
Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?

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Abu Muhammad

Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2017, 05:54:13 AM »
That's exactly what it is. Today we returned to the jaliyah stage where a man sees naked women all the time.

Then, get married... 😑😌


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #41 on: December 09, 2017, 07:09:14 AM »
Lol. I know your game and stance. Get personal as much as you like. I will definitely not fall to your level. You won't get a reaction out of me regarding your personal stunts.

seeing your reaction here, you know shia mutah is despicable. An act which shia says gives such a huuuuge rewards but yet gives shia such a shock & horror reaction when a simple question "have you done it?" was asked 😂😂


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #42 on: December 09, 2017, 07:17:14 AM »
Are you married? If yes then how many wives do you have? Only one? Well you're allowed up to four at any one time. Give a second marriage a thought and see what you're up against. Just trying to make a point.

You won't be getting any personal reaction out of me. I have character.
😂 shia believes a man who did mutah once will be saved from the Hellfire, twice will be in the company of virtuous men in Jannah, but did it three times, they will be Prophet's companion in highest Jannah. And yet, shia feel angry and shock everytime. You sheeps should be doing mutah at least once. Be proud and unleash your sister & daughter and chase for that highest jannah. You know shia mutah in reality is just freesex 😂😂
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 07:22:56 AM by Hadrami »


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2017, 12:20:41 AM »
seeing your reaction here, you know shia mutah is despicable. An act which shia says gives such a huuuuge rewards but yet gives shia such a shock & horror reaction when a simple question "have you done it?" was asked 😂😂

The shock and horror is towards the one who's asking, the way they're asking and the lack of character and  decency they have. Women, be it sisters or daughters, are never mentioned or brought in a conversation by a decent man with a bit of shame. There's a way of asking and holding a conversation which you clearly have no idea. 


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2017, 01:05:16 AM »
😂 shia believes a man who did mutah once will be saved from the Hellfire, twice will be in the company of virtuous men in Jannah, but did it three times, they will be Prophet's companion in highest Jannah. And yet, shia feel angry and shock everytime. You sheeps should be doing mutah at least once. Be proud and unleash your sister & daughter and chase for that highest jannah. You know shia mutah in reality is just freesex 😂😂

You probably believe that the Shias hold such view, I don't. Mutah is not an open and common practice among Shias as is Nikah. It is permissible due to exceptional circumstances. It is just used by anti Shias to paint a bad pictures about Shiaism and to put people off.

As far as your questions are concerned I am more than happy to answer them. Not because of you but because of the mischief you're trying to create. If my sisters or daughters wanted to do it then would I be glad? I am going to answer this in two parts.

Firstly it's not want or wanting, it's about need. It's about exceptional circumstances and those who feel the need. My sisters, daughters or nieces don't feel the need or don't have those exceptional circumstances or the situation or condition where they feel the need.

Just because my sisters etc feel this way and have not or do not want to engage in Mutah doesn't mean it's bad or Haram. And those men and women who have exceptional circumstances or situation/condition and feel the need are not engaging in Haram, committing sin or doing anything wrong.

Due to exceptional circumstances if someone is on a situation or condition where they feel the need only then Mutah is better than engaging in Haram and committing sin. As far as I'm concerned,  no. I have never been engaged in Mutah. Why? Not because I think it's bad or strange but because I don't feel the need. Just as simple as that.

Secondly let me ask you this, you are allowed to have more than one wife. Yes sir. You can have up to four at any one time. Now if you decided to remarry, have a second wife then tell me would your first wife be glad about it? Would she be over the moon that my husband is going to follow the Prophet's (s) sunah? Would she be sending out and distributing your wedding cards? And if you had children out of your first marriage how would they feel? Would they be proud of you?

We do not believe that the Prophet (s) prohibited it. We don't believe he put a total stop to it and banned it. Why? Because why was it allowed in the first place? Answer, due to EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Ok. So why did the Prophet (s) ban it? Where did the EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES go? Did they suddenly fade away?


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #45 on: December 10, 2017, 01:13:24 AM »
It's like nutrition and medication. Nutrition is there and you take it. When it comes to food you have a choice and then it depends what you want, to eat. When it comes to medication the same thing and terms don't apply. Medication is taken only when needed and due to exceptional circumstances. Thanks for asking. Do some research. Get some knowledge and information rather than jumping up and down.😊


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2017, 01:23:24 AM »
Then, get married... 😑😌

Its not easy in today's economy. Most people have to study till they are 22. On top of that marriage is just too expensive.
Also, in an Islamic society we were allowed to marry 4 women. Today its impossible to do that even in Muslim countries.


