
Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?

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Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2018, 02:31:48 PM »
So how many more ways can you split an already split piece of hair?  Earlier, it was that "rule by Muawiya" was different than "peace with Muawiya".  Now, you are distinguishing "peace with Muawiya" from "going into an agreement with Muawiya".  You are so desperate that it makes me laugh.

Fact is that "peace with Muawiya" based on "an agreement with Muawiya" led to the "rule by Muawiya".  And all of this was done by your 2nd "infallible" Imam (ra).

You are like the atheists that describe to me how cells divide, which I - as a Bio major - understand very comprehensively, and they think they have accounted for why cells divide.  I know the agreement!  I want you to explain to us why would Imam Hassan (ra) choose to make peace with a man (Muawiya) who even conspired against his father (i.e., Imam Ali)?

Imam Hassan (ra) with (alleged) knowledge of the unseen, knowing that he will be betrayed, hands a second unreliable, vicious person the key to power and entrusts him with hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims.  This while guiding the Muslims was his "Divinely Ordained Task" to begin with and he had the Caliphate.  Maybe his father could not revolt against Abu Bakr (ra) due to lack of power and influence but Imam Hassan (ra) had worldly and outer-worldly powers.  Yet he vacated his spot for Muawiya. 

Either Imam Hassan (ra) was mistaken and Shias today know Muawiya better or Shias today must repent!  Which one is it?

I know Saqifa gives you nightmares but it is outside the scope of our discussion.  By the way, recite Ayat al-Kursi when you have Saqifa scares.  In fact, you and your friends should wear a Saqifa-themed costume next Halloween.  Might help you get over your fear!

Imam Ali (ra), according to most Shias, had no influence and connections, as also attested by Ijtaba, which is why he did not revolt against Abu Bakr (ra).  He, naudhubillah, went door-to-door but was refused help.

"Fact is that "peace with Muawiya" based on "an agreement with Muawiya" led to the "rule by Muawiya".  And all of this was done by your 2nd "infallible" Imam (ra)"

Did he have a choice? It was either continuous conflict resulting to more bloodshed or a peace treaty. Going in to peace treaty doesn't mean Muawiya was good and better and certainly doesn't prove that. Use your senses.

Ali was the 4th rightly guided Caliph of the Muslims and the Ulul Amre of the time. We know that but we can't criticise and condemn, deny and reject those who opposed the 4th rightly guided Caliph of the and the Ulul Amre of the time.


Muawiya didn't accept legitimate Caliphate of Ali how do you expect Muawiya to accept the legitimate Caliphate of Hassan the 5th rightly guided Caliph of the Muslims and the Ulul Amre of the time 😊

This is you Nizam of Caliphate which you so fiercely defend from Saqifa but after Usman you throw it in doubt. 😆

"I want you to explain to us why would Imam Hassan (ra) choose to make peace with a man (Muawiya) who even conspired against his father (i.e., Imam Ali)?"


"Maybe his father could not revolt against Abu Bakr (ra) due to lack of power and influence"

Don't say that. We are talking about ALI the most feared and brave warrior. His performance in the battlefield is legendary where as the performance of your beloved individuals is also known and seen running up the hills and mountains in the battle of Uhad when the going got tough. 😊

"Imam Ali (ra), according to most Shias, had no influence and connections"

I STRONGLY DISAGREE. Ali had a choice just as we all do. Ali made the right choice.

"I know Saqifa gives you nightmares but it is outside the scope of our discussion"

No it doesn't. I've put plenty forward on Saqifa. By all means do jump in if you feel like you have it.


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #81 on: November 06, 2018, 03:52:21 PM »
Saqifa rattles his bones😂😂😂😂😂


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #82 on: November 06, 2018, 06:47:16 PM »
Saqifa rattles his bones😂😂😂😂😂

No it doesn't. I've said and put plenty forward on Saqifa. By all means do jump in if you feel like you have it. I don't think you've got what it takes to discuss and debate. That's why you come out with taunts and tantrums. And here's a few faces for you since you seem to be obsessed with them. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #83 on: November 06, 2018, 08:02:10 PM »
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يا أمين, long time no speak  :)

"Fact is that "peace with Muawiya" based on "an agreement with Muawiya" led to the "rule by Muawiya".  And all of this was done by your 2nd "infallible" Imam (ra)"

Did he have a choice? It was either continuous conflict resulting to more bloodshed or a peace treaty. Going in to peace treaty doesn't mean Muawiya was good and better and certainly doesn't prove that. Use your senses.

