
BBC to post undercover mutah documentary

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Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #100 on: December 20, 2019, 11:05:10 AM »
Iceman's main defence of shia beliefs/countries just tends to be a response composed of "what about xyz sunni belief/country!?" and in most cases when he does his whatabouttery, his ideas about the sunni belief/country is often false or it's not even a sunni belief or sunnis don't even support that country in it's action.

Let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that misyar or halala are practiced throughout the sunni world and that they both have scholarly backing. Even then it doesn't make mutah any less worse. If my brother kicks a cat and I tell him he's wrong and he replies "yes but what about you kicking that chicken...", my kicking the chicken does not make his action of kicking the cat right or excuse it.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 11:10:31 AM by Adil »


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #101 on: December 20, 2019, 11:17:11 AM »
Iceman's main defence of shia beliefs/countries just tends to be a response composed of "what about xyz sunni belief/country!?" and in most cases when he does his whatabouttery, his ideas about the sunni belief/country is often false or it's not even a sunni belief or sunnis don't even support that country in it's action.

"Iceman's main defence of shia beliefs/countries just tends to be a response composed of "what about xyz sunni belief/country"

Allow me to correct this,  my defence is not about Shia beliefs and countries, it's about reality and the truth and asking you for explanation and reasoning. It's about you constantly attacking anything and anyone who has to do and is associated with Shiaism. And that is on grudge, not on reality and facts.

I'm just bringing out your grudge against the Shia belief and proving that everything you start and say is based on that grudge. This is where your world begins and ends unfortunately.

"his ideas about the sunni belief/country is often false or it's not even a sunni belief or sunnis don't even support that country in it's action"

Well bring it and put it out just as quick as you are about Iran. Don't make me drag it out of you.


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #102 on: December 20, 2019, 04:02:59 PM »
"Iceman's main defence of shia beliefs/countries just tends to be a response composed of "what about xyz sunni belief/country"

Allow me to correct this,  my defence is not about Shia beliefs and countries, it's about reality and the truth and asking you for explanation and reasoning. It's about you constantly attacking anything and anyone who has to do and is associated with Shiaism. And that is on grudge, not on reality and facts.

I'm just bringing out your grudge against the Shia belief and proving that everything you start and say is based on that grudge. This is where your world begins and ends unfortunately.

"his ideas about the sunni belief/country is often false or it's not even a sunni belief or sunnis don't even support that country in it's action"

Well bring it and put it out just as quick as you are about Iran. Don't make me drag it out of you.

Iceman comes on website which aims to destroy shiaism
> Iceman shocked when users constantly attack shiaism

If twelver shiaism didn't stand for shirk, pagan-like practices, attacks on Islamic figures, threaten the life and faith of Muslims, then I wouldn't have a grudge. But it does stand for those things and so we have a grudge. I have a grudge against secularism and liberalism too you know so it's not exactly limited to twelver shiaism lol.

Drag what?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 04:04:09 PM by Adil »


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #103 on: December 20, 2019, 04:11:55 PM »

Now what do we do here, do we do exactly the same as these anti shia propagandists  and use the above to try and tarnish the name of sunnis and start attacking the Sunni community over this. No. There is a clear difference between us and those who use the Sunni platform to launch strikes at us and those noble Sunnis who differ with them.

You regularly try to tarnish the name of sunnis, just today you said:

It's actually the other way around. Hussain and his group were massacred by the Muslim army on the orders of the Muslim Caliph. We Shias stand with oppressed against the oppressors. The oppressors are all sunni governments or Sunni militants. I talk on facts and you talk on grudge.

Shias are notorious for using the "all terrorists are sunni" line to gain politically. Anyone who disagrees with shias is called a terrorist sympathiser or extremist and anyone who falls for shia propaganda gets labelled a good sunni or as you said it "a noble sunni" lol. Your boy whoaretheshia used to pull a similar stunt on student forums except he used to call the sunnis who weren't so openly against shiaism "true sunnis".

