munkar Al-Hadith according Al-Jawzqani  - [Al-Abatil wa Al-Manakir]

Al-Khatib said: This narration is munkar and Al-Jawzqani said: This narration is munkar and batil. - [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Al-Abatil wa Al-Manakir]

Narration #6.4

أخبرناه أبو القاسم بن السمرقندي أنا إسماعيل بن مسعدة أنا أبو عمرو عبد الرحمن بن محمد الفارسي أنا أبو أحمد بن عدي نا الحسين بن علي بن الحسن السلولي نا محمد بن الحسن السلولي نا صالح بن أبي السود عن العمش عن عطية العوفي قال قلت لجابر كيف كان منزلة علي فيكم قال كان خير البشر

Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Al-Hassan As-Saloli - Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Saloli - Salih Bin Abi Al-Aswad - Al-Amash - Atiyyah Al-Awfi asked Jabir: How is the position of Ali among you ? Jabir said: He is the best of mankind. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, Al-Kamil fi Duafa Al-Rijal]

grading:  weak

1) Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Al-Hassan, Majhool Al-Hal
2) Muhammad bin Al-Hassan, Majhool, only Ibn Hibban  mentioned him in Al-Thiqat
3) Salih Bin Abi Al-Aswad, his narration are nothing according Ibn Adi - [Al-Kamil fi Duafa Al-Rijal]
4) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating in anan (form)
5) Atiyyah Al-Awfi, weak in Hadith

Narration #6.5

وروى عن شريك أيضا عن العمش عن عطية قلنا لجابر ما كنتم تعدون علي فيكم قال ذلك من خير البشر

Shareek - Al-Amash - Atiyyah Al-Awfi asked Jabir: How do you estimate Ali among you? He said: He is from the best of humans [Al-Kamil fi Duafa Al-Rijal]

grading:  weak

1) Shareek, Mudallis weak memory at the end.
2) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating in anan (form)
3) Atiyyah Al-Awfi, weak in Hadith

Reason for edit: Corrected translation as requested by the poster.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Moin on July 22, 2015, 09:56:58 AM
Basically these reports doesn't contradict the Sunni view. I had posted regarding the narration of Jabir (ra) on hcy forum. Unfortunately it is down now. A brother had collected them here:

See no. 6
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: omar111 on July 22, 2015, 12:19:50 PM
Asalam o alaikum,
These hadith have a mutab`t that is sahi.

روى ابن عساكر في (تاريخ مدينة دمشق ج 42 ص 372) عن طريق خيثمة بن سليمان بسند صحيح عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): (علي خير البشر من أبى فقد كفر)

أخرج أحمد بن حنبل في (الفضائل ج 2 ص 564 ح 949) عن عطية بن سعد العوفي, قال: دخلنا على جابر بن عبد الله وقد سقط حاجباه على عينيه فسألناه عن علي (كرّم الله وجهه) فقلت: أخبرنا عنه, قال: فرفع حاجبيه بيديه فقال: ((ذلك من خير البشر)) انتهى.
ورجال هذا الحديث كلهم ثقات وعدول. وتكلم بعضهم في عطية العوفي وقال ابن سعد في (الطبقات 6: 304): وكان ثقة إن شاء الله وله أحاديث صالحة.

روى ابن عساكر بسند صحيح في (ج 42 ص 374) من تاريخه عن الأعمش عن عطاء قال: سألت عائشة عن علي (رضي الله عنهما) فقالت: ((ذاك خير البشر لا يشك فيه إلاّ كافر)).
وهناك طريق آخر بهذا الأثر نقله بسند صحيح العلاّمة الحسين بن أحمد بن خالويه المصري في (اعراب ثلاثين سورة ص 148 ط القاهرة دار الكتب بمصر).

 روى الخطيب البغدادي في (تاريخ بغداد 7/433) بسند حسن: عن محمد بن المنكدر عن جابر قال قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): (علي خير البشر فمن امترى فقد كفر).
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 22, 2015, 12:45:55 PM
Wa Alaykum Salam Brother omar111

This Hadith is nowhere near sahih. Most of the narration you posted are already discussed.

روى ابن عساكر في (تاريخ مدينة دمشق ج 42 ص 372) عن طريق خيثمة بن سليمان بسند صحيح عن حذيفة بن اليمان قال قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): (علي خير البشر من أبى فقد كفر)

أخرج أحمد بن حنبل في (الفضائل ج 2 ص 564 ح 949) عن عطية بن سعد العوفي, قال: دخلنا على جابر بن عبد الله وقد سقط حاجباه على عينيه فسألناه عن علي (كرّم الله وجهه) فقلت: أخبرنا عنه, قال: فرفع حاجبيه بيديه فقال: ((ذلك من خير البشر)) انتهى.
ورجال هذا الحديث كلهم ثقات وعدول. وتكلم بعضهم في عطية العوفي وقال ابن سعد في (الطبقات 6: 304): وكان ثقة إن شاء الله وله أحاديث صالحة.

روى ابن عساكر بسند صحيح في (ج 42 ص 374) من تاريخه عن الأعمش عن عطاء قال: سألت عائشة عن علي (رضي الله عنهما) فقالت: ((ذاك خير البشر لا يشك فيه إلاّ كافر)).
وهناك طريق آخر بهذا الأثر نقله بسند صحيح العلاّمة الحسين بن أحمد بن خالويه المصري في (اعراب ثلاثين سورة ص 148 ط القاهرة دار الكتب بمصر).

 روى الخطيب البغدادي في (تاريخ بغداد 7/433) بسند حسن: عن محمد بن المنكدر عن جابر قال قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): (علي خير البشر فمن امترى فقد كفر).

First narration) Refer to narration #3

Second narration) I'll discuss this narration in one of my next post InshaAllah.