I don't know why I'm wasting my time here, but don't you see how you didn't address his point?  He was talking about how Imam Hassan عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه gave up his leadership position to someone who is not an infallible Imam despite being an infallible Imam himself (according to you).  It has nothing to do with who is "good and better" as there is a consensus among Muslims that Imam Hassan عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه is much greater than Muawiyah.  I think you knew that was the argument, but so you can feel better, decided to attack a strawman.

Prediction: you will not address this.

Ali was the 4th rightly guided Caliph of the Muslims and the Ulul Amre of the time. We know that but we can't criticise and condemn, deny and reject those who opposed the 4th rightly guided Caliph of the and the Ulul Amre of the time.

We do criticize them and consider them to be in error in this situation.  The questions then become: 1) are they worthy of la'nah because of this?  2)  Does this make Imam Ali عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه as well as 11 of his progeny infallible imams?

Prediction: you won't answer either question.

Muawiya didn't accept legitimate Caliphate of Ali how do you expect Muawiya to accept the legitimate Caliphate of Hassan the 5th rightly guided Caliph of the Muslims and the Ulul Amre of the time 😊

This is you Nizam of Caliphate which you so fiercely defend from Saqifa but after Usman you throw it in doubt. 😆

We don't throw it in doubt, Muawiyah was wrong in how he handled the situation.  In fact, I can understand why some people doubt his faith.  Nevertheless, I don't see how that helps your case that Imam Ali عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه was an infallible Imam.  In fact, making takfeer of him only hurts your cause, are you saying they made peace with a fasiq kafir all in the name of unity?  Then why don't you guys do that today?  LOL

Prediction: no response to this point.
كلُّ سُلامى من الناس عليه صدقة كلَّ يوم تطلع فيه الشمس، تَعدلُ بين اثنين صدقة، وتعين الرَّجل في دابَّته فتحمله عليها أو ترفع له عليها متاعَه صدقة، والكلمةُ الطيِّبة صدقة، وبكلِّ خطوة تَمشيها إلى الصلاة صدقة، وتُميط الأذى عن الطريق صدقة


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #84 on: November 07, 2018, 12:05:44 AM »
No it doesn't. I've said and put plenty forward on Saqifa. By all means do jump in if you feel like you have it. I don't think you've got what it takes to discuss and debate. That's why you come out with taunts and tantrums. And here's a few faces for you since you seem to be obsessed with them. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Awww what’s up? You spat your dummy out?😂😂👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

You a debator hahahahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂👍👍👍👍 good one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

This debator for the life of Shiites cannot even answer a clear question of providing clear verses for divine leadership ithna ashari style.......yet and he classes himself as a debator.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍😂😂👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😝

D E B A T O R😂😂😂😂👍😂👍


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #85 on: November 07, 2018, 02:42:54 AM »
Awww what’s up? You spat your dummy out?😂😂👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

You a debator hahahahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂👍👍👍👍 good one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

This debator for the life of Shiites cannot even answer a clear question of providing clear verses for divine leadership ithna ashari style.......yet and he classes himself as a debator.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍😂😂👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😝

D E B A T O R😂😂😂😂👍😂👍

You sound like a 9 year old 😆 You really show you don't have what it takes.


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #86 on: November 07, 2018, 03:27:57 AM »
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يا أمين, long time no speak  :)

I don't know why I'm wasting my time here, but don't you see how you didn't address his point?  He was talking about how Imam Hassan عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه gave up his leadership position to someone who is not an infallible Imam despite being an infallible Imam himself (according to you).  It has nothing to do with who is "good and better" as there is a consensus among Muslims that Imam Hassan عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه is much greater than Muawiyah.  I think you knew that was the argument, but so you can feel better, decided to attack a strawman.

