
Abou Hourayra work of refutation

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Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« on: January 14, 2016, 12:45:12 PM »

I am french and I don't speak english very well,

I will introduce me. I get ready a pdf to refute charge about Abou Hourayra (ra)

I will demonstrate that many prediction reported by him will be produced! excepted great signs but there are in the coran. It is the most proof that it was not a liar! ( I'm based on the book of Waqil, and Al Arrefee NOT sheik Imran hossein... obviously)

Then I will demonstrate that it is not an "ommeyade" because he is died before Yazid ascension so we don't know what would be his attitude during Yazid khalifa.

The most important is that Ibn Mussayb his grandson(the great tabirine!) has been hurted by kalifs! it's the proof that Abou Hourayra has educated his pupile to be free!

But I have a proplem, My  probleme is this adnan ibrahim's videos when he reporte this hadith.

 "Said Ibn MUssayb says that when Muawiya spend money to Abou Hourayra he talked ."

this Hadith is from TARIKH DIMASHQ of Ibn Asakir, AL BIDAYAH WA EL NIHAYA of Ibn Kathir and AD DHAHABI in the  Abou Hourayra Biography

the hadith is quoted at 16,14 in this videos.

Someone can says me if this hadith is SAHIH, and if it is sahih what is the context of this Hadith?
 I Need experts

Baraka la ou fik is very very important, If you speak french it's better for me When i will finish my refutation's work i will send you inshallah.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 12:55:06 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 04:13:02 PM »
Welcome to the forums bro.

It is good to see more French brothers being active in this field. =]

The narration does seem acceptable to me. It isn't like what the liar Adnan Ibrahim says. They are not all Imams.

The first narrator is Alaa' bin Abdul Jabbar NOT Abdul A'ala bin Abduljabbar, as Adnan said. Al Nasa'ee says: Laysa bihi ba's (he is not bad), and Abu Hatim said: Salih (decent).

More importantly, the narration is unclear. It doesn't say what Abu Huraira was talking about. It doesn't say that he hid hadiths or anything. There is no context. Of course, opponents will use this to assume the worst for Abu Huraira.


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2016, 04:56:09 PM »
Welcome to the forums bro.

It is good to see more French brothers being active in this field. =]

The narration does seem acceptable to me. It isn't like what the liar Adnan Ibrahim says. They are not all Imams.

The first narrator is Alaa' bin Abdul Jabbar NOT Abdul A'ala bin Abduljabbar, as Adnan said. Al Nasa'ee says: Laysa bihi ba's (he is not bad), and Abu Hatim said: Salih (decent).

More importantly, the narration is unclear. It doesn't say what Abu Huraira was talking about. It doesn't say that he hid hadiths or anything. There is no context. Of course, opponents will use this to assume the worst for Abu Huraira.

Ok so for you it's an acceptable narration. Thanks.

Thise narration seems me strange because it's Said Ibn Moussayb who delivered hadith of this same Abou Hourayra .He was his grandson.

 It's strange because it's means that Saib Ibn Moussayb has worked 40 years for a sold out?

If anyone have more information give it to me.


Brother we are in this field because shia'ideas progress in french...


I will demonstrate that Abou Hourayra is saddiq because there are incrédible hadith.

For exemple in the Waqil book there are lot of hadith of abou Hourayra whitch come true.

For exemple Abou Hourayra says " before the arabic peninsula was covered of woods and river" and  scientifics discovered that 5 years ago!!

Look it's in french

How Abou Hourayra would can known that!!!

It's the same with the hadith about big building ... Woment unclothed but dressed etc etc... Abou Hourayra report lot of incredible hadith !!!

It will be the  incontrevertible evidence of his honnesty. In the book of Waquil and Al Areefi there are moste of 20 proof that Abou Hourayra say true!!!

It's what. I have need to your help. I will have severall question  for you all. and inchallah in 2 or 3 month my work will be finished. then I will send my work to you. and toward many website inchalla.


