
Debate Test! Mohammed Hijab & Adnan Rashid vs Shia l Speakers Corner l Hyde Park

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Salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah,

In an effort to raise the academic level of Shia-Sunni debates and discussions, brother Mohammed Hijab tries to implement a debate test which consists of three points with knowing Arabic being the first.  This isn't the first time Shias (Bayat al Ghadeer, to be specific) have been reminded that they are extremely poor in their pronunciation, let alone understanding, of Arabic.  And to counter brother Mohammed Hijab's point, the Bayat al Ghadeer folks - as they did before - remind brother Mohammed Hijab that he (M. Hijab) does not know Aramaic and/or Greek and yet he debates Christians.  I find this counter rebuttal - honestly it is a sad excuse - very idiotic.  Sticking with the example of the Bible and Christians, as Muslims, we are to know just enough to thwart the lies of missionaries.  However, as Muslims, it is incumbent upon us to learn, understand and memorize as much Qur'an as possible, and hence, also familiarize ourselves with the Arabic language.

Anyways, enjoy!

"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)



Just sticking to your paragraph, the truth of Islam is dependent on the miracle of the Qur'an first and foremost, and the other miracles of Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu alayhi Wa Sallam), and Greek or Aramaic is not required for that. The core falsehoods of Christianity are also not so much textual inconsistencies as they are intellectual impossibilities, and these can be expounded in any language.

I will give one point to the Twelvers though: Just like the Christians, there are important untruths in their religion which can be dissected through logic and intellectual discourse, way before we go into the texts.


Just sticking to your paragraph, the truth of Islam is dependent on the miracle of the Qur'an first and foremost, and the other miracles of Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu alayhi Wa Sallam), and Greek or Aramaic is not required for that. The core falsehoods of Christianity are also not so much textual inconsistencies as they are intellectual impossibilities, and these can be expounded in any language.

Ahsant!  They are comparing apples and oranges.  Majority of the missionaries and priests I've spoken with do not know more than one language, English - let alone Greek or Aramaic.  And I know about 4 to 5 I could quote them the Dari (or Farsi) Bible, etc!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 02:17:38 PM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


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