
Forty(40) Weak and fabricated hadiths about ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib in Sunni Books

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Forty(40) Weak and fabricated hadiths about ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib(RA) in Sunni Books.

In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

In this article we will be quoting forty oft-quoted weak and fabricated reports about Ali(RA) from the books of Ahlus-sunnah.

(1). Allah revealed three things to me concerning ‘Ali on the night on which I was taken on the night journey: that he was the leader of the believers, the imam of the pious and the commander of those with bright faces and limbs (from doing wudoo’).”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 353]

(2). “Three people are ahead of everyone else: the one who reached. Moosa first, Joshua; the one who reached ‘Eesa first, the man mentioned in Ya-Seen; and the one who reached Muhammad first, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.”

Grading: Very fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As- Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 358; Da’eef al-Jami’, no. 3334]

(3). ‘Ali is the leader of the righteous: the one who supports him will prosper, and the one who lets him down is doomed.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 357; Da’eef al-Jami’, no. 37799]

(4). “The duel of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib against ‘Amr ibn ‘Abd Wudd is better than the deeds of my Ummah until the Day of Resurrection.”

Grading: A lie as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 400]

(5). “O Allah, verily Your slave ‘Ali has devoted himself to Your Prophet, so cause the sun to rise again for him.” According to another report: “O Allah, he was preoccupied with obeying You and Your Messenger, so cause the sun to rise again for him.” Asma’ said: “I saw it setting, then I saw it rising after it had set.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 971].

(6).“Allah enjoined me to love four and told me that He loves them.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?’ (According to another report: “Tell us their names.”) He said:”‘Ali is one of them,” and he repeated this three times, “and Abu Dharr; Salman and al-Miqdad. He enjoined me to love them and told me that He loves them.”

Grading: Weak as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 1549, no. 3128; Da ‘eef al-Jami’, no. 1566; Da ‘eef Sunan al-Tirmidhi, no. 771; Da’eef Sunan Ibn Majah, no. 28; Al-Mishkat, no. 6249].

(7). “I am the city of knowledge, and ‘Ali is its gate. Whoever wants knowledge, let him come to its gate.”

Grading: Weak as per Al-Albani. [As- Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 2955].

Shaykh Dhahabi judged the Hadith as “fabricated” in “Talkhees al-maudua” (1/115/#256).

(8). “I am the slave of Allah, the brother of the Messenger of Allah; I am the senior siddeeq(siddeeq Akbar), and no one claims that after me but a liar. I prayed seven years before the people.”

Grading: False. [Da’eef Sunan Ibn Majah, no. 23].

Ibn Katheer said: “This narration is Munkar (rejected and denounced) from all points.” (Al-Bidayah wa al-Nahayah, 3/26).

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said: “This (Hadith) is a fabrication, and responsible for that is Abaad ibn Abdullah .” (al-Maudu’at, 1/341).

Imam al-Shawkani said:“(This Hadith) is narrated by Nasai in Khasais, (and) in the chain is Abaad ibn Abdullah al-Asdi, and he is accused of fabrication.” (al-Fawaid al-Majmua, Chapter “Dhikr Ali”, #42

(9). “May Allah have mercy on ‘Ali. 0 Allah, cause truth to be on his side wherever he is.”

Grading: Very weak as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad- Da’eefah, no. 2094; Da’eef al-Jami’, no. 3095; Da’eef Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 767; al-Mishkat, no. 6125].

“May Allah have mercy on ‘Ali. O Allah, cause truth to be with him wherever he goes.” Narrated by al-Hakim, who said: It is sound according to the conditions of the two Shaykhs Bukhari and Muslim]. Al-Mustadrak, 3/125. Its chain of narration includes Nafi’ at-Tameemi. Ad-Dhahabi said, commenting on al-Hakim: Al-Mukhtar is worthless. Al-Hafidh said: Al-Mukhtar is weak. At-Taqreeb, p. 6522

(10). ‘Ali is with the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is with ‘Ali; they will never be parted until they both come to the reservoir.”

Grading: Weak. [Da ‘eef al-Jami’, no. 3802]

(11). ‘Ali is the king of the believers, and wealth is the king of the hypocrites.”

Grading: Weak. [Da’eef al-Jami’, no. 3805]

(12). “On the night on which I was taken on the Night Journey, I came to my Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, and He revealed to me three things concerning ‘Ali: he is the leader of the Muslims, the guardian of the pious and the commander of those with bright faces and limbs.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad- Da’eefah, no. 4889].