Prediction: you will not address this.

We do criticize them and consider them to be in error in this situation.  The questions then become: 1) are they worthy of la'nah because of this?  2)  Does this make Imam Ali عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه as well as 11 of his progeny infallible imams?

Prediction: you won't answer either question.

We don't throw it in doubt, Muawiyah was wrong in how he handled the situation.  In fact, I can understand why some people doubt his faith.  Nevertheless, I don't see how that helps your case that Imam Ali عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه was an infallible Imam.  In fact, making takfeer of him only hurts your cause, are you saying they made peace with a fasiq kafir all in the name of unity?  Then why don't you guys do that today?  LOL

Prediction: no response to this point.

Salaam. I don't know how many times I need to address this. Muawiyah had influence and connections right from the very start. First as Mushrik and Kafirs of Mecca in the early days of Islam. Bani Ummayah and especially the Abu Sufyaan clan and family.

After the demise of the Prophet s.a.w Muawiya served as govner under the first three Caliphs. That's a total of 25 years being part of Caliphate as a governor having areas and districts under his control. Here he build a considerable amount of wealth and influence. He had a lot of supporters.

When Ali got into authority Muawiya refused to recognize him. Muawiyah knew the influence, wealth and support he had otherwise he never would have challenged Ali. The conflict with Ali turned into a war consisting of 72 battles. What, lasting 1 to 2 years. That's a long time and a very long conflict with a loss of a lot of lives.

When Hassan got into authority Muawiya even refused to recognize him. Why? The prime excuse against Ali was bringing the killers of Usman to justice by handing them over to Muawiya. But what was Muawiyah's excuse for not recognising Hassan?

Anyways the conflict continued moving on to Hassan. Theu slims got tired and exhausted. And people were thinking of when this conflict is going to end. Hassan examined the situation and did the right thing by ending the conflict. There were two things, either continue with the conflict or put an end to it.

A arrogant and stubborn man would continue with the conflict regardless of the consequences. And Muawiyya did and still would. The wise and intelligent examined and analysed the situation and decided to end the conflict. Infallibility doesn't mean you are better so you should stick to your guns. It means doing what is right and necessary.

As far as Muawiya goes, money talks and wealth counts. He used it to his disposal.

"We do criticize them and consider them to be in error in this situation.  The questions then become: 1) are they worthy of la'nah because of this?  2)  Does this make Imam Ali عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه as well as 11 of his progeny infallible imams?"

Do you know the meaning of la'nah? Is sending la'nah wrong and haraam? As far as infallibility is concerned why does the conflict restrict someone from being infallible? Or looking at the circumstances and analysing the situation and making a decision on a broader basis, why would this effect your infallibility?

"are you saying they made peace with a fasiq kafir all in the name of unity?"

Muawiyah wasn't a Kafir. It was a conflict between the Muslims and caused by the Muslims. Making peace for the welfare of Islam and the benefit of the Muslims is no loss but gain.

"Then why don't you guys do that today?  LOL"

😊😊😊 That's precisely and exactly what we're doing 😊😊😊 Take a look at around. Shias have never turned towards violence and threatening behaviour just to have their demands met or to overthrow a Sunni government. 😊


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #87 on: November 07, 2018, 04:46:11 AM »
Did he have a choice? It was either continuous conflict resulting to more bloodshed or a peace treaty.

If as an "infallible" Imam with the Caliphate in his possession still leaves Imam Hassan (ra) without a choice (or helpless) then he is not fit to be anyone's Imam, last of them would be me.  That is the thesis I am supporting.  Your "infallible" Imams (ra) were rendered helpless with or without power.  What good are such guides?

And what bloodshed did Imam Hassan (ra) prevent?  If anything, his decision (to give Caliphate to Muawiya) was the reason why Yazeed was unleashed upon the Ummah leading to Imam Hussain's (ra) death.

Going in to peace treaty doesn't mean Muawiya was good and better and certainly doesn't prove that. Use your senses.

Imam Hassan (ra), in our worldview, is better than Muawiya.  Your theology, on the other hand, does not allow for him to relegate himself so that Muawiya could rule the Muslims.