Third narration) Refer to narration #1

Fourth narration) Refer to narration #6.3
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: omar111 on July 22, 2015, 08:53:47 PM
Maybe all tariq are weak ,brother.But it is also present with different wordings
وفي (الدر المنثور ج6ص379 )ذكر من أخرج الحديث فقال: وأخرج ابن عساكر عن جابر بن عبد الله قال كنا عند النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) فأقبل عليّ فقال النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم): (والذي نفسي بيده ان هذا وشيعته لهم الفائزون يوم القيامة ونزلت (( إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَئِكَ هُم خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ )) فكان أصحاب النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) إذا أقبل عليّ قالوا جاء خير البرية.
وأخرج ابن عدي وابن عساكر عن أبي سعيد مرفوعا عليٌ خير البرية.
وأخرج ابن عدي عن ابن عباس قال: لما نزلت (( إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَئِكَ هُم خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ )) قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) لعليّ: (هو أنت وشيعتك يوم القيامة راضين مرضيين).
وأخرج ابن مردويه عن علي قال: (قال لي رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم):ألم تسمع قول الله (( إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَئِكَ هُم خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ )) أنت وشيعتك، وموعدي وموعدكم الحوض إذا جثت الأمم للحساب تدعون غراً محجلين).
والمحصل أن من روى هذا الحديث مجموعة من الصحابة فيخرج بذلك من الإرسال، فقد روى الحديث جابر بن عبد الله وعلي (عليه السلام) وابن عباس وأبو سعيد وأبو برزة، هذا بالإضافة إلى الرواية التي ذكرتها عن أبي الجارود عن محمد بن علي التي هي رواية غير مرسلة لأن محمد بن علي يروي عن آبائه المعصومين عن رسول الله(ص)، ولو سلمنا بإرسالها فإن في باقي الأسانيد ما يكفي لإثبات صحة الحديث.
ونحن نذكر بالإضافة لما ذكرنا بعض تلك الأسانيد:
1- في (كفاية الطالب ص 118 ط الغري): قال:أخبرنا إبراهيم بن بركات القرشي أخبرنا الحافظ علي بن الحسن الشافعي أخبرنا أبو القاسم بن السمر قندي أخبرنا عاصم بن الحسن أخبرنا الحافظ أبو العباس حدثنا محمد بن أحمد القطواني حدثنا إبراهيم بن أنس الأنصاري حدثنا إبراهيم بن جعفر ابن عبد الله بن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي الزبير عن جابر بن عبد الله....
2- ابن عساكر في تاريخه: وأخبرني المقرئ أبو إسحاق بن يوسف بن بركة الكتبي عن الحافظ أبي العلاء الحسن بن أحمد بن الحسن الهمداني عن أبي الفتح عبدوس عن الشريف أبي طالب المفضل بن محمد بن طاهر الجعفري أخبرنا الحافظ أحمد بن مردويه أخبرنا أحمد بن محمد بن السري حدثنا المنذر بن محمد بمن المنذر حدثني أبي حدثني عمي الحسين بن سعيد عن إبراهيم بن مهاجر حدثني يزيد بن شراحيل قال سمعت علياً يقول:....
3- في (شواهد التنزيل ج2ص364 ط بيروت): أخبرنا أبو عمر البسطامي أخبرنا أبو أحمد بن عيد الجرجاني أخبرنا الحسن بن علي بن عبد الله الاهوازي،أخبرنا معمر بن سهل أخبرنا أبو سمرة أحمد بن سالم بن خالد بن جابر بن سمرة أخبرنا شريك عن الأعمش عن عطية عن أبي سعيد قال:...
Maybe they are weak too.But then the question arises why so many weak ahadith are trying to prove Ali as the best.Maybe later rafdhi additions?
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: MuslimK on July 22, 2015, 09:50:55 PM
Salam Alaikum,

Like the link brother Moin shared shows that the actual wording is "From the best of Humans" and indeed Ali was FROM the best of Humans, this is the belief of the Sunnis. However, the narration is still weak.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 23, 2015, 04:23:17 AM
@ omar 111 don't mind brother, but pls look at those narration before you post. Again some of those narration in your post are already discussed.
As for the different wordings, personally i don't have any problem with the narration "Ali from the best of Humans". This is beliefe of Sunnis as the brothers said. Nevertheless the isnad of all narration are weak and many narration are fabricated.   
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: omar111 on July 23, 2015, 09:37:13 AM
I was not debating the authenticity of Hadith,brother.I posted them to ask why so many weak tariq to prove Ali as best among Ahlul sunnah.
Maybe because Ali was the son inlaw of Prophet(saw),many jealous people tried to downgrade him. In return people tried to create virtues for Ali to counter this. So these Ahadith were invented by the Ghullow.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 24, 2015, 03:30:48 AM

Narration #6.6

فيما أخبرنا أبو غالب وأبو عبد ال ابنا البنا قال أنا أبو الحسين بن البنوسي أنا أحمد بن عبيد بن بيري إجازة أنا محمد بن الحسين نا ابن أبي خيثمة نا فضيل بن عبد الوهاب نا شريك عن العمش عن عطية عن جابر قال علي خير البشر لا يشك فيه إلا منافق

Shareek - Al-Amash - Atiyyah Al-Awfi - Jabir said: Ali is the best of creation, no one except hypocrite would be in doubt about that. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]

grading: weak

1) Shareek, Mudallis weak memory at the end.
2) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating in anan (form)
3) Atiyyah Al-Awfi, weak in Hadith

Narration #6.7

أخبرناه عاليا أبو المظفر القشيري وأبو القاسم الشحامي قال أنا أبو سعد الديب أنا أبو سعيد الديب أنا أبو سيعد الكرابيسي نا أبو لبيد نا سويد نا شريك عن العمش عن سالم عن جابر قال سئل عن علي فقال ذاك خير البرية لا يبغضه إلا كافر

Abu Said Al-Al-Adib - Abu Said Al-Karabsi - Abu Lubaid - Suwaid - Shareek - Al-Amash - Salim - Jabir was asked about Ali, so he said: This (men) is the best of creation, no one hates him except disbeliever. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]

grading: weak

1) Abu Said Al-Al-Adib, Majhool Al-Hal
2) Shareek, Mudallis weak memory at the end.
3) Al-Amash, Mudallis narrating in anan (form)

Narration #6.8

إبراهيم بن نصر العنبري ثنا يوسف بن عيسى ثنا الفضل بن موسى عن شريك عن عثمان بن أبى زرعة عن سالم بن أبى الجعد قال سئل جابر بن عبد الله عن على فقال ذاك خير البشر من شك فيه فقد كفر

Ibrahim bin Nasr Al-Anbari - Yusuf bin Isa - Al-Fadhl bin Musa - Shareek - Uthman bin Abi Zurah - Salim - Jabir was asked about Ali, so he said: This (men) is the best of creation, whoever doubts,  then he has disbelieved. [Tuqhat Ibn Hibban]

grading: weak

1) Shareek, Mudallis weak memory at the end.