(13).“O Anas, go and call the leader of the Arabs” – meaning ‘Ali. ‘Aishah said: “Are you not the leader of the Arabs?” He [the Prophet(saws)]said : “I am the leader of the sons of Adam, and ‘Ali is the leader of the Arabs. O Ansar shall I not tell you something which, if you adhere to it, you will never go astray after that?” They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “This is ‘Ali: Love him because you love me, and honour him because you honour me, for Jibreel enjoined upon me from Allah the same as I have enjoined upon you.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah 4-Da’eefah, no. 4890].

(14).“You will explain to my Ummah what they differ about after I am gone.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da ‘eefah, no.4891]

(15). “I am the warner, and ‘Ali is the guide. Through you, 0 ‘Ali, those who are guided will be guided after I am gone.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah 4-Da’eefah, no. 4899].

(16). “When I was taken on the Night Journey (al-lsra’), I saw written on the leg of the Throne: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. He is My chosen one among My creation, and I have supported him with ‘Ali.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 4902]

(17). “Whoever would like to look at the deeds of Adam, the understanding of Nooh, the patience of Ibraheem, the asceticism of Yahya and the strength of Moosa, let him look at ‘Ali.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 4903]

(18). “You will fight those who recant and are unjust and rebellious, in the roads and on the banks of rivers and streams.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 907]

(19). “This verse – (O Messenger [Muhammad]! Proclaim [the Message] which has been sent down to you from your Lord) (Qur’an 5: 67) was revealed on the day of Ghadeer Khumm concerning ‘Ali.”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 4922]

(20). “When the Messenger of Allah appointed ‘Ali at Ghadeer Khumm and instructed that ‘Ali should be in charge after him, this verse was revealed: (This day, I have perfected your religion for you [and] completed My Favour upon you.) (Qur’an 5: 3)”

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 4923]

(21). “This is my brother, my appointed heir and my successor(caliph) among you, so listen to him and obey” -referring to ‘Ali.

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da ‘eefah, no. 4932].

(22).“I adjure you by Allah, is there anyone among you whom the Messenger of Allah took as a brother when be established ties of brotherhood among the Muslims – apart from me?” They said: No, by Allah.

Grading: Fabricated as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 4949].

(23). “There is no sword except Dhul-Fiqar and no hero except ‘Ali.”

Grading: Fabricated. Suyuti rejected this narration in “Leal al masnua” (1/333), and Dhahabi rejected it in “Talkhees Kitab al-Maudua” (1/126/#274).

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “This narration is from false, fabricated stories–in accordance to the ijma (consensus) of people who know the science of Hadith.” (Mukhtasar Minhaj as-Sunnah)

Shawkani said in “Fawaid al-Majmua” (372/#68): “And in the chain is Eesa ibn Mihran, and he is Rafidhi (Shia extremist), who narrated false stories. Ibn al-Jawzi included this narration in his book on fabricated Hadith.

(24). “Love for ‘Ali is a good deed that cannot be undermined by doing bad deeds alongside it, and hating him is a bad deed alongside which no good deed is to any avail.”

Grading: False, falsely attributed to ‘Ali. [Minhaj as-Sunnah, 5/73]

(25). “The two weighty things are the Book of Allah, one side of which is in the hand of Allah and the other side of which is in your hands; adhere to it and do not go astray. The other (weighty thing) is my family. The All Knowing [Allah] has told me that they (these two weighty things) will never be separated until they both come to me at the reservoir. I asked my Lord for that. So do not go ahead of them lest you be doomed, and do not fall behind lest you be doomed, and do not teach them because they know better than you.”

Grading: Weak as per Al-Albani. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 4914]

(26). “Knowing the family of Muhammad is salvation, loving the family of Muhammad is help to cross the path leading to paradise (that passes over hellfire, and which is found by disbelievers and sinners to be extremely sharp and narrow), supporting the family of Muhammad is protection against punishment.”

Grading: Fabricated. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no. 4917].

(27). “This is my brother, my appointed heir and successor (caliph) after I am gone, so listen to him and obey.”

Grading: This hadith is false in both text and chain of narration. As for the chain of narration, it includes ‘Abdul-Ghaffar ibn al-Qasim, of whom ad-Dhahabi said: Abu Maryam al-Ansari was a Rafidi and not trustworthy. ‘Ali ibn al-Madeeni said: He used to fabricate hadith. [Mizan al-I’tidal,2 /640]

(28). “My appointed heir and confidant is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. The best of those I am leaving behind, who will fulfill my covenant and pay off my debts, is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.”

Grading: Fabricated. Narrated by al-Haythami in Majma’ az-Zawa’id, 9/14. He attributed it to at-Tabarani and said: Its chain of narration includes an-Nasih ibn Abdullah, who is rejected.

