
Sunnah or Ahlul-Bayt? Blade Runner & Sword of Hassan VS Ali Dawah, Dawood etc

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Qamar Farooq

Hello Brothers. Here are the rafidah again spreading their filth all over again. I saw brother Ebn Hussain's challenge and i have come to the conclusion that most likely another debate will never materialize. Having said that, we can still refute these fools. Below is another debate the rafidah group were having with some layman Sunni's. My recommendation is to make an edited video like "Educational Sunni-Shia discussion | Al-Tabligh Verse & Ghadir Khumm" which is on The Sunni Defense channel using the content from the video below and you guys can refute it just like you did in the Ghadir Khumm video. Another recommendation would be that you can do a podcast's in the future over these videos. You can play it along and pause it at specific times and refute their points. That would be much better. I am literally starving for more video content on 'The Sunni Defense' channel. Please keep churning out videos and/or podcasts. May Allah bless you all for your hard work.   

A shout out to Adnan Rashid, and Abu Ismail to please come to the park and keep on refuting and exposing these filthy Rafidah. I watched Adnan Rashid's debate on the channel 'content over everything' with the black Isa and it was very informative.



I wonder what will happen with this challenge [accepted by Ebn Hussain] and other similar ones since normally the Twelvers play the good cop-bad cop game: A certain Shia group comes out aggressively against the Ummah of Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and hurls insults at us and our predecessors in faith, and other Shias act innocent and say that such a group "does not represent Shias in any form or way, rather they are Akhbaris and agents of Zionists!".

We have seen it with Mr. Yasir Habib, Mr. Allahyari, Mr. Nakhshawani and their talks and challenges, there is no reason to think the Bayat al-Ghadeer or Blade Runner Shia groups and their challenges would be manipulated any differently by Shia governmental representatives, Hawza representatives or others since this is their manner of operation.


I envy you brothers in England. We don't have any of these street level debates in Canada.


We have seen it with Mr. Yasir Habib, Mr. Allahyari, Mr. Nakhshawani and their talks and challenges, there is no reason to think the Bayat al-Ghadeer or Blade Runner Shia groups and their challenges would be manipulated any differently by Shia governmental representatives, Hawza representatives or others since this is their manner of operation.

I actually respect Yassir Habib and Allahyari because at least they are straight up. This bladerunner is always trying to claim that he doesn't have any takfeeri views against the sahaba, yet he wants to bring Quranic proof that Ayesha lied?
Yes, when the Imams cursed Hisham ibn Hakam and Zurara that's supposed to be dismissed with taqiyyah?


I actually respect Yassir Habib and Allahyari because at least they are straight up. This bladerunner is always trying to claim that he doesn't have any takfeeri views against the sahaba, yet he wants to bring Quranic proof that Ayesha lied?
Yes, when the Imams cursed Hisham ibn Hakam and Zurara that's supposed to be dismissed with taqiyyah?

I am sure many would find it more reasonable if Sunnis and Shias did start debates with the assumption of the other side being Disbelievers [and their logical entailments such as the Sahabah and the Ummah at large as far as per the Shia claim against Sunnism]: Then, making Takfeer is a non-starter since it is already known this is the opponent's position and emotions cannot be aroused by means of that, the actual objections would have to come out with more rigor, just like we show why Christians or Jews or Hindus are wrong and must accept the truth.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 01:58:42 PM by MuslimAnswers »


Ridiculous honestly.........