Narration #6.9

حدثنا وكيع قال ثنا الأعمش عن عطية بن سعد قال : دخلنا على جابر بن عبد الله وهو شيخ كبير وقد سقط حاجباه على عينيه ، قال : فقلت : أخبرنا عن هذا الرجل علي بن أبي طالب ، قال : فرفع حاجبيه بيديه ثم قال : ذاك من خير البشر

Waki - Al-Amash - Atiyyah Al-Awfi: I went to Jabir bin Abdullah [..] and said: Tell me about this man Ali bin Talib. [...] He said: This (men) is the best of creation. [Fadhail As-Sahaba by Imam Ahmad]

grading: weak

1) Atiyyah Al-Awfi, weak in Hadith according the vast majority.

Narration #7 - narrated by Salman Al-Farsi (ra)

حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله  الحضرمي، حدثنا إبراهيم بن الحسن الثعلبي، حدثنا يحيى بن يعلى، عن ناصح بن عبد الله ، عن سماك بن حرب، عن أبي سعيد الخدري، عن سلمان، قال: قلت: يا رسول ال، لكل نبي وصي، فمن وصيك؟ فسكت عني، فلما كان بعد رآني، فقال: يا سلمان فأسرعت إليه، قلت: لبيك، قال: تعلم من وصي موسى؟ قلت: نعم يوشع بن نون، قال:لم؟ قلت: لنه كان أعلمهم، قال: فإن وصي وموضع سري، وخير من أترك بعدي، وينجز عدتي، ويقضي ديني علي بن أبي طالب

Yahya bin Yala  - Nasih bin Abdullah - Abi SAid Al-Khudri - Salman: [...] The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: My trustee, the holder of my secrets, the best man I leave behind me to fulfill my promise and implement my religion, is Ali ibn Abu Talib. [Mujam Al-Kabir, Majma Al-Zawaid]

grading: weak

1) Yahya bin Yala, weak according Ibn Hajar and Al-Haythami and weak in hadith according Abu Hatim - [Tahdhib Al-Kamal, Taqrib, Majma Al-Zawaid] 
2) Nasih bin Abdullah, Matruk (Abandoned) according Al-Haythami - [Majma Al-Zawaid]

Muhaqqiq of Mujam Al-Kabirs, Hamdi Abd Al-Magid said: The narration is not authentic.

Narration #8 - narrated by Anas bin Malik(ra)

أخبرنا الشيخ أبو سعد بن أبي بكر بن أبي عمرو الفقيه ، أنبا أبو سعيد عبد الله بن محمد الرازي ، نا يوسف بن عاصم الرازي ، نا سويد بن سعيد ، نا عمرو بن ثابت ، عن مطر ، عن أنس ، قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :  إن خليلي ووزيري وخليفتي في أهلي وخير من أترك بعدي وينجز موعدي ويقضي ديني علي بن أبي طالب

Amro bin Thabit - Matar - Anas: The massanger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: My Khalil, my adviser and  my successor for my people, the best man I leave behind me to fulfill my promise and implement my religion, is Ali ibn Abu Talib. [Tarikh Madinat Dimashq]

grading: fabricated

1) Amro bin Thabit, Matruk (Abandoned) according An-Nasai, Ad-Darqutni and a group, weak according the consensus, Rafidhi according Abu Dawud and other described him as an extreme shia - [Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib, Tohdatul Ahwaz, Tarikh Al-Kabir] 
2) Matar, Saduq but mistakes a lot according Ibn Hajar - [Taqrib] His narration from Anas (ra) are Mursal according Abu Zurah - [Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib]

This narration is fabricated according Ibn Al-Jawzi - [Al-Mauwduat] be continued InshaAllah
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: omar111 on July 25, 2015, 10:01:16 AM
Two questions.
1)Are weak ahadith accepted in a mutwatir hadith?
1. Shaykh al-Albani says in his Irwa al-Ghalil, vol. 6, p. 95:

ولا يشترط في الحديث المتواتر سلامة طرقه من الضعف لأن ثبوته إنما هو بمجموعها لا بالفرد منها

It is not a condition that a mutawatir Hadith be free from weakness in its chains. This is because its authenticity is based upon the combination of the chains, and not on the individual chains.

2. Al-Hakim al-Haskani in his Shawahid al-Tanzil, vol. 2, p. 40 also states:

أقول : الحديث متواتر ، وفي مثله لا يضر ضعف الجميع فضلا عن ضعف البعض

I (al-Haskani) say: A mutawatir Hadith, or its like, is not harmed by the weakness of all its chains, much less the weakness of some of its chains.

So, even if all the chains of the above Hadiths were weak, that still does not affect their tawattur.

In fact, the standard rule is that the chains of a mutawatir Hadith are NOT to be examined AT ALL, no matter what one suspects about them. They are to be acted upon without ANY examination of their chains. Imam al-Suyuti states in Tadrib al-Rawi, vol. 2, p. 176 while writing about a mutawatir Hadith:

ولذلك يجب العمل به من غير بحث عن رجاله


Dr. Muhammad ‘Ajaj al-Khatib also in his Mukhtasar al-Wajiz fi Ulum al-Hadith, p. 125 states:

والمتواتر لا يبحث عن رجاله بل يجب العمل به من غير بحث في رواته

As for the mutawatir Hadith, its narrators are NOT to be checked. Rather, it is OBLIGATORY to act upon it WITHOUT CHECKING ITS NARRATORS.

2)Who is this YAHYA BIN YA'LA?

يحيى بن يعلى المحاربي الكوفي عن أبيه وزائدة وعنه البخاري وأبو حاتم ثقة توفي 216 خ م د س ق.

yahya bin ya'la al moharbi; abu hatim and bukhari narrated from him; he is thiqa

[ al kashif fi maarifa man lahu rawayat fi kutb sitta; dhabi;; vol 2, page 379; number 6270;
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Aba AbdAllah on July 25, 2015, 11:49:55 AM
Furthermore, Sh. Al-Homaid (p. 10) states that “most of the people that spoke about this (Tawatur) said that one doesn’t need to look at the narrators of the chains, and they seem to mean the Dhabt (i.e. the ability to retain a Hadith), as for their `Adalah (justness) it definitely needs to be looked into.”

It is clear that Sh. Al-Homaid holds this opinion since it is very possible for a large group of people to come together and narrate a lie. It is also very possible for a great number of folks to all believe in rumors and spread them such as what happens very often in our days, human nature never changed. In other words, one cannot treat Tawatur as acceptable simply for including a large number of people. Al-Judai 1/43 also adds that the number of narrators is not sufficient without knowing who the narrators are.