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2017, 04:37:30 AM »
You probably believe that the Shias hold such view, I don't. Mutah is not an open and common practice among Shias as is Nikah. It is permissible due to exceptional circumstances. It is just used by anti Shias to paint a bad pictures about Shiaism and to put people off.
Not really, its not non shia who believes how despicable shia mutah is. Even sane shia knows its just a despicable freesex act. Dont tell me about exceptional circumstances BS, because it cant be further from the truth.

If my sisters or daughters wanted to do it then would I be glad? I am going to answer this in two parts.
If i know theres an act with the same amount of rewards like shia mutah,  i will try my best to do it at least once. I definitely wont be defensive and mad when someone ask me if ive done it 😛

Firstly it's not want or wanting, it's about need. It's about exceptional circumstances and those who feel the need. My sisters, daughters or nieces don't feel the need or don't have those exceptional circumstances or the situation or condition where they feel the need.
cut the exceptional circumstances BS excuse. Shia mutah is allowed to be practise in any circumstances, just like shia taqiyya.

Just because my sisters etc feel this way and have not or do not want to engage in Mutah doesn't mean it's bad or Haram. And those men and women who have exceptional circumstances or situation/condition and feel the need are not engaging in Haram, committing sin or doing anything wrong.
no, im sure any chaste respectable shia woman will hate mut'ah to the bone.

Due to exceptional circumstances if someone is on a situation or condition where they feel the need only then Mutah is better than engaging in Haram and committing sin. As far as I'm concerned,  no. I have never been engaged in Mutah. Why? Not because I think it's bad or strange but because I don't feel the need. Just as simple as that.
this is the 3rd time you mention exceptional circumstances BS. This i shia anytime any ciecumstances version of mutah.

Secondly let me ask you this, you are allowed to have more than one wife. Yes sir. You can have up to four at any one time. Now if you decided to remarry, have a second wife then tell me would your first wife be glad about it? Would she be over the moon that my husband is going to follow the Prophet's (s) sunah? Would she be sending out and distributing your wedding cards? And if you had children out of your first marriage how would they feel? Would they be proud of you?
If do it once is promised jannah, twice to be with pious person in jannah and to do it 3 times will make me enter the highest jannah, i will definitely do it. But then again, some shia is so brain damaged and get offended when people ask why they didnt do mutah which they themselves believe is virtuous act.

We do not believe that the Prophet (s) prohibited it. We don't believe he put a total stop to it and banned it. Why? Because why was it allowed in the first place? Answer, due to EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Ok. So why did the Prophet (s) ban it? Where did the EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES go? Did they suddenly fade away?
😂 shia reasoning. Like i said, the fact is shia is allowed to practise it even when theres no exceptional circumstances, exactly the same like shia taqiyya. You cant use exceptional curcumstances excuse to get out of this mess
« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 04:39:19 AM by Hadrami »


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2017, 03:57:39 PM »

Firstly it's not want or wanting, it's about need. It's about exceptional circumstances and those who feel the need. My sisters, daughters or nieces don't feel the need or don't have those exceptional circumstances or the situation or condition where they feel the need.

Just because my sisters etc feel this way and have not or do not want to engage in Mutah doesn't mean it's bad or Haram. And those men and women who have exceptional circumstances or situation/condition and feel the need are not engaging in Haram, committing sin or doing anything wrong.

Due to exceptional circumstances if someone is on a situation or condition where they feel the need only then Mutah is better than engaging in Haram and committing sin. As far as I'm concerned,  no. I have never been engaged in Mutah. Why? Not because I think it's bad or strange but because I don't feel the need. Just as simple as that.

Secondly let me ask you this, you are allowed to have more than one wife. Yes sir. You can have up to four at any one time. Now if you decided to remarry, have a second wife then tell me would your first wife be glad about it? Would she be over the moon that my husband is going to follow the Prophet's (s) sunah? Would she be sending out and distributing your wedding cards? And if you had children out of your first marriage how would they feel? Would they be proud of you?