You hate sunnis and Islam just as much as we hate twelver shiaism. Yet you always try to paint yourself as some great objective person who is not emotional at all and who has no grudges whatsoever.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 04:15:53 PM by Adil »


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #104 on: December 20, 2019, 08:54:19 PM »
Iceman comes on website which aims to destroy shiaism
> Iceman shocked when users constantly attack shiaism

If twelver shiaism didn't stand for shirk, pagan-like practices, attacks on Islamic figures, threaten the life and faith of Muslims, then I wouldn't have a grudge. But it does stand for those things and so we have a grudge. I have a grudge against secularism and liberalism too you know so it's not exactly limited to twelver shiaism lol.

Drag what?

I'm not shocked. This propaganda has been going on for nearly 1400 years. Nothing to be shocked about. Just dealing with the usual crap.

"If twelver shiaism didn't stand for shirk, pagan-like practices, attacks on Islamic figures, threaten the life and faith of Muslims"

Absolute rubbish. This is the usual crap. Let me give you an example of this "attacks on Islamic figures, threaten the life and faith of Muslims" Alqaida, Taliban, Sipa e Sahaba, Lashkar e Jangvi, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS etc tell me which ones are Shia.

You carry on bringing nonsense based on your grudge, and I'm here to deal with your crap. Someone has to take the garbage out. Not nice work but I'll take it out.


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #105 on: December 20, 2019, 09:01:30 PM »
You regularly try to tarnish the name of sunnis, just today you said:

Shias are notorious for using the "all terrorists are sunni" line to gain politically. Anyone who disagrees with shias is called a terrorist sympathiser or extremist and anyone who falls for shia propaganda gets labelled a good sunni or as you said it "a noble sunni" lol. Your boy whoaretheshia used to pull a similar stunt on student forums except he used to call the sunnis who weren't so openly against shiaism "true sunnis".

You hate sunnis and Islam just as much as we hate twelver shiaism. Yet you always try to paint yourself as some great objective person who is not emotional at all and who has no grudges whatsoever.

"You regularly try to tarnish the name of sunnis, just today you said"

Just said? Show me the regular, not just said. I don't call or consider you and your kind sunnis. You just use the Ahle Sunnah platform to dish out your garbage. I come from a mixed community. And I have relatives who are Sunnis. Neither do I see you as Sunnis and neither do they who are and happen to be Sunnis.

"You hate sunnis and Islam"

Absolute nonsense. You come out with such comments because you can't discuses. You just don't have it.


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #106 on: December 20, 2019, 10:46:04 PM »
"You regularly try to tarnish the name of sunnis, just today you said"

Just said? Show me the regular, not just said. I don't call or consider you and your kind sunnis. You just use the Ahle Sunnah platform to dish out your garbage. I come from a mixed community. And I have relatives who are Sunnis. Neither do I see you as Sunnis and neither do they who are and happen to be Sunnis.

"You hate sunnis and Islam"

Absolute nonsense. You come out with such comments because you can't discuses. You just don't have it.

I literally copy and pasted what you said. I can't show you it more plainer than that.

Ah yes, a shia dictating who is a sunni and who isn't. Good one.

You sound like one of those racists who hate on black people and then follow it up by saying "I have black friends". You know your friend whoaretheshia does the same thing? He hides his sunni hate behind "my cousin is a sunni...". It doesn't matter who your relatives are, you didn't choose them, you were simply born in that family. And a withll the hateful things you say about sunnis on here, well, say it to them in real life and you might find yourself in a bit of a family feud.

I don't have what lol?


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #107 on: December 20, 2019, 10:50:46 PM »
I'm not shocked. This propaganda has been going on for nearly 1400 years. Nothing to be shocked about. Just dealing with the usual crap.

