
Did companion of the prophet invited Husain ra and abandoned him?

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Assalamualaikum, we always believe Shia of Kufah invited Husain ra and abandoned him during the war. Shia reply even the companions of Rasulullah sallahu 'alaihi wassalam involve in inviting Husain ra and abandoned him

1.Sulaiman bin Shurad Al Khuzaa’iy

He was with ‘Aliy bin Abi Thalib during Jamal and Shiffiin wars and he is among those who wrote letter inviting Husain bin ‘Aliy agar to Kufah, when he came, he avoid him and did not participate war with him [Thabaqat Ibnu Sa’d 5/196 no 855]

Ibnu Hajar said in Tahdziib At Tahdziib [Tahdziib At Tahdziib Ibnu Hajar 3/36-37 no 3013]that Sulaiman bin Shurad is companion of the prophet and among the narrators of  Shahih Bukhariy, Shahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Nasa’iy, Sunan Ibnu Majah and Sunan Tirmidzi.

2. Musayyab bin Najabah Al Fazaariy

Al Musayyab bin Najabah Al Kuufiy narrated from  Hudzaifah and ‘Aliy,  Abuu Ishaaq As Sabii’iy and Abuu Idriis Al Murhibiy narrated from him. Abu Hatim said from his father that he went out with Sulaiman bin Shurad to avenge the blood of  Husain bin ‘Aliy and both of them killed on the year of  65 H [Tahdziib At Tahdziib Ibnu Hajar 6/280 no 7889]

Ibnu Hibban included Musayyab bin Najabah Al Fazaariy in Ats Tsiqat [Ats Tsiqat Ibnu Hibbaan 5/437] and in his book  Masyaahiir ‘Ulamaa’ Al Amshaar, he said

المسيب بن نجبة الفزاري من جلة الكوفيين قتله عبيد الله بن زياد يوم الخازر سنة سبع وستين

Al Musayyab bin Najabah Al Fazaariy was among the  noble people of  Kufah , Ubaidillah bin Ziyaad killed him on the day of Khaazar year 67 H [Masyaahiir ‘Ulamaa’ Al Amshaar hal 134 no 819]

Az-Zahabi classiffied both Sulaiman and Musayyab as Syiah Ali in his book, Tarikh Al-Islam

وقد كان سليمان بن صرد الخزاعي، والمسيب بن نجبة الفزاري وهما من شيعة علي ومن كبار أصحابه خرجا في ربيع الآخر يطلبون بدم الحسين

Verily Sulaiman bin Shurad Al Khuzaa’iy and Musayyab bin Najabah Al Fazaariy both of them among Syi’ah ‘Aliy and among major companion of him, both of them went out on the month of Rabii’ul Akhir to avenge the blood of Husain [Tarikh Al Islam Adz Dzahabiy 2/602]

Is this true? What is your view?


Re: Did companion of the prophet invited Husain ra and abandoned him?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2015, 09:12:56 PM »
Wa alaykum alsalam wa rahmatullah,

Indeed. There were those that abandoned Al Hussain out of fear of the government liked those mentioned above. That is why they fought to avenge his death so that Allah would accept there repentence.

What is the probem exactly?


Re: Did companion of the prophet invited Husain ra and abandoned him?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2015, 09:15:03 PM »
He repented and fought against Yazid after.


Re: Did companion of the prophet invited Husain ra and abandoned him?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2015, 05:09:51 AM »
Wa alaykum alsalam wa rahmatullah,

Indeed. There were those that abandoned Al Hussain out of fear of the government liked those mentioned above. That is why they fought to avenge his death so that Allah would accept there repentence.

What is the probem exactly?

So we cannot say only shia of Kufah invited Husain ra, even the pious companion of the prophet invited him to Kufah right?


Re: Did companion of the prophet invited Husain ra and abandoned him?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2015, 06:23:05 PM »
If you mean by Shias: Those that have political allegiances to Ali, then yes, some of these were Sahaba.
If you mean by Shias: Those that believe in Twelve Imams, then no, because they didn't exist that early.

The argument that "the people of Al-Kufa are the ones that killed Al-Hussain," is a weak one in my opinion. They didn't kill him. They let him down. Nobody can take them to court. The ones that killed him are the forces of Ubaidullah bin Ziyad.


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