
Many avenues to knowing God - poem.

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Many avenues to knowing God - poem.
« on: October 24, 2017, 03:58:21 PM »
You can look at the extension,
And his rope extends to you,
Find him in the lowest earth,
Absent is he is not from you,
You can look towards the sky,
And see its endless expansion,
Knowing there is no limit,
To the skyward sword,
Or you can look towards the path,
And it's connection,
And where it's leading to,
Knowing diverting from it leads to perpetual wrath,
Or you can look towards the sacredness of love,
Of compassion, mercy, and gratitude,
Seeing a hidden language in this dove,
That flies to the sacred and drinks from it springs,
Where it not for the good acts aimed skyward,
It would die and burn its wings.
You can remember the vision you cannot escape
And rely on to value yourself and others,
The witness who defines us as we are,
Have no doubt he is ever with you,
Seeing and Hearing by which you know the truth,
So don't act like you have no clue
Or you can look towards life,
And it appreciate it,
And know that which ought to be appreciated most by definition,
Is proven to be a living being.
Not an imagination,
But greatness we are connected to,
Or you can look at the guidance emanating,
But from where?
Other than the witness and eternal judge,
There is no candidate
And the guide is a witness from him,
Sees through his light,
Vision from truth,
But even his perception is not absolute,
And all are created through that truth,
He perceives all perceptions but perceptions perceive him not,
You know this to be true,
So again, do not like you have no clue!
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


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