1) That is such a wrong answer that I don’t know what you was thinking when responding with this answer, it’s wrong on many levels.

Exceptional circumstances? That could only mean one thing someone who has the urge all day long and can’t hold it and it becomes an exceptional circumstance, a nympho a xxx addict, someone who needs SATISFYING!.....and your answer is to satisfy that exceptional circumstance you Shias do mutah.

It’s all about the need, but I see plenty even my own Shia friends having girlfriends/boyfriends and you ask them about mutah.......”urhg”...”nasty”....”astaghfirullah “.......even ....”it’s prostitution bro.”
They are fulfilling their needs by using western standards and not Islamic (shiia Islam).
I don’t know which bubble you are in.
Maybe in your eyes they may not know Shia Islam......judging by your answers I think it’s best they didn’t.

It’s not nice full stop and whether you have needs or not there are ways to confront such problems............

2) Remarry.....a good pious woman will let you REMARRY on Islamic terms as long as you can be equal with both and the same......Obviously it’s not perfect and you do have problems. In marriage respect comes before needs.Its more respectful to offer life companionship and love rather than a one night stand contract “without strings attached”.

You have Shiites galore running about having many different girlfriends changing like they change clothes......yet they are dumbfounded on answering these Shiites that have needs why don’t they mutah instead?
If it has benefits and is a blessed act in Shia Islam....why not go to reap the benefits?

What’s up with da yooth man!!!

Which is easier for them to bring home?
A girlfriend or a temporary mutah contract for exceptional circumstances??

I know many Shia would choose the first.

Like a brother said.....these exceptional circumstances seem to be your main answer or a cop out answer, either way it doesn’t make sense.

Try answering from another angle......maybe???



Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2017, 05:22:55 PM »
Not really, its not non shia who believes how despicable shia mutah is. Even sane shia knows its just a despicable freesex act. Dont tell me about exceptional circumstances BS, because it cant be further from the truth.
If i know theres an act with the same amount of rewards like shia mutah,  i will try my best to do it at least once. I definitely wont be defensive and mad when someone ask me if ive done it 😛
cut the exceptional circumstances BS excuse. Shia mutah is allowed to be practise in any circumstances, just like shia taqiyya.
no, im sure any chaste respectable shia woman will hate mut'ah to the bone.
this is the 3rd time you mention exceptional circumstances BS. This i shia anytime any ciecumstances version of mutah.
If do it once is promised jannah, twice to be with pious person in jannah and to do it 3 times will make me enter the highest jannah, i will definitely do it. But then again, some shia is so brain damaged and get offended when people ask why they didnt do mutah which they themselves believe is virtuous act.
😂 shia reasoning. Like i said, the fact is shia is allowed to practise it even when theres no exceptional circumstances, exactly the same like shia taqiyya. You cant use exceptional curcumstances excuse to get out of this mess

I'm not surprised by the illiterate response. You asked and I answered. But  you deliberately left an important point out. Mutah was permissible and practiced during the Prophet's (s) time but why was it prohibited? Why was it banned? What was the reason for it?

It was permissible and practiced due to exceptional circumstances but what happened to those exceptional circumstances? Were they temporary? Do we not have the same exceptional circumstances after Mutah was banned?

Or these days do we not have exceptional circumstances? This is the kind of discussion I like and want. And this is what I would like you to comment on. But with your behaviour and attitude based on your mentality, I don't think you can engage in a civilised and pleasant discussion.


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2017, 08:40:23 PM »
Mutah was permissible and practiced during the Prophet's (s) time and the reason and purpose was 'EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES'. This is absolute and clear. Now why did the Prophet (s) all of a sudden prohibit it? When it comes to Hadiths and Narrations there are strong and weak. Some are accepted and some not. We believe the Prophet (s) did not prohibit Mutah and you claim he did.

Give me a solid argument. 1, Do you have or can you give me anything from the Qoran that Mutah is prohibited? And 2, If the Prophet (s) did prohibit Mutah then WHY? Come on Hadrami, lets here it. Give me a solid argument rather bagging and bashing the Shias with your immature and out of character attitude and behaviour.


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #51 on: December 11, 2017, 07:32:00 AM »
Mutah was permissible and practiced during the Prophet's (s) time and the reason and purpose was 'EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES'. This is absolute and clear.