Shi`ee scholar of Hadith `Abd al-Hadi al-Fahdli says in Usool `Ilm al-Hadith (p. 73) that a big group of people can transmit a lie even if they did not conspire to do so, what leads them to doing this are their desires and their love of advertising or spreading what agrees with their beliefs without the need to conspire together to achieve this. He then says on the same page:

“Knowing that these folks have not conspired does not remove the possibility of intentional lying. So we must add to the definition (of Mutawatir): ‘In a way that it is safe to assume that they have not lied.’ This safety can be realized by the the number of narrators and their reliability, or that there is no reason to lie in that specific topic as well as other factors.”

Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 25, 2015, 03:06:35 PM
2)Who is this YAHYA BIN YA'LA?

يحيى بن يعلى المحاربي الكوفي عن أبيه وزائدة وعنه البخاري وأبو حاتم ثقة توفي 216 خ م د س ق.

yahya bin ya'la al moharbi; abu hatim and bukhari narrated from him; he is thiqa

[ al kashif fi maarifa man lahu rawayat fi kutb sitta; dhabi;; vol 2, page 379; number 6270;

First question was already answered. As for Yahya bin Yala, so it's a mistake. Yahya ibn Yala in the chain is not Al-Moharbi but Abu Zakriyya Yahya bin Yala Al-Aslami who is narrating from his Sheikh Nasih bin Abdullah. And he is weak as i said in one of my previous post.

Ibn Hajar said: Daif (weak), Shii - [Taqrib]
Ibn Muin said: Laysa bi Shai (He is nothing) - [Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib]
Al-Bukhari said: Mutaribul Hadith
Abu Hatim said: Daif Al-Hadith (Weak in Hadith), Laysa bil Qawiy (Not strong)
Al-Haythami said: Daif (weak) - [Majma Al-Zawaid]
Al-Albani said: Shii Daif (weak) - [Silsilah Ad-Daifah]

His Sheikh Nasih bin Abdullah Al-Muhalmi At-Tamimi, Abu Abdullah is worth nothing.

Al-Bukhari said: Munkar Al-Hadith - [Tarikh Al-Kabir]
Al-Haythami said: Matruk (Abandoned) - [Majma Al-Zawaid]
Ibn Muin said: Laysa bi Shai (He is nothing) - [Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib]
Amro bin Ali said: Matruk Al-Hadith (Abandoned in Hadith)
An-Nasai, Ad-Darqutni, Ibn Hajar said: Daif (weak)
Abu Dawud said: Laysa bi Shai (He is nothing)
At-Tirmidhi said: Laysa bil Qawiy (Not strong)
Abu Hatim said: Daif Al-Hadith (Weak in Hadith)

Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: omar111 on July 25, 2015, 10:23:13 PM
Furthermore, Sh. Al-Homaid (p. 10) states that “most of the people that spoke about this (Tawatur) said that one doesn’t need to look at the narrators of the chains, and they seem to mean the Dhabt (i.e. the ability to retain a Hadith), as for their `Adalah (justness) it definitely needs to be looked into.”

It is clear that Sh. Al-Homaid holds this opinion since it is very possible for a large group of people to come together and narrate a lie. It is also very possible for a great number of folks to all believe in rumors and spread them such as what happens very often in our days, human nature never changed. In other words, one cannot treat Tawatur as acceptable simply for including a large number of people. Al-Judai 1/43 also adds that the number of narrators is not sufficient without knowing who the narrators are.

Shi`ee scholar of Hadith `Abd al-Hadi al-Fahdli says in Usool `Ilm al-Hadith (p. 73) that a big group of people can transmit a lie even if they did not conspire to do so, what leads them to doing this are their desires and their love of advertising or spreading what agrees with their beliefs without the need to conspire together to achieve this. He then says on the same page:

“Knowing that these folks have not conspired does not remove the possibility of intentional lying. So we must add to the definition (of Mutawatir): ‘In a way that it is safe to assume that they have not lied.’ This safety can be realized by the the number of narrators and their reliability, or that there is no reason to lie in that specific topic as well as other factors.”

So the hadith `Ali the best of men`can be sahi as mutwatir?Because why would such a large group of sunnis would lie on Ali?
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 26, 2015, 01:39:53 AM
Alhamdulillah the narration from Sunni-Sources are done so far. If someone knows any narration which i didn't mentioned, pls let me know.

So the hadith `Ali the best of men`can be sahi as mutwatir ? Because why would such a large group of sunnis would lie on Ali?

How would this narration be Mutawatir ?

Now i will start analyzing the narration mentioned by Imami scholar Jafar bin Ahmad bin Ali Al-Qummi in his "Nawader Al-Athar fi Ali Khayral Bashar". He mentioned 79 chains and it's seems that he collected all narration he could find in both sunni and shii sources.   

Narration #1

حدثنا أبو محمد الهروي جعفر بن أحمد بن موسى التلعكبري رحمه ال قال : حدثني أحمد بن سعيد ، قال حدثني :محمد بن عبيد بن عتبة الكندي ، قال : حدثني عبد الرحمن بن سويد عن أبيه عن الأعمش عن عاصم ابن عمرو عن جابر بن عبد الله قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و اله وسلم : (( علي خير البشر من شك فيه فقد كفر

Abu Muhammad Al-Harawy Ja’far bin Ahmad bin Musa al-Talla'ukbary - Ahmad bin Said - Muhammad bin Ubaid bin Utbah al-Kindy - Abdalrahman bin Suwaid - from his father - Al-Amash - Aasim ibn Amro - Jabr bin Abdilllah said: Rasullallah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of creation,whoever doubts,  then he has disbelieved.

grading: weak

1) Abu Muhammad Al-Harawy Ja’far bin Ahmad bin Musa al-Talla'ukbary, majhool (unknown) - [Al-Mufid min Mujam Rijal Al-Hadith]
2) Muhammad bin Ubaid bin Utbah al-Kindy, majhool - [Mustadrakat Ilm Rijal al-Hadith]
3) Al-Amash, majhool.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Aba AbdAllah on July 26, 2015, 03:03:28 AM
Furthermore, Sh. Al-Homaid (p. 10) states that “most of the people that spoke about this (Tawatur) said that one doesn’t need to look at the narrators of the chains, and they seem to mean the Dhabt (i.e. the ability to retain a Hadith), as for their `Adalah (justness) it definitely needs to be looked into.”