"If twelver shiaism didn't stand for shirk, pagan-like practices, attacks on Islamic figures, threaten the life and faith of Muslims"

Absolute rubbish. This is the usual crap. Let me give you an example of this "attacks on Islamic figures, threaten the life and faith of Muslims" Alqaida, Taliban, Sipa e Sahaba, Lashkar e Jangvi, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS etc tell me which ones are Shia.

You carry on bringing nonsense based on your grudge, and I'm here to deal with your crap. Someone has to take the garbage out. Not nice work but I'll take it out.

Oh you want the names of shia terrorist groups? Here's some:

Remember that statistically, the assad regime and it's allies have carried out more rape, torture, murder, than any other side in the conflict. Surprising isn't it? A minority backed regime and it's minority group allies committed the most crimes. Gosh you guys even put ISIS to shame, even those criminals couldn't keep up (statistically) with the evil your groups & allies have done.

« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 10:56:59 PM by Adil »


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #108 on: December 21, 2019, 04:36:14 AM »
Oh you want the names of shia terrorist groups? Here's some:

Remember that statistically, the assad regime and it's allies have carried out more rape, torture, murder, than any other side in the conflict. Surprising isn't it? A minority backed regime and it's minority group allies committed the most crimes. Gosh you guys even put ISIS to shame, even those criminals couldn't keep up (statistically) with the evil your groups & allies have done.

Assad? Here we go again. It's either Assad or Iran, the Iraqi government or hizbullah. That's just about it for you. Assad was and is protecting it's people and country from these Sunni militants (ISIS) that are causing absolute havoc in the middle east. And Assad has been successful in holding on to power and not giving into these Sunni militants. Great job by Assad.


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #109 on: December 21, 2019, 04:40:17 AM »
I literally copy and pasted what you said. I can't show you it more plainer than that.

Ah yes, a shia dictating who is a sunni and who isn't. Good one.

You sound like one of those racists who hate on black people and then follow it up by saying "I have black friends". You know your friend whoaretheshia does the same thing? He hides his sunni hate behind "my cousin is a sunni...". It doesn't matter who your relatives are, you didn't choose them, you were simply born in that family. And a withll the hateful things you say about sunnis on here, well, say it to them in real life and you might find yourself in a bit of a family feud.

I don't have what lol?

"Ah yes, a shia dictating who is a sunni and who isn't. Good one"

That's exactly like anti shia and propagandists telling the world and us about Shiaism. Look who's talking. Your tactics aren't working.

"And a withll the hateful things you say about sunnis on here"

And would you mind telling me those hateful things 😊

And I love the respect and honour you give us 😅  You're loosing it 😊
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 04:43:17 AM by iceman »


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #110 on: December 21, 2019, 05:21:59 AM »
The Verse of Mut’ah (4:24)
The most important verse of the Holy Qur’an which establishes the legitimacy of Mut’ah is verse 24 of Surat an-Nisa, known to all hadeeth commentators (Sunni and Shi’a) as “the verse of Mut’ah.”

Ignoring your other post, allow me to expose your most grotesque lie.  Most grotesque because you've lied upon the Qur'an.

[Forbidden to you] are married woman, except what your right hand possesses. This Allah has written for you, and all other women besides these are permitted to you, so that you may seek them out with your wealth, seeking chastity and not fornication. So when you have contracted temporary marriage [istimt'atum] with them, then give them their words. There is no sin on you for whatever you agree to after this. Indeed, Allah is Knowing, Wise.
Al-Qur’an, Surah An-Nisa, Ayah 24

Aren't you a piece of crap?  A snake too!

Here is the verse without your mistranslation: Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath God ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and God is All-knowing, All-wise.

Where is "temporary marriage", you byproduct of one?

Allah (swt) has used the word istimta’tum, which is the verbal form of the word Mut’ah. While the word has many other numerous meanings (as will be discussed below), we see that in the same way that the terms Zakat, Saum, and hajj carry a specific Islamic definition, so does the word istimta’. The specific, Islamic meaning which the word refers to is the performance of a temporary marriage, and nobody has denied this.