With in the 12er Shia school are you sure its only for EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES? Do you have hadith?

Also, in the 19 minute mark Rajabali says its execption, but the 12er Shia make it sound like its sunnah and rewarding. So if it rewarding why it is exceptional?


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2017, 07:48:26 AM »
With in the 12er Shia school are you sure its only for EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES? Do you have hadith?

Also, in the 19 minute mark Rajabali says its execption, but the 12er Shia make it sound like its sunnah and rewarding. So if it rewarding why it is exceptional?

Among many other things, it is common for Shia couples to do Mut'ah marriage in lieu of the 'Engagement' period. Some even marry their pre-pubescent daughters off in Mu'tah for a very short time in order that formalities be completed (like a man needs to write he is 'Married' in his official papers). That does not sound exceptional to me. Also, the nature of marriage in the Twelver religion, of there not being a requirement for witnesses does raise many questions with respect to Mut'ah as do the questions one asks the prospective Mut'ah partner, but that is another issue.

I am sure those of us around Shias can bring up many more examples; all in all, it is not exceptional in their milieu.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 08:00:13 AM by MuslimAnswers »


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2017, 12:56:02 PM »
With in the 12er Shia school are you sure its only for EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES? Do you have hadith?

Also, in the 19 minute mark Rajabali says its execption, but the 12er Shia make it sound like its sunnah and rewarding. So if it rewarding why it is exceptional?

Allow me to answer this. First of all when it comes to Ahle Sunah scholars and books written by them, you have many. And I mean many. Now if I selected one book and pointed out something from that book that, 'look what is written here' or I pick one Suni scholar and point out his statement based on his understanding and point of view that, 'look what this scholar has said',

then try to implement this on the entire Ahle Sunah and assume that this is part of Ahle Sunah belief and faith and every Suni accepts and believes in this then, would this be true? I'm I doing the right thing? Is this acceptable?

The answer obviously is NO. There are a lot of things in books written by Ahle Sunah scholars and some of the books  are even considered heavily AUTHENTIC but are not accepted. Suni people will turn around and say and have said,

"yes this book is authentic and reliable but I'm sorry we don't accept that bit. Or that bit is considered weak or shady. The same thing applies to Suni scholars. Some scholars are even rejected if not bits and pieces of what they've said or written.

Exactly the same applies to the Shia. I have an open mind. I am sensible and understanding. And I'd like to remain this way. I discuss and debate with reason and logic.

Listen up, I/we consider Qoran to be 100% authentic. No other book has the same status and recognition as the Qoran. I/we believe in Allah and Allah alone and accept every single thing from Allah.

Yes we do believe in the Prophet (s) and the 12 guides (Imams). But apart from this we have been told by our Imams and we are aware of this that, a lot will be put forward and presented that this is from the Prophet (s), he said this and this is from the Imam/s, they said that but it won't be from them.

When questioned about how to distinguish or how to know what is from them and what isn't, we were told to take what ever is presented to us with the label of the Prophet (s) or the Imam/s and measure it with the Qoran.

If it is exact and according to the Qoran, you can find something in the Qoran to justify it and back it up then accept and take it. Otherwise 'SLAM IT AGAINST THE WALL', in other words REJECT IT.

This is one thing. I do not and I repeat, I DO NOT take everything that every single Shia scholar says or written in their book at face value.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 12:59:32 PM by iceman »


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #54 on: December 11, 2017, 01:01:53 PM »


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2017, 02:24:39 PM »
I'm not surprised by the illiterate response. You asked and I answered. But  you deliberately left an important point out. Mutah was permissible and practiced during the Prophet's (s) time but why was it prohibited? Why was it banned? What was the reason for it?

It was permissible and practiced due to exceptional circumstances but what happened to those exceptional circumstances? Were they temporary? Do we not have the same exceptional circumstances after Mutah was banned?