It is clear that Sh. Al-Homaid holds this opinion since it is very possible for a large group of people to come together and narrate a lie. It is also very possible for a great number of folks to all believe in rumors and spread them such as what happens very often in our days, human nature never changed. In other words, one cannot treat Tawatur as acceptable simply for including a large number of people. Al-Judai 1/43 also adds that the number of narrators is not sufficient without knowing who the narrators are.

Shi`ee scholar of Hadith `Abd al-Hadi al-Fahdli says in Usool `Ilm al-Hadith (p. 73) that a big group of people can transmit a lie even if they did not conspire to do so, what leads them to doing this are their desires and their love of advertising or spreading what agrees with their beliefs without the need to conspire together to achieve this. He then says on the same page:

“Knowing that these folks have not conspired does not remove the possibility of intentional lying. So we must add to the definition (of Mutawatir): ‘In a way that it is safe to assume that they have not lied.’ This safety can be realized by the the number of narrators and their reliability, or that there is no reason to lie in that specific topic as well as other factors.”

So the hadith `Ali the best of men`can be sahi as mutwatir?Because why would such a large group of sunnis would lie on Ali?

Did this narration reach us from any acceptable chain of narrators?

Also, the fact about the different wording should be kept in mind, one says Ali is FROM the best of men, it is possible that other narrators narrated the same report by dropping the important part which showed Ali was one of the best men. If you ask me the reason for this, then it is the weak chains.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: omar111 on July 27, 2015, 10:03:52 PM
Furthermore, Sh. Al-Homaid (p. 10) states that “most of the people that spoke about this (Tawatur) said that one doesn’t need to look at the narrators of the chains, and they seem to mean the Dhabt (i.e. the ability to retain a Hadith), as for their `Adalah (justness) it definitely needs to be looked into.”

It is clear that Sh. Al-Homaid holds this opinion since it is very possible for a large group of people to come together and narrate a lie. It is also very possible for a great number of folks to all believe in rumors and spread them such as what happens very often in our days, human nature never changed. In other words, one cannot treat Tawatur as acceptable simply for including a large number of people. Al-Judai 1/43 also adds that the number of narrators is not sufficient without knowing who the narrators are.

Shi`ee scholar of Hadith `Abd al-Hadi al-Fahdli says in Usool `Ilm al-Hadith (p. 73) that a big group of people can transmit a lie even if they did not conspire to do so, what leads them to doing this are their desires and their love of advertising or spreading what agrees with their beliefs without the need to conspire together to achieve this. He then says on the same page:

“Knowing that these folks have not conspired does not remove the possibility of intentional lying. So we must add to the definition (of Mutawatir): ‘In a way that it is safe to assume that they have not lied.’ This safety can be realized by the the number of narrators and their reliability, or that there is no reason to lie in that specific topic as well as other factors.”

So the hadith `Ali the best of men`can be sahi as mutwatir?Because why would such a large group of sunnis would lie on Ali?

Did this narration reach us from any acceptable chain of narrators?

Also, the fact about the different wording should be kept in mind, one says Ali is FROM the best of men, it is possible that other narrators narrated the same report by dropping the important part which showed Ali was one of the best men. If you ask me the reason for this, then it is the weak chains.
So how many Sahi Ahadith are required to make a hadith mutwatir.It was my understanding that a mass transmitted hadith is not dependent on isnad.
Al-Hakim al-Haskani in his Shawahid al-Tanzil, vol. 2, p. 40 also states:

أقول : الحديث متواتر ، وفي مثله لا يضر ضعف الجميع فضلا عن ضعف البعض

You rightly added that intent of the group is also important.But these are not Rafdhi narrators.This is intresting point that they meant one of the best and not the best.

If not mutwatir,can we count this hadith as Hasan Mashoor?
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Hani on July 27, 2015, 11:39:41 PM
The difference between an authentic mass-transmitted report and a mass-transmitted lie/rumor is that among those "many" chains you're supposed to find at least one authentic one.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on July 28, 2015, 12:38:18 AM
So how many Sahi Ahadith are required to make a hadith mutwatir.It was my understanding that a mass transmitted hadith is not dependent on isnad.
Al-Hakim al-Haskani in his Shawahid al-Tanzil, vol. 2, p. 40 also states:

أقول : الحديث متواتر ، وفي مثله لا يضر ضعف الجميع فضلا عن ضعف البعض

You rightly added that intent of the group is also important.But these are not Rafdhi narrators.This is intresting point that they meant one of the best and not the best.

If not mutwatir,can we count this hadith as Hasan Mashoor?

Brother Aba Abdallah already qouted this to understand:

Furthermore, Sh. Al-Homaid (p. 10) states that “most of the people that spoke about this (Tawatur) said that one doesn’t need to look at the narrators of the chains, and they seem to mean the Dhabt (i.e. the ability to retain a Hadith), as for their `Adalah (justness) it definitely needs to be looked into.”

How would this narration be hasan ?
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Abu-jafar herz on July 28, 2015, 03:18:36 PM
The difference between an authentic mass-transmitted report and a mass-transmitted lie/rumor is that among those "many" chains you're supposed to find at least one authentic one.

Ibn Hajr al asqalani including the majority of your classical scholars disagree with you.

شروط التواتر :
وهذه الشروط تنقسم الى قسمين :
القسم الأول : شروط متفق عليها بين العلماء.
القسم الثاني : شروط مختلف فيها بينهم.

القسم الأول (شروط متفق عليها), فيه ثلاثة شروط :
الأول : أن يخبر عدد التواتر عن شيء قد علموه ضرورة عن طريق المحسوس من احد الحواس الخمس, اما البصر أو السمع أو الشم أو اللمس أو الذوق.
والثاني : أن يستوي طرفا الخبر ووسطه في هذه الصفة, وفي كمال العدد.
والثالث : كان العدد المخبرين يحصل به التواتر الذي يمتنع عادة تواطؤهم على الكذب, ويحصل لنا العلم بخبرهم.

والقسم الثاني (شروط مختلف فيها), فيه شرطان :
الأول : كون المخبرين مسلمين وعدولا.
واختلف فيه على مذهبين :
القول الأول : أنه يشترط في التواتر أن يكون المختبرون مسلمين وعدولا, فلا يقبل التواتر من الكفار ولا من الفساق. (وهذا القول نسب الى عبد الله بن عبدان الشافعي, قاله في كتابه "الشرائط")
والقول الثاني : أنه لا يشترط في التواتر. (وهذا ما ذهب اليه ابن قدامة, وهو مذهب الجمهور العلماء).

