
Ibn Taymiyyah put in Jail by Muslims?

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Ibn Taymiyyah put in Jail by Muslims?
« on: November 17, 2019, 09:08:21 PM »
Why was Ibn Taymiyyah put in Jail by his Muslim community? Why was he beaten up for wearing a silk cap? How did he become a prominent figure if his own Muslims disregarded his opinions?


Re: Ibn Taymiyyah put in Jail by Muslims?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2019, 11:28:50 AM »
Why was Ibn Taymiyyah put in Jail by his Muslim community?  How did he become a prominent figure if his own Muslims disregarded his opinions?
Towards the end of his life, some people plotted against him because of his opinion about prohibiting people from visiting the graves of the Prophets, may Allah exalt their mention, and righteous people. So they spread a rumor among the people that he belittled the Prophets, may Allah exalt their mention. Accordingly, the judges of the four schools of Egypt ordered that he be imprisoned. So he was locked up in Damascus citadel.

In that citadel, Allah inspired him with the understanding of many meanings of the Quran and the basics of knowledge that many scholars would have wished to have.
During his captivity in the citadel, he used to say: “If I gave as much gold as that which would fill this citadel, I wouldn’t have been grateful enough for this grace of being imprisoned.”

When he was reminded of the people who had hurt and caused his imprisonment, he said: “I can never reward them for the good they brought to me.”

Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah have mercy upon him remained in jail in that citadel for about two years till he died in 728 A.H. At the time of his funeral prayer in the mosque, the soldiers surrounded the funeral to protect it from the overwhelming crowds. The number of people kept increasing till they filled up all the alleys, streets and markets. May Allah have mercy on this great scholar.


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