Here is another verse to satisfy your "istimta'tum" fantasies.

"On the Day when those who disbelieve will be exposed to the Fire (it will be said): 'You received your good things in the life of the world, and ista’mta’tum therein.  Today, you will be recompensed with the torment of extreme humiliation, because you were arrogant upon the earth without a right, and because you used to rebel against Allah’s command.' "  (Surah Al-Ahqaf verse 20)

So hell is reserved for those who do "istimta'tum".  Now what?

Third evidence - The fact that many of the prominent Sahaba and Tabayeen that present day Nawasib adhere to would read the cited verse with some extra words, making it crystal clear that the verse referred to temporary marriage. They would recite the verse in this manner:

“And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them) for a specified period…”

The recitation of the words ‘for a specified period’ by the Sahaba and Taba’een proves this to be the verse dealing with Mutah in which the period of marriage is specified.

Fourth evidence – The fact that the leading Sahaba, Tabayeen and scholars clearly stated that verse 4:24 refers to ‘temporary marriage’ leaves no ground for our opponents to bring absurd excuses. We read the testimony of the great jurist, Mujahid who stated:

“This (verse) revealed for Mut’ah marriage”

Famed Sunni commentator of Holy Quran namely Maqatil bin Sulaiman himself would read the verse in this manner: ‘Then as to those whom you profit by for a specified period” making it clear that according to him this verse refers to temporary marriage.

Maybe Maqatil bin Sulaiman recited it as such to convince cuckold Shia men to give him their womenfolk but to rescue the honor of the women of ShiaPen, let me inform you that he was deemed NOT a scholar.  Unanimous!

"There is however unanimous consensus that Muqatil was not a scholar......Amidst the scholars of Islam, Muqatil's reputation is that of a storyteller".

You can tell your boyfriends at ShiaPen that I saved their women from Maqatil and his likes.  You're welcome, along with your boyfriends.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #111 on: December 21, 2019, 05:25:21 AM »
Let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that misyar or halala are practiced throughout the sunni world and that they both have scholarly backing. Even then it doesn't make mutah any less worse. If my brother kicks a cat and I tell him he's wrong and he replies "yes but what about you kicking that chicken...", my kicking the chicken does not make his action of kicking the cat right or excuse it.

We Afghans have a saying.  Reciting Yaseen (in other words Qur'an) to a donkey.  Using rational faculties to break something down to Iceman is like reciting Qur'an to a donkey. 
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #112 on: December 21, 2019, 09:11:38 AM »
Assad? Here we go again. It's either Assad or Iran, the Iraqi government or hizbullah. That's just about it for you. Assad was and is protecting it's people and country from these Sunni militants (ISIS) that are causing absolute havoc in the middle east. And Assad has been successful in holding on to power and not giving into these Sunni militants. Great job by Assad.

Just a typical shia showing his support for another oppressor just because the oppressor favours shias.


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #113 on: December 21, 2019, 10:00:02 AM »
We Afghans have a saying.  Reciting Yaseen (in other words Qur'an) to a donkey.  Using rational faculties to break something down to Iceman is like reciting Qur'an to a donkey.

Iceman is a shiaism haters dream come true. I would be very surprised if some shias reading the threads aren't getting more doubts about shiaism by reading his replies to us.


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #114 on: December 21, 2019, 09:45:30 PM »
Iceman is a shiaism haters dream come true. I would be very surprised if some shias reading the threads aren't getting more doubts about shiaism by reading his replies to us.

You definitely are day dreaming. You live in your own world. 😊


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #115 on: December 28, 2019, 02:45:44 PM »
Iceman is a shiaism haters dream come true. I would be very surprised if some shias reading the threads aren't getting more doubts about shiaism by reading his replies to us.

He is ALHAMDULILLAH, the guy is a laughing stock to us even my friends buzz off his answers.........his fav answer about divine Imamate is.......PROMOTION!! Allah swt simply gave it to ahle baith ra without any reason whatsoever but the prophets had to go through (unexplained) trials.