The majority of your scholars hold on to the position that there doesn't even have to be one sahih chain, in fact, they claim that the chains can contains fasiq and unjust people.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Hani on July 28, 2015, 09:38:07 PM
I remind you of this:

I personally have my own standard for what I consider Mutawatir. Especially knowing the number of Hadith thieves and compulsive liars in the past 1,400 years. For me, from the biggest signs of fabrication is a great multitude of chains none of which happen to be "Sahih" or even "Hasan".

Note:This report is collected by the biggest scholars in their books of fabricated reports such as Ibn al-Jawzi, al-Jawraqani, al-Suyuti, Ibn `Iraq and al-Shawkani.

A glimpse of what al-Shawkani said about this great Mutawatir report (sarcasm):

رواه الخطيب، عن علي، مرفوعًا، وهو موضوع، والمتهم به: محمد بن كثير الكوفي، ورواه الحاكم عن ابن مسعود عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم عن جبريل أنه قال: يا محمد، على خير البشر، من أبي فقد كفر، وفي إسناده: محمد بن علي الجرجاني، وهو المتهم به، ومحمد بن شجاع الثلجي وهو كذاب، وعمر بن حفص الكوفي، وليس بشيء، ورواه الخطيب عن جابر مرفوعًا بهذا اللفظ، ولم يذكر جبريل. وفي إٍسناده: كذاب. وقال في الميزان: إنه باطل
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Hani on July 28, 2015, 09:56:15 PM
similar to this report actually

نعم الرجل أبو بكر ، نعم الرجل عمر ، نعم الرجل أبو عبيدة بن الجراح
The Prophet PBUH said: The best of men is Abu Bakr, The best of men is Umar, the best of men is Abu Ubaidah bin al Jarrah.

Other version:
نعم الرجل أبو بكر نعم الرجل عمر نعم الرجل أبو عبيدة بن الجراح نعم الرجل أسيد بن حضير نعم الرجل ثابت بن قيس بن شماس نعم الرجل معاذ بن عمرو بن الجموح
The Prophet PBUH said: The best of men is Abu Bakr, the best of men is Umar, the best of men is Abu Ubaidah bin al Jarrah, the best of men is Asîd ibn Hadir, the best of men is Thabit bin Qays, the best of men is Qays bin Shamas, the best of men is Mu'ath bin Amro bin al jumouh.


- Ibn Asakir said Mahfouz in Tareekh Dimashq 25/469
- Nawawi said Isnad is Sahih in Tahtheeb al Asmaa wal Lughat 2/99
- Ibn Katheer said Isnad is on the condition of Muslim in al Bidaya wal Nihaya 5/296
- al-Thahabi said a good Isnad in Siyar A'ala al Nubalaa 1/341
- Tirmithi said good in his Sunan #3795
- al-Albani said Sahih on the condition of Muslim in al Silsilah al Sahiha 2/534
- al-Wadi'ee said good in Sahih al Musnad #1309

Sources and grading need verification.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: omar111 on July 28, 2015, 11:00:07 PM
ابن حميد، صالح بن عبد الله is a respected faqih but not a mohaddis.His opinion is not superior to sheikh Albani.
الدكتوراه: شريعة الفقه وأصوله - مكة المكرمة 1402هـ
الماجستير: الفقه وأصوله – مكة المكرمة – 1396هـ
الجامعية: شريعة – مكة المكرمة 1392-1395هـ
الثانوية العامة: مكة المكرمة 1386-1387هـ
Muhadathien are pretty clear that isnad of a mass transmitted hadith will not be checked.
Imam al-Suyuti states in Tadrib al-Rawi, vol. 2, p. 176 while writing about a mutawatir Hadith:

ولذلك يجب العمل به من غير بحث عن رجاله

But I think muhadithen just pick and choose a hadith they liked as mass transmitted.

لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يكون هواه تبعا لما جئت به

"None of you believes until his desires are in accordance with what I have brought."is mass transmitted

Imam Nawawi was from the only few to class it as saheeh, while the vast majority of muhaditheen and other scholars (Albani) have classed this narration as weak

قال ابن عساكر : " حديث غريب " .
وقال ابن رجب : " تصحيح هذا الحديث بعيد جداً " .
وضعفه الشيخ محمد ناصر الدين الألباني .

قلت : نعيم ضعيف ، وفيه مقال معروف .

و عقبة بن أوس لم يثبت له سماع من ابن عمرو .

فتبين مما سبق أن للحديث ثلاث علل :
1- ضعف نعيم بن حماد .
2- اضطراب نعيم فيه .
3- انقطاعه بين عقبة بن أوس ، وعبدالله بن عمرو .

ومع هذا صححه أبونعيم بإخراجه له في " الأربعين " !
والنووي في " الأربعين " ( رقم 41 ) !
وقال ابن حجر في " الفتح " ( ج13 / ص289 ) : " رجاله ثقات " !
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Hani on July 29, 2015, 12:16:33 AM
Again al-Albani said in al-Hashiyah:

فقد اختلفوا اختلافا كثيرا في عدده

[They differed greatly in its required numbers]

Meaning, what is Mutawatir for you is not Mutawatir for me. If you think 12 distinct chains are Mutawatir I think 20 etc...

He also adds:

بل يعتبر ما يفيد العلم على حسب العادة في سكون النفس إليهم

[What is considered is what gives certainty (in its authenticity) and makes one at ease]

وعدم تأتي التواطؤ على الكذب منهم ، إما لفرط كثرتهم ، وإما لصلاحهم ودينهم ونحو ذلك

[And that its narrators did not conspire to lie either because of their number or piety and the like]

Well here's the thing, seeing as though the Rafidah are compulsive liars and seeing as they fabricated hundreds of reports, I don't really feel at "ease" unless I see one authentic chain out of the seven or nine chains present. We already have sufficient evidence of mass-fabrications by the Rafidah and surely political motives were also there.

I'll look into it more (Farid can also participate)
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Moin on July 29, 2015, 05:09:22 PM
The claim that a narration with multiple chains is not to be analysed is when the many chains gather on a common narrator.

Suppose twenty people narrate a narration from Ali (ra). So the quote claim that the status of these twenty narrators are not to be checked as they are two many. This is considerable opinion. But the question, which many people ignore while reading these quote is, whether the isnad is authentic till these twenty people or not? Unless it is authentically established that these twenty people have really claimed to have heard this from Ali there is no point applying the rule as the narration is apparently mutawatir from Ali not from the twenty sub narrators.