Ali was the 4th rightly guided Caliph of the Muslims and the Ulul Amre of the time. We know that but we can't criticise and condemn, deny and reject those who opposed the 4th rightly guided Caliph of the and the Ulul Amre of the time.

Imam Hassan (ra), according to some scholars and me, is the 5th Rightly Guided Caliph.  If he makes way for Muawiya to be the leader, I will not criticize or condemn Muawiya.  Doing so would be putting our whims above Imam Hassan's (ra) intelligence.  We have more respect for Imam Hassan (ra) than all the Shias from conception of Shiaism till the realization of the non-existent "cave man".

Muawiya didn't accept legitimate Caliphate of Ali how do you expect Muawiya to accept the legitimate Caliphate of Hassan the 5th rightly guided Caliph of the Muslims and the Ulul Amre of the time 😊

According to you, Muawiya rejected both the Caliphates of Imam Ali (ra) and Imam Hassan (ra); one fought Muawiya and the other surrendered his "Divine Right".  Who was right?  Father or son?


Your excuses do not fit within your theology.  They actually negate your beliefs.

Don't say that. We are talking about ALI the most feared and brave warrior. His performance in the battlefield is legendary where as the performance of your beloved individuals is also known and seen running up the hills and mountains in the battle of Uhad when the going got tough. 😊

Imam Ali (ra), according to your beliefs, did not bat an eyelid when his wife was attacked and dragged in public.  As for running performances, no one can outmatch the one running for over 1000 years.  Why is he running and hiding?  Because he fears for his life, according to your books of aqeedah!  Awww, one scaredy cat he is!

I STRONGLY DISAGREE. Ali had a choice just as we all do. Ali made the right choice.

Went door-to-door asking for help but no one helped him.  Fail!  Watched his wife take a beating.  Fail!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 04:49:28 AM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #88 on: November 07, 2018, 01:34:36 PM »
You sound like a 9 year old 😆 You really show you don't have what it takes.

What’s up? Don’t like it now do we?😂😂😂😂😂

Ok this 9 year old has proved shura from Quran and an intelligent adult like yourself with the Shiite aql...........Can’t do the same for divine Imamate.😉👍

Intelligent E Shiite 😊


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #89 on: November 07, 2018, 01:39:10 PM »
Saqifa gives E Shiite nightmares.

The guy comes up with promotion and he can’t answer his own theory😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Come on icepop 😊


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #90 on: November 07, 2018, 02:06:35 PM »

😊😊😊 That's precisely and exactly what we're doing 😊😊😊 Take a look at around. Shias have never turned towards violence and threatening behaviour just to have their demands met or to overthrow a Sunni government. 😊

What a lying deceiving little rat you are.

Shiites never turn towards violence??? Arrogant E Shiite!

What happened to Safavids? They didn’t turn violent for their demands did they?

Iraq helping the Americans and creating your own militias in Syria and Iraq to OVERTHROW a government and militias being created to have your demands met.

Suicide truck bombers, believed to be Hezbollah, kill 241 American servicemen in Beirut.
The media spectacle of Hezbollah’s suicide bombing quickly inspired other groups in Lebanon, including Christian and secular militant groups, to try it as well. The number of attacks grew rapidly in the mid 1980s before declining near the end of the decade.

In 1993, Palestinian groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad began using suicide bombers against Israeli targets in an effort to derail the Oslo-Cairo peace process, then taking place between the Israeli government and the PLO. Hezbollah trained many of the radicals in how to use suicide attacks from late 1992 to early 1993.

I could carry on

It was started by you shiites you taught the Sunnis about killing yourself and your enemy together.

Shiites are the ones who created their own sect with their own set of ideas and were the first suicide bombers.👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #91 on: November 07, 2018, 10:15:39 PM »

Just as a reminder, Allah سبحانه وتعالى says in Surat an-Nisaa':
When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally.

The very least is try to return my greeting with something similar بارك الله فيك.

I don't know how many times I need to address this. Muawiyah had influence and connections right from the very start. First as Mushrik and Kafirs of Mecca in the early days of Islam. Bani Ummayah and especially the Abu Sufyaan clan and family.

