Ok for instance let accept people were capable enough to appoint their ruler but then what exactly did abu bakr did in 2 and half year of his rule that people were so backtracked that abu bakr had to choose from them a ruler?? Something really must be wrong in his rule that people were no longer capable to select on their own.
Point to ponder.
It is historically recorded that Abu Bakr only chose `Umar because the people asked him to pick a leader and insisted on him.
Once again you speak without knowing thr facts. In truth people considered and challenged the appointment of Umar.
I am still waiting for answer. All you guys are doing are changing the topic and running around the bush
The answer is that on the request of Muslims, and after consultation with prominent Muslims, Abu bakr(AS) appointed Umar(AS) as his successor. As for challenging the appointment of Umar(AS), then no one challenged it due to the imaginary reason that Ali(AS) was appointed as Caliph. No not at all. So it doesn't serves your purpose.
وأخرج ابن عساكر عن يسار بن حمزة قال: َلمَّا َثقِ َ ل أبو بكر اشرف على النَّا ِ س من كوة
فقال: أيها النَّاس إني قد عهدت عهدًا، أفترضون به، فقال النَّاس: رضينا يا خليفة رسول الله،
فقام عليٌ فقال: لا نرضى إلا أن يكون عمر، قال: َفِإنَّهُ عُمَر، ذكر ذلك السيوطي في “تاريخ
Ibn Asakir related that Yasar Ibn Hamzah said: When Abu Bakr got gravely ill, he appeared to people from a small window; he said to them: “O people I have decided to entrust somebody to the caliphate, are you going to accept that ?” The people said: “We accepted that O the Caliph (successor) of the Messenger of Allah.”
^Ali Ibn Abi Talib stood and said: “We will never accept other than ^Umar.” Abu Bakr said: “It will be Umar.” This was mentioned by as-Suyutiyy in the “Tarikh al-Khulafa’”.