
How did Al-Hussain save Islam?

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Re: How did Al-Hussain save Islam?
« Reply #60 on: October 14, 2017, 12:48:30 AM »
@zlatan: you just seem to keep digging a hole bigger & bigger each time.

Abu Bakr, according to your sect set the precedent for yazeed so all this public & private kufr is desperation.

You seem to be angry & venting it out that the legend folklore of an emtional blackmail tale you were told has been watered down to a more real setting.


Re: How did Al-Hussain save Islam?
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2017, 02:20:11 AM »
imam ali bin hussein was present during the event of karbala.
he's the one who said the martyrdom of imam hussein was to save islam and not, as alleged by yazid, a waste of life.
people then, as people now, wondered how islam was saved?
imam ali bin hussein himself provided the answer. unfortunately, most didn't comprehend it.

this is my take on the confusion of some people about imam ali/hassan/hussein's actions.
after the demise of the prophet, some people hated that both prophethood and caliphate be confined to Banu Hashim's family. some prominent companions sought it for themselves, and were able to obtain it. there's some report about the dialogue between hazrat umar and hazrat ibn abbas concerning this matter.  so it's not really a concoction out of thin air.
this was the scenario confronting imam ali.
the muslims at large accepted, the actions/sayings of the then caliphs, as a law in islam.

when imam hassan made a treaty with muawiyyah, a condition was initiated whereby muslims at large could see that political power does not denote religious authority. how was this set into motion? muawiyah revoked the treaty made, unjustly.
the killing of imam hussein sealed the fate of poitical power denotes religous authority. hence, saving islam from being disfigured by any future ruling kings of islam.

Abu Muhammad

Re: How did Al-Hussain save Islam?
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2017, 03:37:05 AM »
imam ali bin hussein was present during the event of karbala.
he's the one who said the martyrdom of imam hussein was to save islam and not, as alleged by yazid, a waste of life.
people then, as people now, wondered how islam was saved?
imam ali bin hussein himself provided the answer. unfortunately, most didn't comprehend it.

Could you provide the exact narrations of Ali ibn Hussein (those in red above) and their references as well.


Re: How did Al-Hussain save Islam?
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2017, 02:58:39 PM »
there were many more companions with higher status than husayn ra who died fighting for Islam and yet no shia will ever say that their martyrdom was acts which saved Islam. Many companions were martyred fighting the hypocrites & apostates, their sacrifice saved a young islamic nation in from being completelly destroyed. Those acts were of much greater significance in saving the future of Islam, or what about the battle of Badr & other battles of early Islam? Islam was corrupted since day 1 according to you, so why then imam decided to save Islam decades later if it was really about saving Islam? Shia narrative is just to weak to stand any scrutiny. Too much contradiction.
bump, any shia care to respond? Why not those other companions and why imam saved Islam decades later if shia believe its corrupted since Abu Bakr? Please dont write a long essay 😆


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