I give an example for it.. The hadith that actions depends on intention is solely reported from the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) by Umar, and from him only alqama narrates it, and from alqama only Muhammad b. Ibrahim at-Taimi narrates it, and from at-Taimi only Yahya b. Saeed al-Ansari narrates it. But from al-Ansari a huge number of people have heard it.
So this narration is a had from Prophet, Umar, Alqama and at-Taimi, but mutawatir from Yahya b. Saeed.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on September 29, 2015, 04:08:28 AM
Because of the holiday, i was not able to continue. But with the permission of the almighty ill finish this work.

Narration #2

 حدثنا علي بن محمد بن علي بن الحسن بن بكير البسطامي قال : حدثني محمد بن يعقوب بن اسحاق قال حدثني أحمد بن مخلد قال حدثني أحمد بن يحيى عن أحمد بن محمد الخوارزمي عن أبي الحفص الأعمش عن عاصم ابن عمرو عن جابر بن عبد الله قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و اله وسلم : (( علي خير البشر من شك فيه فقد كفر

Ali bin Muhammad Al-Bastami - Muhammad bin Yaqub bin Ishaq - Ahmad bin Mukhallad - Ahmad bin Yahya Al-Khawarizmy - Abi Al-Hafs Al-Amash - Aasim ibn Amro - Jabir bin Abdilllah said: Rasullallah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: Ali is the best of creation,whoever doubts,  then he has disbelieved.

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Al-Amash is majhool.

Narration #3

حدثنا أبو الفضل محمد بن عبد ال الكوفي رحمه ال ، قال حدثني محمد بن جرير الطبري قال حدثني أبو كريب محمد بن علء عن وكيع عن العمش عن عطية قال : دخلنا على جابر بن عبد الله  و قد سقط حاجباه على عينيه ، فقلنا : أخبرنا عن هذا الرجل علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلم ؟ فرفع حاجبيه بيده و قال : (( ذاك خير البشر

Abu Al-Fadhl - Muhammad bin Jarir At-Tabari - Abu Kuraib - Wakii - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: [...] I went to Jabir bin Abdullah [..] and said: Tell me about this man Ali bin Talib. [...] He said: This (men) is the best of creation.

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool

Note: Same Narration and Chain as mentioned in Fadhail As-Sahaba by Imam Ahmad - refer Narration #6.9, Post #16

Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on September 29, 2015, 06:34:53 PM
Addition to Narration #3: Abu Kuraib or Abu Kareeb should be majhool as well.

Narration #4

حدثنا الشريف أبو محمد القاسم بن علي العلوي رحمه ال قال : حدثني محمد بن عمرو الحافظ ، قال حدثني الحسن بن إبراهيم قال حدثني القاسم بن الخليفة عن أبي يحيى التميمي ، العمش ، عن عطية قال : قلنا لجابر : ما كان علي عليه السلم فيكم ؟ فرفع حاجبيه ثم قال : (( هاه ، كان خير البشر

Al-Shareef Abu Muhammad Al-Alawi - Muhammad bin Amro - Al-Hassan bin Ibrahim - Al-Qasim bin Al-Khalifah - Yahya At-Tamimi - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: We said to Jabir: What was Ali among you? [...] He said: He was the best of creation.

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Al-Amash and Attiyah are both majhool.

Narration #5

 عن أبي معاوية عن العمش عن عطية قال  قلت لجابر بن عبد الله : اي رجل كان علي عليه السلم فيكم ؟ فرفع ( رأسه و قال :  علي عليه السلم خير البشر ، وما شك فيه إل منافق

Abi Muawiyah - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: We said to Jabir: What kind of man is Ali among you? [...] He said: He was the best of creation, no one except hypocrite would be in doubt about that.

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Al-Amash and Attiyah are both majhool.

Narration #6

قال أبو كريب : رفع بصره إلى و قال : (( أوليس ذاك خير البشر و ماشك فيه إل منافق ؟

Abu Kareeb or Abu Kuraib said[...]: Is he (Ali) not the best of creation and no one except hypocrite would be in doubt about that ?

grading: weak

1) Abu Kareeb or Abu Kuraib, majhool.
2) No Isnad (chain)

Narration #7

قال عبد الله  بن يزيد و حدثني محمد بن طريف عن وكيع عن العمش عن عطية عن جابر قال : خير الناس أو قال خير البشر و ما شك فيه إل منافق

Abdullah bin Yazid and Muhammad bin Tareef - Wakii - Al-Amash - Attiyyah - Jabir said: He was the best of men or best of mankind and no one except hypocrite would be in doubt about that

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Al-Amash and Attiyah are both majhool.

Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Ebn Hussein on October 01, 2015, 06:23:57 AM
Ironically it is the Shia who claim they will smash any hadith against the wall if it is against the Qur'an, yet due to their exaggeration with Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) they always do the opposite (ignore the Qur'an and logic in favour of fabrications and weak hadith), they don't even realise that this hadith is completely against the foundations of Islam, no Sahih hadith is even needed to prove that, but there actually is a Sahih hadtih:

"I will be the leader (or master) of the children of Adam on the Day of Resurrection, and I will be the first intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted.”

[Source: Sahih Muslim 2278 .Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Imam Muslim]


أَبُو هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَنَا سَيِّدُ وَلَدِ آدَمَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَأَوَّلُ مَنْ يَنْشَقُّ عَنْهُ الْقَبْرُ وَأَوَّلُ شَافِعٍ وَأَوَّلُ مُشَفَّعٍ

2278 صحيح مسلم كِتَاب الْفَضَائِلِ بَاب تَفْضِيلِ نَبِيِّنَا صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَلَى جَمِيعِ الْخَلَائِقِ

Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Optimus Prime on October 01, 2015, 02:17:12 PM
Jazak'Allah for this.
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: Bolani Muslim on October 01, 2015, 09:29:59 PM
It's 5655 on here:  Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: I shall be pre-eminent amongst the descendants of Adam on the Day of Resurrection and I will be the first intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted (by Allah).
Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on October 08, 2015, 03:50:31 PM
Narration #8

لفظ مالك بن إسماعيل و قال : حدثنا عبد الله  بجلي عن أبي كريب عن ابن نمير عن العمش عن عطية قال : دخلنا على جابر بعد أن كبر ووقع حاجباه على عينيه ، فقلنا له : ما كنتم تعدون عليا فيكم ؟ قال : (( يا غلم ارفع ، ذاك خير البشر – أو من خير البشر

Malik bin Ismail - Abdullah Al-Bajli - Abu Kareeb or Abu Kuraib - Ibn Numair - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: We went to Jabir [...] and asked: What was Ali among you? [...] He said: [...] He was the best of creation or among the best of creation

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool.
3) Abu Kuraib or Abu Kareeb should be majhool as well. 