This is how divine Imamate came about according to icepop man 😂😂😂😂😂

A kid who reckons he is a syed😂😂😂😂😂😂😂



Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #116 on: December 28, 2019, 02:47:01 PM »
Oh yeah and not forgetting him posting youtubers and trying to pass them off as ahlu sunnah scholars 😂😂😜😂😂😂😂😂

What a rawafid joker😜


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #117 on: December 28, 2019, 11:48:22 PM »
He is ALHAMDULILLAH, the guy is a laughing stock to us even my friends buzz off his answers.........his fav answer about divine Imamate is.......PROMOTION!! Allah swt simply gave it to ahle baith ra without any reason whatsoever but the prophets had to go through (unexplained) trials.

This is how divine Imamate came about according to icepop man 😂😂😂😂😂

A kid who reckons he is a syed😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


"A kid who reckons he is a syed:

You seem to know me better. I don't reckon, I am. Reckon, assume and probably is something you go by

"the guy is a laughing stock to us even my friends buzz off his answers......"

Well they're your friends. Show somebody neutral and random like I do. They read your posts and say, "seems like a 10 year old throwing tantrums". The sarcasm and mocking on this site and how I'll you speak about us, the Ahle Sunnah clearly distance themselves from you. They disown people and others on this site.

"Allah swt simply gave it to ahle baith ra without any reason whatsoever"

Allah does what he wants. He doesn't need to give you any explanation. You can't even explain yourselves. The only thing you can say about yourselves is 'Shias are bad so become a Sunni'. You're childish and that's how you respond. That's all you understand. Discussion based on intellect is not your thing.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 11:49:58 PM by iceman »


Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #118 on: December 29, 2019, 03:45:46 PM »

"A kid who reckons he is a syed:

You seem to know me better. I don't reckon, I am. Reckon, assume and probably is something you go by

"the guy is a laughing stock to us even my friends buzz off his answers......"

Well they're your friends. Show somebody neutral and random like I do. They read your posts and say, "seems like a 10 year old throwing tantrums". The sarcasm and mocking on this site and how I'll you speak about us, the Ahle Sunnah clearly distance themselves from you. They disown people and others on this site.

"Allah swt simply gave it to ahle baith ra without any reason whatsoever"

Allah does what he wants. He doesn't need to give you any explanation. You can't even explain yourselves. The only thing you can say about yourselves is 'Shias are bad so become a Sunni'. You're childish and that's how you respond. That's all you understand. Discussion based on intellect is not your thing.

A dimwit who will go online and say he is syed but cannot prove he is one especially going by the answers to divine Imamate which you have NO proof of either, using youtubers and passing them off as ahlu sunnah scholars.
Stop kidding yourself!

Look at your miserable answer.....”Allah does what He wants He doesn’t need to give you an explanation”


This is as far as divine leadership goes for icepop and his Shiite kind, it’s a promotion but only Allah knows why without EXPLAINING to His prophet or written in Quran.

Only icepop and his shiites know the reality, not even the imams said or knew but icepop KNOWS!!


Icepop this is what you call a joke, it’s NOT intellect when you ask a question and in response you get......”Allah does what He wants”..... in other words you have no proof or no idea but your own thoughts and theories.

The devil sure deceived you and your kind


This is the biggest joke in Islam........that Allah swt appoints divine imams AFTER prophethood.



Re: BBC to post undercover mutah documentary
« Reply #119 on: December 29, 2019, 03:52:00 PM »

The sarcasm and mocking on this site and how I'll you speak about us, the Ahle Sunnah clearly distance themselves from you. They disown people and others on this site.

Lol another LIE the ahlu sunnah you speak of like the vids you post of these individuals don’t have major followings and DO NOT represent ahlu sunnah as major scholars.

Yasir khabeeth must be a major Shiite scholar heck them mullahs in bbc documentary on muta are REAL SHIA scholars.




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