.........30 warriors came to speakers corner......are these part of the 313 the hidden fake Mahdi needs so he can lead? They only need 283 more, I think wait another 1400 years and you will get 30 more.😂

 Shiite gangstas soon they’ll be pooping off shots sorry popping😜

Why are Shiites jealous? Is it jealousy, it seems like that. Why trample on our space? Why not challenge the non Muslims according to shiite way of thought? Why o why do Shiites always try and take our lime light? I mean 30 idiots come like a pack of wolves only to debate Sunni and that too with the ones of hardly no knowledge on shiitism, what’s the point? The only ones who benefit are non Muslims.
Why are Shiites so short sighted?
When the big boys did come..........No Shiite warrior was to be seen, they let out 2 old men to deal with Muhammad hijab😂😂😂😂👍


The brothers on speakers corner like Muhammad hijab and my favourite bro Mansour ( on the linguistic miracles of the Quran) as well as others I do watch and love it as they debate other faiths and atheists mashallah we gain a lot of knowledge from them I would usually sit down end of the night and watch these videos that helped me learn as well as others. Alhamdulillah.

Any 30 warriors is welcome in here to debate.......word up!😁


I am sure many would find it more reasonable if Sunnis and Shias did start debates with the assumption of the other side being Disbelievers [and their logical entailments such as the Sahabah and the Ummah at large as far as per the Shia claim against Sunnism]: Then, making Takfeer is a non-starter since it is already known this is the opponent's position and emotions cannot be aroused by means of that, the actual objections would have to come out with more rigor, just like we show why Christians or Jews or Hindus are wrong and must accept the truth.

Spot on brother Muslim.👍


I envy you brothers in England. We don't have any of these street level debates in Canada.

As we Afghans say, "dhol (the drums used in the Indian subcontinent) sounds good from far (from a distance)".  If you're too close to it, you will soon be experiencing a headache.  This is how I see these debates at Speakers Corner.  I watch them for knowledge and entertainment, from the comfort of my home, but when I have had enough, I switch it off.  Imagine driving around a park and seeing brothers argue excessively....for no reason!  I hope they have daytime jobs which enable them to make a positive contribution to the society in which they live.  Believe me, there is dawah in what you say but there is higher dawah in what you do.  The most inquisitive people I have met (with the most respect for Islam and sincerity to know more about it) are my coworkers.  They see me come in, do my work and organize my day around my daily prayers (for the most part).  That dawah is also very necessary and I'm a far bigger proponent of that form of dawah than what we see at Speakers Corner.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


I've been on the forums for 14 years. I have seen people from both sides max out after a couple years. However, my enthusiasm never dies. So a street level debate would be even nicer. 


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
As we Afghans say, "dhol (the drums used in the Indian subcontinent) sounds good from far (from a distance)".  If you're too close to it, you will soon be experiencing a headache.  This is how I see these debates at Speakers Corner.  I watch them for knowledge and entertainment, from the comfort of my home, but when I have had enough, I switch it off.  Imagine driving around a park and seeing brothers argue excessively....for no reason!  I hope they have daytime jobs which enable them to make a positive contribution to the society in which they live.  Believe me, there is dawah in what you say but there is higher dawah in what you do.  The most inquisitive people I have met (with the most respect for Islam and sincerity to know more about it) are my coworkers.  They see me come in, do my work and organize my day around my daily prayers (for the most part).  That dawah is also very necessary and I'm a far bigger proponent of that form of dawah than what we see at Speakers Corner.

Having visited England a few times, let me explain to you what it is actually about: It is a massive park next to a massive round about. It's not a small village where Londonders pass through and see what's going on. You actual need to go that that particular part of that park (Hyde Park) and even then, it is packed with other speakers (Zionists, Evangelists, Atheists etc.). Also it is only on Sundays brothers where most people are off work.


Having visited England a few times, let me explain to you what it is actually about: It is a massive park next to a massive round about. It's not a small village where Londonders pass through and see what's going on. You actual need to go that that particular part of that park (Hyde Park) and even then, it is packed with other speakers (Zionists, Evangelists, Atheists etc.). Also it is only on Sundays brothers where most people are off work.

Yes, from the little I could see, it seemed like on (or by) a round-about.  And yes, I knew there are a plethora of people that show up there (Zionists, Evangelists, Atheists, etc) with most of them preceding Muslims in this practice (of showing up and debating people).  Lastly, thank you for clarifying the rest :)
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


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