You didn't need to address this as this is well known.

After the demise of the Prophet s.a.w Muawiya served as govner under the first three Caliphs. That's a total of 25 years being part of Caliphate as a governor having areas and districts under his control. Here he build a considerable amount of wealth and influence. He had a lot of supporters.

That's actually not true as he wasn't a governor under Abu Bakr, but no problem, we still agree...

When Ali got into authority Muawiya refused to recognize him. Muawiyah knew the influence, wealth and support he had otherwise he never would have challenged Ali. The conflict with Ali turned into a war consisting of 72 battles. What, lasting 1 to 2 years. That's a long time and a very long conflict with a loss of a lot of lives.

No doubt he had a lot of support and influence, but not as much as Ali عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه.  But lets see where you're going with this...

When Hassan got into authority Muawiya even refused to recognize him. Why? The prime excuse against Ali was bringing the killers of Usman to justice by handing them over to Muawiya. But what was Muawiyah's excuse for not recognising Hassan?

Anyways the conflict continued moving on to Hassan. Theu slims got tired and exhausted. And people were thinking of when this conflict is going to end. Hassan examined the situation and did the right thing by ending the conflict. There were two things, either continue with the conflict or put an end to it.

This is why Imam Hassan عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه is considered one of the greatest Muslims off all-time without the need to even mention that he was a Sahabi, a member of Ahl al-Bayt and one of the Two Sayyids of Ahl Al-Jannah.  This was even prophesied by the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم; that he would bring piece between two great groups of Muslims رضي الله عنه وأرضاه.

A arrogant and stubborn man would continue with the conflict regardless of the consequences. And Muawiyya did and still would. The wise and intelligent examined and analysed the situation and decided to end the conflict. Infallibility doesn't mean you are better so you should stick to your guns. It means doing what is right and necessary.

As far as Muawiya goes, money talks and wealth counts. He used it to his disposal.

Umm... I've read what you wrote several times, but how does it address ANYTHING that has been said to you by me or anyone else?  So an infallible Imam gave up his infallible position to a fallible fasiq?  The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم went through the same, yet you never saw him give up his position as a Messenger to anyone else or even leave it as a matter of debate regardless of what might have happened.  I'm afraid you haven't addressed anything and only dug yourself into a bigger hole, because there is no doubt Ali and al-Hassan رضي الله عنهما had WAY MORE support than al-Hussayn رضي الله عنه, and yet al-Hassan made peace and al-Hussayn fought.  Care to address that?  Or are you just going to go on an irrelevant rant?

"We do criticize them and consider them to be in error in this situation.  The questions then become: 1) are they worthy of la'nah because of this?  2)  Does this make Imam Ali عليه السلام ورضي الله عنه as well as 11 of his progeny infallible imams?"

Do you know the meaning of la'nah? Is sending la'nah wrong and haraam? As far as infallibility is concerned why does the conflict restrict someone from being infallible? Or looking at the circumstances and analysing the situation and making a decision on a broader basis, why would this effect your infallibility?

As always, since you are not able to answer, you respond with questions.  I know what la'nah means and I don't believe it is haraam (outright), there, I answered your question.  Now answer mine, was what they did worthy of la'nah?

The second question again, I'll answer, no it does not effect their infallibility, but in what way does it prove it?  People analyze situations all the time, how does that make someone infallible?  That was my question.  You knew what you said was irrelevant, so you decided to respond with a question to derail the discussion.

Muawiyah wasn't a Kafir. It was a conflict between the Muslims and caused by the Muslims. Making peace for the welfare of Islam and the benefit of the Muslims is no loss but gain.

Muawiyah wasn't a kafir according to 12er theology?  He fought the Imam, took his position, changed Islam etc and he's still a Muslim?  I guess somehow this peace treaty "saved" Islam by confirming for the overwhelming majority of Muslims from that time on that Imam Hassan رضي الله عنه was not an infallible Imam and allowed "Sunnis" to dominate the image of Islam, be the sole relayers of the Qur'an, Sunnah, Arabic language, Imam Ali رضي الله عنه's sermons.  Amazing the length you'll go to to convince yourself.