(29). “I am the house of Wisdom, and ‘Ali is its door.” Narrated by at-Tirmidhi and Abu Na’eem, who did not comment on at Tirmidhi’s words: This is a strange munkar hadith… we do not know this hadith from any trustworthy narrator from Shurayk. No. 3723.

Grading: Ibn al-Jawzi said: This is a fabricated hadith. Mishkat al-Masabeeh,3/ 1777. Ibn al-Jawzi deemed it to be a lie – Al-Mawdoo’at, 1/349.

Shaykh Dhahabi said in “Talkhees Kitab al-Maudua” (1/116) that it is “fabricated.”

Shaykh Albani said in “Jamiu as-sagir” (#3238) said that the Hadith was “fabricated.”

Ibn Daqiq said that the “narration is not steady; it is fabrication!” (Sahawi in “Makasidal Hasanat”, p.54)

Shawkani also said it is fabrication, and he included it in his book on weak narrations. (see Fawaid al-Majmua, p.348, #51).


(a).“You, O ‘Ali, and your party,( they are the best of creatures)(Qur’an 98: 7).”

Grading: Fabricated. Its chain of narration includes Abu al Jarood, Ziyad ibn al-Mundhir al-Kufi, whom al-Hafidh ibn Hajar called: a Rafidi whom Yahya ibn Ma’een deemed to be a liar. [At-Taqreeb, no. 2101].

(b). I sought forgiveness for `Ali and his Shiah.

Grading: Al-`Uqayli said, “this narration is baseless.” Al-Kinani mentions it among the fabricated narrations (Tanzih al-Shari`ah 1/414).

(c). My example is that of a tree. I am the roots, `Ali is the branch… and the Shiah are the leaves.

Grading: Ibn al-Jowzi mentions it in his book regarding fabricated narrations, [al-Mowdu`at 1/397]. Al-Showkani also mentions it in his book regarding the subject, [Al-Fawa’id al-Majmu`ah fi l-Ahadith al-Mowdu`ah pg. 379].

(d). “you and your Shiah are in Jannah(paradise).

Grading: Fabricated. Refer to Ibn al-Jowzi: Al-Mowdu`at 1/397, al-Dhahabi: Mizan al-I`tidal 1/421 (biography of Jami` ibn `Umar ibn Sawar), Al-Showkani: Al-Fawa’id al-Majmu`ah pg. 379.

(31).“Allah revealed to me three things concerning ‘Ali: he is the leader of the believers, the leader of the pious and the leader of those with bright faces and limbs.” Al-Hakim said in al- Manaqib: Its chain of narration is sound. I say: Rather it is very weak and also interrupted. Ithaf al-Maharah, 1/344. He said that ‘Umar ibn al-Husayn al-‘Aqeeli and his shaykh Yahya ibn al- ‘Ala’ ar-Razi are both rejected. In fact, he stated clearly that this hadith is fabricated.

Grading: Fabricated

(32).“What great news, O ‘Ali. You have become our mawla and the mawla of every believing man and woman.” Its chain of narration includes ‘Ali ibn Zayd ibn Jad’an, of whom al- Jawzjani said: His hadith is weak. Ash-Shajarah fi Ahwal ar-Rijal, p. 194. Ibn al-Jawzi said in al-‘Ilal al-Mutanahiyah fil-Ahadeeth al-Wahiyah (1/226): It is not permissible to quote this hadith as evidence. From that man back to Abu Hurayrah, all its narrators are weak. Al-Bazzar said: A number of scholars spoke about it. Kashf al-Astar, 490. Ad-Daraqutni said: It is not strong. Sunan ad-Daraqutni, 1/103

(33). “Ali is my brother in this world and the hereafter.”

Grading: Weak as per Al-Albani: [Da’eef al-Jami’, no. 3801].

(34).“‘Ali is the gate of humility. Whoever enters it will be safe.”

Grading: Fabricated. Its chain of narration includes Husayn al-Ashqar. Bukhari said: There is some doubt concerning it. At-Tareekh al- Kabeer, 2/2862. He said: He narrated strange things. At-Tareekh as-Sagheer, 2/319. [As-Silsilah ad-Da’eefah, no.3913].

(35).“‘Ali is the best of mankind. Whoever does not accept that has disbelieved.”

Grading: Fabricated. Al-Hafidh ibn Hajar said: It was narrated by Ibn ‘Adiy via several chains of narration, all of which are weak. [Tasdeed al-Qaws, 3/89]. Adh-Dhahabi said: This is a munkar hadith. Adh-Dhahahi also described this hadith as clearly false. [Mizan al-I’tidal, 1/521]; Ibn al-Jawzi in [al-Mawdoo’at, 1/348]

(36). ‘Aishah said: “I know that ‘Ali is dearer to you than my father, two or three times.”