 Then My purpose it's to demonstrate that Said Ibn MUssayb is against Ommeyade. He did married his daugher to the kalif Abdelamlik!! And he did'nt Bayra to this kalifs arcodind Ibn Sadd ( dou you know if IBN sadd is a good source?)

I will make a fool of people who deffamed Abou Hourayra.

I make my work with one Imam who worked in medina. But I Need again more precision. It's that I went to you.

Baraka la ou fik.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 05:41:29 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2016, 05:50:23 PM »
Look an another example.

Abou Hourayra reporte by the Prophete peace upon him.

"We will fight against turkish"

And look at this map.

It's the 5 th image.

How you can says that he was a liar??? For exemple Abou Hourayra says. " One time muslims will curse the sahaba."

Etc etc...

I thing I am enough clear about my work.

I ma sorry to repeat myself but I am angry and i want to stop this evil religion of shia. Also I don't speak very well english so I can't make a short sentence.

come all  to help me.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 06:00:55 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2016, 07:11:10 PM »
These are good evidences brother. Well done.

I asked my shaikh about the hadith means that Abu Huraira asked for his money, which is his right, since he was vice-governor of Madinah.

Ibn Musayyab, on the other hand, refused to take money from the government.


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2016, 08:58:19 PM »
These are good evidences brother. Well done.

I asked my shaikh about the hadith means that Abu Huraira asked for his money, which is his right, since he was vice-governor of Madinah.

Ibn Musayyab, on the other hand, refused to take money from the government.

Ok it's liked to his job of vice gouvernor? can you says more please?

You know there is the hadith when Abou Hourayra says " the prophète (puh) give me 2 earthenwares if I distribute the second, people would have killed me"

Scholars says that hadith is linked to hypocryte gouvernors of kuraysh and if he talked he was killed.

look, there is explication here, it's in french you can translate in english all it's explain (exept the ibn mussayb hadith) ----

The Adnan Ibrahim hypothesis is that Abou Hourayra dont' speak about hypocrite gouvernor because Mouawiya pusuaded him with money...

 SO the hadith of Musayb in Ibn Asakir book is not linked with hypocryte governor like Adnan Ibrahim supposition?

Because my hypothesis is that Abou Hourayra  don't speak aboute Hypocryte governor because all alone  known that was not important for the religiouse practice moreover by rational thiking he known that he will be killed... He don't make it independently to Mouawiya or money...

You know what i want to say? it's sublte but not the same signification and approach

I want to be very accurate because I will talk to sensitive subject ( sign of the end time, banu ommeya,shia, orientalism, etc..) it very sensitive subject and I don't want to hide truth like shia or manipulate people who will read my work...

barakala ou fik sorry for my insistence and my preciosity.
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2016, 11:42:40 PM »
*In my first sentence I would say "LINKED" and not Liked sorry.
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2016, 02:40:38 PM »

Ok it's liked to his job of vice gouvernor? can you says more please?

Je n'ai rien de plus à dire. C'est juste une théorie.

You know there is the hadith when Abou Hourayra says " the prophète (puh) give me 2 earthenwares if I distribute the second, people would have killed me"

Scholars says that hadith is linked to hypocryte gouvernors of kuraysh and if he talked he was killed.

C'est possible parce qu' il avait toujours prié Allah qu'il ne viva pas jusqu'à l'année 60H, dont Yazid serait le caliphe.


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2016, 04:31:45 PM »

Ok it's liked to his job of vice gouvernor? can you says more please?

Je n'ai rien de plus à dire. C'est juste une théorie.

You know there is the hadith when Abou Hourayra says " the prophète (puh) give me 2 earthenwares if I distribute the second, people would have killed me"

Scholars says that hadith is linked to hypocryte gouvernors of kuraysh and if he talked he was killed.

C'est possible parce qu' il avait toujours prié Allah qu'il ne viva pas jusqu'à l'année 60H, dont Yazid serait le caliphe.

Ok it's just that I can't explain this hadith of Musayb especialy Abou Hourayra reported hadith since Omar khalifa... Never He stoped until his death... He justify his attitude that according to verses of coran (Coran,2:159)
It's that I don't understand...

merci d'avoir parlé en français.