Or these days do we not have exceptional circumstances? This is the kind of discussion I like and want. And this is what I would like you to comment on. But with your behaviour and attitude based on your mentality, I don't think you can engage in a civilised and pleasant discussion.
Because my question is not about why shia does mutah. The reason you do mut'ah is irrelevant? For sure shia do mutah even when theres no exceptional circumstances. What is relevant which was my original question:

Why shia always reacted with shame or anger or being defensive everytime someone ask "How many times have you done mut'ah, the one of the most virtuous act according to shia's belief?"
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 02:25:47 PM by Hadrami »


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2017, 02:28:23 PM »
Mutah was permissible and practiced during the Prophet's (s) time and the reason and purpose was 'EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES'. This is absolute and clear. Now why did the Prophet (s) all of a sudden prohibit it? When it comes to Hadiths and Narrations there are strong and weak. Some are accepted and some not. We believe the Prophet (s) did not prohibit Mutah and you claim he did.

Give me a solid argument. 1, Do you have or can you give me anything from the Qoran that Mutah is prohibited? And 2, If the Prophet (s) did prohibit Mutah then WHY? Come on Hadrami, lets here it. Give me a solid argument rather bagging and bashing the Shias with your immature and out of character attitude and behaviour.
You idiot, again it doesnt matter whether you believe its halal and i believe its haram. Why do shia have to be angry when someone ask that question? Its definitely because you are ashamed. How can anyone be ashamed when someone ask if he has done a "virtuous act"? :D


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2017, 04:07:35 PM »
You idiot, again it doesnt matter whether you believe its halal and i believe its haram. Why do shia have to be angry when someone ask that question? Its definitely because you are ashamed. How can anyone be ashamed when someone ask if he has done a "virtuous act"? :D

First of all don't call me an idiot. WATCH AND CONTROL THAT MOUTH OF YOURS.

Answer what is being asked. If you can't then stop jumping up and down or diverting attention.

Why did the Prophet (s) prohibit Mutah? What was the reason and purpose to ban It?

Can you or anyone provide me with clear and direct evidence from the Qoran that Mutah is prohibited?

The Shias are not hesitant or ashamed of any question asked or point raised. That problem is on your side.

I have clearly mentioned and addressed everything put forward and asked. You're playing the avoiding and diverting game.


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2017, 08:11:57 PM »
Allow me to answer this. First of all when it comes to Ahle Sunah scholars and books written by them, you have many. And I mean many. Now if I selected one book and pointed out something from that book that, 'look what is written here' or I pick one Suni scholar and point out his statement based on his understanding and point of view that, 'look what this scholar has said',

then try to implement this on the entire Ahle Sunah and assume that this is part of Ahle Sunah belief and faith and every Suni accepts and believes in this then, would this be true? I'm I doing the right thing? Is this acceptable?

The answer obviously is NO. There are a lot of things in books written by Ahle Sunah scholars and some of the books  are even considered heavily AUTHENTIC but are not accepted. Suni people will turn around and say and have said,

"yes this book is authentic and reliable but I'm sorry we don't accept that bit. Or that bit is considered weak or shady. The same thing applies to Suni scholars. Some scholars are even rejected if not bits and pieces of what they've said or written.

Exactly the same applies to the Shia. I have an open mind. I am sensible and understanding. And I'd like to remain this way. I discuss and debate with reason and logic.

Listen up, I/we consider Qoran to be 100% authentic. No other book has the same status and recognition as the Qoran. I/we believe in Allah and Allah alone and accept every single thing from Allah.

Yes we do believe in the Prophet (s) and the 12 guides (Imams). But apart from this we have been told by our Imams and we are aware of this that, a lot will be put forward and presented that this is from the Prophet (s), he said this and this is from the Imam/s, they said that but it won't be from them.

When questioned about how to distinguish or how to know what is from them and what isn't, we were told to take what ever is presented to us with the label of the Prophet (s) or the Imam/s and measure it with the Qoran.

If it is exact and according to the Qoran, you can find something in the Qoran to justify it and back it up then accept and take it. Otherwise 'SLAM IT AGAINST THE WALL', in other words REJECT IT.

This is one thing. I do not and I repeat, I DO NOT take everything that every single Shia scholar says or written in their book at face value.

Can you provide Hadith from 12er Shia books which state it's for exceptional circumstances?


Re: Is Mutah Really Halal For Shia?
« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2017, 11:57:21 PM »
Can you provide Hadith from 12er Shia books which state it's for exceptional circumstances?

Was Mutah permissible and practiced during the Prophet's (s) time or not? Answer, yes it was. Why? Due to and for exceptional circumstances. Why was Mutah suddenly prohibited? What was the reason for it? These are the main questions and the important part of the discussion which is being avoided. WHY?


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