
TS Article: The Prophet (SAWS) only gets angry for Fatima (ra)

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Re: TS Article: The Prophet (SAWS) only gets angry for Fatima (ra)
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2016, 01:52:14 PM »
You need men to accept that condition, most men at the time would not accept a woman if she places a condition that he cannot re-marry. So fathers would have a hard time marrying off their daughters and would have to submit to reality.

In our days almost no one intends to marry more than one, so conditions like these will be acceptable today.

The issue with young married couples today is that they don't place any conditions nor are they educated about the rights and responsibilities of marriage in general. They rush into marriage like raging bulls and then run into walls. They never do the same when applying for jobs or signing university papers, in those cases you'll see them being extra cautious and will research thoroughly, yet in marriage they're wild oxen.

Allah's emphasis on the hardships encountered when trying to be just between more than one woman shows that the entire matter is disliked and that it is a door He opened ONLY for specific situations and to solve certain social issues.

I believe we could use these hadiths as well as Quranic ayah where ALLAH (SWT) talks about hardships men engaged in polygamy would face regarding justice between his wives to be used as evidence for the validity of inserting this Condition (of prohibiting man from engaging in polygamy) during the marriage with woman.

If a man disagrees regarding the condition of monogamy imposed on him then this would beforehand let us know about his intention and it would be better not to let the girl marry such a man. However if the girl or her parents have no issue regarding the man engaging in polygamy then they could let the girl marry that man.


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