Pour le hadith sur l'an 60 qu'il voulait éviter, cela montre qu'il n'etait pas à la solde des ommeyades, car sinon il n'aurait pas craint ces années et la fitna des gouverneurs...
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2016, 05:09:35 PM »
Ok I have à second question.

I making a refutation. It will be an several Parts.

the one parts will be demonstrate that many Abou Hourayra hadith become reality. when we look there are 70 % become true. (if you don't be taken into hadith which are in the coran like Jesus return, Yajuj Majuj etc...)
 See the book the end of the time of Yusuf el Wabil. It's full of Abou Hourayra Hadith.

Shia will be sickened to see thah they have excommunicated him while there is no more saddik that him!

They will see their  Hystorical mystake to excommunicated him. In their Book Nahjul Balagha it's written that " Ali has rejected Abou Hourayra saying it's a liar" or I don't remember exactly...

My work will be according the work of great scholar.


The second part it about Link between Abou Hourayra and Banu Ommeya. I want to destroye this myth.
Abou Hourayra his nearded to Mouawiya it's sure but LIKE all sahaba, Hussein, Hasan, Ibn Abbas etc... there is nothing upsetting .

there were an IJMAH an unanimity toward Muawiya after Ali death.

Moerover I will demonstate that many hadith of Ali's merites are from ... Abou Hourayra or his grandon ! it's the same for Fatima'merites, alou lbayt in general!!!! But No one hadith about Muawiya merite from Abou Hourayra!

How he was corrupted by muawiya???

He was him who" loved" Ahlou Bayt most than nobody!

The worst it's Abou Hourayra he is died  before the second fitna So we don't know what would have been his reaction toward Omayad during this second fitna!! It's their Shuoubouat (shia) when they says Abou Houray was submitted to Ommaya. But thanks to Said Ibn Mussayb we know what would been Abou Hourara reaction toward Oummaya.

The conclusion it's their theory collapse !

It's in this context that I request you if you have the Hadith that Adnan Ibrahim quote when Abou Hourayra says " If I want to denounced them I will do it"

Because Adnan Ibrahim quoted " It's Marwan Al hakim who says to Abou Hourayra "don't speak !"!!
 If why I would like to have the entire hadith when Abou Hourayra says "If I want to denounced them I will do it"
and where I can find it.

Baraka la ou fik it's very important. Because in google France when you writte Abou Hourayra there are full offent on Abou Hourayra.

It must be change that!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 05:54:08 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2016, 12:43:44 AM »

Sorry but... can you forbid this topic to shia please?

Like that, they will have the surprise of their life when they will read this refutation.

Thank you.
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2016, 04:29:21 AM »
Because Adnan Ibrahim quoted " It's Marwan Al hakim who says to Abou Hourayra "don't speak !"!!
 If why I would like to have the entire hadith when Abou Hourayra says "If I want to denounced them I will do it"
and where I can find it.

The first narration here is also from Tareekh Dimashq, but the chain is weak. I never heard of the second hadith before.

Sorry but... can you forbid this topic to shia please?

This is not possible technologically. If you don't want your posts to be seen in public, you can use private messages though.


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2016, 02:39:58 PM »

In Marrocco there is a guy who did an "study" for demonstrat that Abou Hourayra has no kown Mohamed (Peace Upon Him) !

his study based on 4"case"

first "the prophète died in 11 or 12 of hijra" (hegire)

Second "He says thaht Abou Hourayra confirmed thaht he had between 33 or 39 years when He becomes muslim..."

Then" Abou Hourayra is dead at 75 or 78 years"

Finaly "he is dead between 57 or 60 of Hegire"

This "study" is here at the last articale ---

But I thing that there is a flaw in this "study" it is that there is no source saying Abou Hourayra had between "33 or 39 years " when he becomes muslim...

I think the author had invented this event for his théorie...

And I think without that, his theory collapse. Because if you just suppose thaht he has  30 years when he besomes muslim  his calculation fall down.