😊😊😊 That's precisely and exactly what we're doing 😊😊😊 Take a look at around. Shias have never turned towards violence and threatening behaviour just to have their demands met or to overthrow a Sunni government. 😊

LOL, I can't believe you can say that with a straight (or smiley) face.  This level of ignorance is almost hard to believe.  He's sitting here arguing about Sunni/Shi'a theology and telling me that today, he is behaving like Imams Ali and Hassan رضي الله عنهما.  The only thing more absurd about that, is that I'm sitting here taking time out of my day to respond to you.
كلُّ سُلامى من الناس عليه صدقة كلَّ يوم تطلع فيه الشمس، تَعدلُ بين اثنين صدقة، وتعين الرَّجل في دابَّته فتحمله عليها أو ترفع له عليها متاعَه صدقة، والكلمةُ الطيِّبة صدقة، وبكلِّ خطوة تَمشيها إلى الصلاة صدقة، وتُميط الأذى عن الطريق صدقة

Qamar Farooq

Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #92 on: December 03, 2018, 08:20:11 AM »
i think nothing more needs to be said after watching this, Khalas!


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #93 on: December 04, 2018, 12:03:46 AM »
The title of this thread is,


The answer is the MUSLIM CALIPH ordered his killing and the governor of Kufa Ubaydallah ibn Ziyaad carried out the order. Hussain was killed by a battalion from the Muslim army.

DIGEST IT and then get on with it. There is no point in trying to twist and turn things around to hide the bitter truth.


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #94 on: December 04, 2018, 10:37:38 AM »
The title of this thread is,


The answer is the SHIITES OF KUFA called him to his killing and the governor of Kufa Ubaydallah ibn Ziyaad carried out the order. Hussain was killed by a battalion from the Syrian army, while the kufan SHIITES were at home or on the sidelines......WATCHING!

DIGEST IT and then get on with it. There is no point in trying to twist and turn things around to hide the bitter truth.


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #95 on: December 04, 2018, 12:19:29 PM »

😊 Ok. And you've forgot to mention what was the faith of the battalion from the Syrian army? And the governor of Kufa Ubaydallah ibn Ziyaad, what was his faith? Was the governor and the battalion Shia as well? 😊 Believe me I wouldn't be surprised if you said yes 😀

And you haven’t mentioned anything about the Muslims, where were they? And where was the Sunnis hiding at the time? In Madinah? 😀 If this is how you want to behave and play then it's fine with me. Probably this is your level.


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #96 on: December 04, 2018, 01:27:41 PM »
Lol 😂 and what did you answer? Did you answer them questions you put to me yourself? NO!

You know deep down it was the kufan Shiites that wrote letters practically begging Him to come and help them so they will unite behind Him ra.......Sunnis said don’t go it’s a TRAP.........the cowardness of the kufans was well known and it’s what happened.

The kufans undid the divinity out of the imam😂😂


Re: Karbala - Who Killed Hussain (RA)?
« Reply #97 on: December 04, 2018, 07:04:09 PM »
Lol 😂 and what did you answer? Did you answer them questions you put to me yourself? NO!

You know deep down it was the kufan Shiites that wrote letters practically begging Him to come and help them so they will unite behind Him ra.......Sunnis said don’t go it’s a TRAP.........the cowardness of the kufans was well known and it’s what happened.

The kufans undid the divinity out of the imam😂😂

Why did the Kufans right to him all of a sudden? What was the reason for those letters? And the Kufans became Shia all of a sudden just because they wrote to Hussain? 😊 And which Shia did they become?  I know multiple questions really kick the living daylights out of you. But who cares as long as I've got you on the run. 

The Sunnis of Madina said "don't go it's a trap"? Well after the incident of Karbala Yazeed most definitely turned towards Madina. He didn't spare those Madanites. 😊 The Madanites should have gone with Hussain and fought as true warriors rather than holding back and getting it in the neck. What do you think? 😊
« Last Edit: December 04, 2018, 07:07:57 PM by iceman »


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