
MAY Allah curse be on those that curse Abu Bakr and/or Umar Say Ameen 4:41

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taha taha

taha taha

Say Abu Bakr and Umar are Kafir and if you love them then you are Kafir as well.

Lowest in hell Umar then Abu Bakr then Satan.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 01:55:02 AM by taha taha »

taha taha

Can not believe that this got taken down on a forum

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taha taha

Sunnism & Shi'ism: Press TV interview Dr Yasir Qadhi

Change with the wind
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 10:36:10 AM by taha taha »


We wont agree on much on this site but one thing we can agree upon is the hatred of Yasir Al-Habib. He is a paid western agent set to cause fitna and nothing more.

taha taha

We wont agree on much on this site but one thing we can agree upon is the hatred of Yasir Al-Habib. He is a paid western agent set to cause fitna and nothing more.

Maybe a lot of shia are as well as a few sunni as well


We wont agree on much on this site but one thing we can agree upon is the hatred of Yasir Al-Habib. He is a paid western agent set to cause fitna and nothing more.
His hatred is based on Tabarra pillar. Al Khoie has a fatwa which allows one to slander the companions. Even Khomeini agree to this ruling.

Ibn Yahya

We wont agree on much on this site but one thing we can agree upon is the hatred of Yasir Al-Habib. He is a paid western agent set to cause fitna and nothing more.

The feelings of the average joes of the shias towards yasser al habib is like that of a closet homosexual's hatred of gays.

Ibn Yahya

I've actually met the dude and as odd as this may sound he's a really sweet, kind and honest guy. His honesty is what has gotten him hatred. And believe me hes not a western agent. The truth is Fadak tv can just barely sustain itself, they're so desperate for funds that they once had to bring in a flag of abbas from karbala and brang it on tv to try and encourage people to donate. The man himself is good but his beliefs are about as evil as they get.

taha taha

I didn't think he is an agent of the west.
It's shiaman letting of steam.
Some shia will have the believe he has but not all.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 02:25:02 PM by taha taha »

Ibn Yahya

I didn't think he is an agent of the west.
Some shia will have the believe he has but not all.

A depressingly large number of them do. Sectarian violence in the middle east benefits Iran if anything. Examples: Syria, Yemen and iranian backed militias in iraq. The sad thing is they think its their own individual conclusion but its really just the rhetoric drummed into them by their community leaders. In contemporary shii communities anyone against the status quo is a malevolent western agent and anything bad that happens to shiis must be part if a wider wahhabi-western conspiracy.

Akhi im gonna wait for this shii breh to respond cuh I wanna hear what he has to say in response


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