There is no doubting that Abu Bakr's appointment to the caliphate was done in haste, and doesn't truly represent the ideal manner in the way it should have been organised. Having said that, there was little choice because a civil war was then only moments away.
One point you need to consider, is there was not much opposition from any companions except in the way it was conducted. This is why the Banu Hashim were clearly furious. There is a difference. The exception to this was Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah.
You also have to remember that the Battle of Rida took place during this time. All the companions of Madinah rallied around Abu Bakr, and he sent them to deal with those murtads who refused to pay Zakat, and those who claimed Prophethood. Both expeditions were a resounding success. Now, whether you believe these expeditions were just in their own right, the fact is you can't kick start such an enterprise if you didn't have the support of your local community, and troops. Just because there was no register available accounting for everyone's vote doesn't mean they were opposed for reasons mentioned above.
Don't forget 'Ali was also declared the Calipah in the spur of the moment in similar circumstances. 'Ali's plead for democratic election was knocked for 6. The people realised the fitna that was brewing in all sectors of the Ummah had to be quelled, so 'Ali accepted their oath of allegiance
despite a number of companions not being present.
It is suffice to say Abu Bakr's rise to leadership was not carried out in the ideal manner, but it doesn't render illegitimate either. Strangely, and ironically enough, there is a narration where Abu Bakr offered everyone a re-collection, but 'Ali of all people refused this idea, and insisted he remains in office, so he did!

Abu Bakr (ra) took the Bay`ah at Saqifa and then it was followed by the general Bay`ah from the nation at the Prophet’s (SAWS) mosque, later `Ali (ra) and al-Zubayr (ra) came to offer their Bay`ah to him as we read, and this is what happened after it.
حدثنا أبو حفص عمر بن أيوب السقطي ، قال : حدثنا محمد بن معاوية بن مالج ، قال : حدثنا علي بن هاشم ، عن أبيه ، عن أبي الجحاف ، قال : قام أبو بكر رضي الله عنه بعدما بويع له وبايع له علي رضي الله عنه وأصحابه قام ثلاثا ، يقول : ” أيها الناس ، قد أقلتكم بيعتكم هل من كاره ؟ قال : فيقوم علي رضي الله عنه أوائل الناس يقول : ” لا والله لا نقيلك ، ولا نستقيلك قدمك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فمن ذا الذي يؤخرك ”
[abu Hafs `Umar bin Ayyub al-Siqati told us, Muhammad bin Mu`awiyah bin Malaj said, `Ali bin Hisham told us, from his father, from abu al-Jahhaf that he said:
Abu Bakr (ra) stood up three times after he received Bay`ah from `Ali (ra) and his companions, saying: “O people, I shall return your Bay`ah to you, does anyone dislike this?” he said: So `Ali (ra) would stand among the first of them and say: “No by Allah we shall not let you retire, if the messenger of Allah (SAWS) placed you ahead (means leading Salat), then who can put you behind?”]source: al-Shari`ah lil-Aajurri (b.280 – d.360 AH)
This narration does not originate from “Nawasib”, it has three narrators who are Shia:
1- `Ali bin Hashim is a Kufan who is a
Shia and is from a
Shia family but is “Saduq”.
2- His father, Hashim bin Burayd is a
stubborn Shia, but is a Thiqah.
3- Dawoud bin Suwayd is an
extremist Shia from Kufa, but his narrations are authenticated by Ahmad, al-Thawri, al-Nasa’i, al-`Asqalani & al-Razi.
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