Ice man
Personality worship??? The personalities whom I they move atoms?? Do they help when I call their names??
"Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help." Quran[1:5]"
Do I alter Quran meanings to accommodate alien ideas about superimams?? Do I hang pictures of any personality of Sahaba ra?

You really need to look at yourself and your below average arguments, honestly it's kindergarten stuff.
Again......assumptions and lies......assumptions and lies again and again and again, please TRY to bring forth real evidences and not just some Tyre head made up fairytales so as he can get his khums paid.
you have nothing on the Sahaba ra just stories they never hated or killed each other especially the first khulafa ra, as for Ameer muawiya ra lol honestly you have NOTHING, He muawiya ra NEVER cursed Ali ra, it's just the same way your tyre heads teach you to twist AUTHORITY in Quran to DIVINE AUTHORITY, and now look at how stupid you really look cos there is no DIVINITY to appointing the I said you're stuck in a rut and your sinking so now you will use unauthentic reports as proof for your next Shiite move......discredit the Sahaba ra, talk about desperate measures lol
My friend even a kindergarten kid will explain to you the same as an adult that........there is NO DIVINE APPOINTMENT........unless you make it up in your head, your stuck, how hard can it be to point out DIVINE APPOINTMENT in Quran, it's an EASY book to read and understand as a Muslim but why oh why do you have to into semantics just to explain that verse?? You have NOTHING!
What a CRANK no honestly I mean it, your age shows in this paragraph bout yazeed being selected by shura???.........go back and READ genuine history and don't listen to pulpit monkey talk honestly it's good advice, nothing else to add here coz it's your crazy mad assumptions and hate again.
Again assumptions theories ANYTHING to attack from ANY angle even if it means lies lol
It doesn't matter what you think it's based on hearsay and lies.......and you still believe it, lol.
Ours does make sense here I will break it down for a childish mind like yourself coz you don't seem to wanna open your eyes to the truth
Sahaba ra were successful in implementing Islam and spreading it throughout the world they are WELL RENOWNED to Muslims as well as non Muslims the history is there ( the 12 leaders Hadith), we Muslims don't need to twist quranic meanings or use unauthentic information to come to our conclusions about Sahaba ra why because Allah swt is well pleased with them (Quran) verse 9/100 (CLEAR) as well as many Hadith from Prophet saw all clear, they adopted shura from following Prophet saw as well as the noble Quran, it was the prophetic way for Prophet saw NEVER APPOINTED nor did Allah swt.
As for imams ra they never ruled but a few and we're never successful (goes against the 12 leader Hadith coz they weren't successful as the Hadith states), now to add weight to your DIVINE APPOINTMENT theory you are TWISTING "authority" in Quran to mean DIVINE adding meanings to words in Quran to adopt the of Shiite way of thinking that imams are divine, here is the ayah and the readers can see and find the divinity of imams there..............
........"O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result."
Without semantics anyone???
Shura = mentioned in Quran implemented and used by Prophet saw and His followers ra
Divine imam/appointment = Nothing in Quran and sunnah and was never heard of unless you read unauthentic history books
You really need to move on, Shiite arguments for divinity imams is old and you have nothing but heresay, look at your posts not even 1 where you can explain a verse as it says what it says unless you go in deep explanation and semantics.
I caught you using other websites questions to answer here as if we couldn't or you would catch us out......very kiddish......and now LOOK you are stuck trying to defend that same alien concept you tried to catch us out on them stupid 10 questions.........we Muslims see you coming 😊