Note: The narration says, he is the best of creation or one of the best creation. The last one is true, because Ali (ra)was without any doubt one of the best creation!

No need to check rest of the sanad because Al-Amash and Attiyah are both majhool and Abu Kuraib or Abu Kareeb should be majhool aswell.

Narration #9

حدثنا محمد بن محمد الكفي  قال حدثني أحمد بن محمد بن سعيد قال : حدثني محمد بن الحسن القطواني قال حدثني إبراهيم بن هراسة عن سويد عن العمش عن عطية قال سئل جابر بن عبد الله  عن علي عليه السلم ؟ فقال : (( ذاك خير الناس

Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Kufi - Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Said - Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Qatawani - Ibrahim bin Harasah - Suwaid - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: I asked Jabir bin Abdullah about Ali He said: He was the best of people.

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Al-Amash and Attiyah are both majhool.

Narration #10

حدثنا علي بن محمد بن علي القمي قال حدثني أحمد بن محمد بن سعيد قال حدثني محمد بن الحسن الكندي عن اسماعيل بن موسى عن شريك عن الأعمش عن عطية عن جابر بن الله : أنه سئل عن علي عليه السلام ؟ فقال : (( ذلك خير البشر ))

Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Kufi - Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Said - Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Qatawani - Ibrahim bin Harasah - Suwaid - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: I asked Jabir bin Abdullah about Ali He said: He was the best of people.

grading: weak

1) Shareek, majhool.
2) Al-Amash, majhool.
3) Attiyyah, majhool.

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Shareek, Al-Amash and Attiyah are majhool.

Narration #11

حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله الكوفي قال حدثني محمد بن جرير قال حدثني محمد بن اسماعيل عن الحماني عن شريك عن الأعمش عن عطية العوفي عن جابر بن عبد الله قال : (( ذاك خير البشر يعني علياً عليه السلام ))

Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Kufi - Muhammad bin Jarir - Muhammad bin Ismail - Al-Hamaani - Shareek - Al-Amash - Attiyyah - Jabir said: He was the best of creation, yani Ali (as).

grading: weak

1) Shareek, majhool.
2) Al-Amash, majhool.
3) Attiyyah, majhool.

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Shareek, Al-Amash and Attiyah are majhool.

to be continued...

Title: Re: Refutation: Ali best of men
Post by: zichan on October 12, 2015, 08:57:51 PM
Narration #12

وبإسناده عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن اسماعيل بن أبان الوراق عن مندل عن الأعمش عن عطية العوفي قال : سألت جابراً بعد ما كبر وسقط حاجباه على عينيه قلت : أي رجل تعدون علياً عليه السلام فيكم ؟ فرفع رأسه إلي وقال : ذاك خير البشر

Muhammad bin Ismail - Ismail bin Aban Al-Warraq - Mundil - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: We asked Jabir[...]:  What kind of man is Ali among you?  [...] He said: He was the best of creation.
grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool.

Note: Same Narration and Chain till Amash as mentioned in Nawader Al-Athar - refer Narration #5, Post #33
No need to check rest of the sanad because Al-Amash and Attiyah are both majhool.

Narration #13

حدثنا محمد بن إسماعيل عن عبيد الله بن موسى عن فطر بن خليفة ( قطر بن حذيفة في نسخه ) عن عطية العوفي قال سألت جابر بن عبد الله عن علي عليه السلام ؟ فقال : (( ذاك خير البشر

Muhammad bin Ismail - Ubaydullah bin Musa - Futr bin Khalifah (in another print 'Futr bin Hudhaifah') - Attiyyah  Al-Awfi said: I asked Jabir bin Abdullah about Ali (as). He said: He was the best of people.

grading: weak

1) Attiyyah, majhool.

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Attiyah is majhool (unknown).

Narration #14

حدثنا علي بن محمد بن علي بن الحسن البسطامي الهروي ، قال حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب بن اسحاق الهروي قال حدثني الحسن بن علي ابن عفان عن ابن نمير عن الأعمش عن عطية قال : دخلنا على جابر بن عبد الله بعد ما كبر و احمر ووقع حاجباه على عينيه ، فقلنا له : ما كنتم تعدون علياً عليه السلام فيكم ؟ : قال (( يا غلام ارفع ، ذلك خير البشر

Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Hassan Al-Bastami  - Muhammad bin Yaqub bin Ishaq - Al-Hassan bin Ali bin Affan - Ibn Numair - Al-Amash - Attiyyah said: We went to Jabir [...] and asked: What was Ali among you? [...] He said: [...] He was the best of creation.

grading: weak

1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool.

Note: A little bit different wording, but similar Narration and Chain till Al-Amash as mentioned in Nawader Al-Athar - refer "Narration #3, Post #32" , "Narration #4, Post #33" and "Narration #5, Post #33" and "Narration #12, Post #38" and same narration and chain till Ibn Numair as mentioned in Nawader Al-Athar - refer "Narration #8, Post #37"

No need to check rest of the sanad (chain) because Al-Amash and Attiyah are majhool.

Narration #15

حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن بكر قال حدثني محمد بن يعقوب بن اسحاق الهروي قال حدثني الحسن بن الفضل قال حدثني عبد العزيز بن الخطاب عن ابن مسعود و سعد عن الأعمش عن عطية عن جابر بن عبد الله قال : قيل له : كيف كانت منزلة علي عليه السلام فيكم ؟ قال : (( ذاك خير البشر

Ali bin al-Hassan bin Bakr - Muhammad bin Yaqub bin Ishaq - Al-Hassan bin
Al-Fadhl - Abdul-’Aziz bin al-Khattab - Ibn Masud and  Sad - Al-Amash - Attiyyah - Jabir said: It was said to him: What was the position of Ali among you ? He said: He was the best of creation.

grading: weak

first way:

1) Abdul Aziz bin Al-Khattab, majhool. (refer: Mustadrakat Ilm Al-Hadith, vol. 4, pg.440 by Shahroodi)

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because Abdul Aziz bin Al-Khattab is majhool.

second way:
1) Al-Amash, majhool.
2) Attiyyah, majhool.

Note: No need to check rest of the sanad because , Al-Amash and Attiyah are majhool.

to be continued...