Grading: Weak as per Al-Albani. [Da’eef Abi Dawood, p.491].
(37). “The likeness of my family is that of the ship of Nooh; whoever embarks on it will be safe, and whoever stays behind will drown.” Narrated by at-Tabarani in al-Kabeer, 3/37; al-Haythami, 6/168. Its chain of narration includes ‘Ahdullah ibn Dahir and al-Hasan ibn Abi Ja’far, who are both rejected. This was stated by al-Haythami

(38). “Whoever would like to live like me, die like me and dwell in the garden of eternity that my Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, has promised me, with trees that He planted with His hand, let him love ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.” Classed as sound by al- Hakim, 3/128. Ad-Dhahabi commented: Its chain of narration includes al-Qasim, who is rejected, and his shaykh, namely Yahya ibn al-‘Ali al-Aslami, is weak. Al-Hafidh said in At- Taqreeb (7677): He is Shia and weak. But he made a mistake in the name of al-Aslami, calling him al-Muharibi, and ‘Abdul-Husayn exploited that in the worse manner in al-Muraji’at

(39). “Allah never put anything in my heart but I put it in ‘Ali’s heart.”

Grading: Fabricated. [Al-Mawdoo’at, 1/131; Asas at-Talib, no.1262]

(40). “The one who loves you loves me, and the one who loves me loves Allah. The one who hates you hates me, and the one who hates me hates Allah.”

Grading: Al-Hafidh said: This was narrated by Ibn ‘Adiy, but it is false. [Lisan


Welcome back akhi. Maybe you need to do one with Abu Bakr before they accuse you of Nasb again. ;p

Abu Zayd

That was my first thought when I saw the thread title...

But let's see something similar for Caliphs 1, 2 & 3 for fairness - assuming that not all hadiths about their merits are fabrications anyway  :P


Shukran akhy...i'll put that into consideration

Optimus Prime

Regarding Hadith number 7 there are other scholars who consider the Hadith sound.

Meaning and authenticity of the Hadith: 'I am the city of knowledge and 'Ali is it's gate'


What is the authenticity and meaning of the following narration?

‘I am the city of knowledge and ‘Ali is it’s gate’

Kindly provide the correct meaning as the Shi’ah misinterpret the Hadith.




The authenticity of the above Hadith has been severely debated among the Muhaddithun. Many have dismissed the authenticity completely and some have declared the Hadith authentic.

(Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3723 and Mustadrak Hakim, vol.3 pg. 127)

Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al ‘Asqalani (rahimahullah) when asked regarding the authenticity of the Hadith, stated that the Hadith is not authentic (sahih) nor is it fabricated (mawdu‘), rather it is sound (hasan).

Hafiz ‘Alaee, ‘Allamah Sakhawi, ‘Allamah Suyuti and Imam Zurqani (rahimahumallah) have also agreed that the Hadith is sound.

(Refer: Al La-Alil Manthurah, Hadith: 113-117, Al Maqasidul Hasanah, Hadith: 189, Mukhtasarul Maqasid, Hadith: 170, Ad Durarul Muntathirah, Hadith: 38, Al La-Alil Masnu’ah, vol. 1 pgs. 302-308, Tanzihush Shari’ah, vol. 1 pg. 377, Al Asrarul Marfu’ah, Hadith: 71, and Kashful Khafa, vol. 1 pg. 184)

In short, according to numerous latter day Muhaddithun, the Hadith is sound and suitable to quote.


Correct meaning

Mulla ‘Ali Al Qari (rahimahullah) says that this Hadith means Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu) is one of the numerous doors of knowledge and not the only door. However, Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) specifically mentioning his name, indicates that he does have extra knowledge and honour over other general Sahabah.

Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have said: ‘My companions are like stars, whichever one you follow, you will be rightly guided’. This Hadith indicates that each and every Sahabi is a door of knowledge. This is further substantiated by the fact that the Tabi’un sought knowledge from various Sahabah, not only Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu)

‘Allamah Tibi (rahimahullah) has also echoed similar sentiments and he emphatically states that this Hadith is in no way a proof  for the Shi’ah.

(Sharhut Tibi, vol. 12 pg. 3886, Mirqat, Hadith: 6096. Also see Tuhfatul Ahwadhi, Hadith: 3732)


One should bear in mind that the Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) were unanimous that Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) was the most learned among them.

(Refer: Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 466 and 3654)


And Allah Ta’ala knows best


Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala


Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar


Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar



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