Can you attest thaht there is no source that saying Abou Hourayra has NO more than 30 years when he becomes muslim?

Thant you because In my refutation it would must talk of that.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 02:44:23 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2016, 09:38:44 PM »
Hello I sent you an extract of my refutation.

Like that if it is convenient, you could appropreated it . And understand the "soul" of this refutation.

It in french. but there is many image  for illustrated .

If you want understand ask to à french. he translate that.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 09:53:45 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2016, 02:25:33 PM »

Can you. If you can say me if.

- if the plague has touched Medina? Because according 2 hadith one of Ibn Omar, other to Abou Hourayra says "the plague will not touch Medina" ... Are you more information ...

- Second could you send me All hadith with reference to Ommeyad for example:

 the hadith when Abou Hourayra says "it's quraysh will destroyed oumma"

Or the hadith of Asma when shes says " El Hajjaj was announced by Mohamed" (puh)

There is also one hadith of Abou Hourayra when he says to the child Abdelmalik " He will become Gouvernor"

Etc etc...

Thank you
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2016, 11:07:40 PM »
I am in the hadith of Abou Hourayra when He "says" " there will have a fire in Hedjaz"

And this "prediction" come true acording to Al Qurtubi, Nawawi etc... and there have many volcano in hedjaz.

But the more funny is. Shia they use this hadith for say that it indicated ... the war between Saoudi and Shia in Yemen...

Look it's the Zahra center. They use the stupid interpretation of ""sheykh""" Imran Hoseyn...

But the worst is in their stupid movie they don't says thaht it's Abou Hourayra who reporte this hadith!!!

Look it's in french at the beginning.

The worst it's they don't put the name of ... Abou Hourayra.  If not they are obliged to accept thaht Abou Hourayra is salih!

Now I understand the game of Sheikh Imran Honsein... Justify the international policy of shia! Now we know why Imran Hossein was received in iran... Him, it's should not forbid Him... He contribute to shia propaganda

First their interpretation is totaly stupid then They don't put the name of the sahab who report that...

ridicule does not kill

PS: For english people they are zara center , a shia to north of France. They are very active in our contry...

Sorry for the size of the video I don't know how shrink it.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 11:29:21 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2016, 01:12:52 AM »
In fact Shia use our hadith for justify that Ali (raa) is the firt khalif,

And they use Imran Hosein for justify that our eschatology support their position of real muslims...

This Jahyl has invented an echatology made to measure for Shia.

like that shias win in all front. But when you look how they interpret our eschatologic hadith. We understand why they believe that Ali (raa) was the first kalif.  haha
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 01:18:38 AM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2016, 01:13:45 PM »
Look the volcanic Geology in Saoudi.
"The fire" come from volcano. It's Ibn Kathir, Al qurtuby they say that. This fire has occured in 1256 .

We can see all it's black. that proof that there had a volcanic eruption.

Abou Hourayra says true! ( I dont' know it is an Ahad Hadith?)

No link with Houthis in Yemen acording Imran Housein hahaha.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 01:15:25 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2016, 01:37:29 PM »

Nobody respond me?

in connection with Jewish influence. I have that.

Shia says.

-Acording to Ibn Saad " One man has interchanged hadith of Kaab el Akhar and hadith Ot the messenger (psl) and this man reported from Abou Hourayra"

-And there is this Hadith about the creation in 6 days reported by Muslim.

But Al Bukhari says this hadith come from Kaab El Akhbar.

It's over?

The first narration is sahih or not?

Are you other information about that?
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra work of refutation
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2016, 10:21:55 PM »

Nobody respond me?

in connection with Jewish influence. I have that.

Shia says.

-Acording to Ibn Saad " One man has interchanged hadith of Kaab el Akhar and hadith Ot the messenger (psl) and this man reported from Abou Hourayra"

-And there is this Hadith about the creation in 6 days reported by Muslim.

But Al Bukhari says this hadith come from Kaab El Akhbar.

It's over?

Look, it's in french.

Can you tell me , if there is just that about "Jewish influence"?

Because there are full poof of the jewish influence in Shia !

Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


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