
Qualities of Uthman (RA)

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Optimus Prime

Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« on: March 17, 2015, 02:14:54 PM »
Asalamualaikum to all my Sunni bredrins!  8)

Brothers, help me list qualities of Uthman (RA) for user Ameen who was being inquisitive yesterday by asking me exactly what they were.


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2015, 02:20:17 PM »
He was very...

-God fearing

He could save his own live by ...

-Giving the order to kill the rebels , but he didn't because he cared for Muslim blood.

And he married 2 daughters of rasullulah (saw) ...

-since he was worthy enough for it

« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 02:33:09 PM by Furkan »
Before Qazî Mihemed, President of the first kurdish Republic Mahabad was hanged the iranian judge asked:

“last words?”

Qazî: “I thank Allah: even in death he put my shoes above your heads”


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2015, 03:11:46 PM »
read the first paragraph which is enough for a sensible rafidha to understand the qualities of Hazrat Usman RA

Optimus Prime

Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2015, 05:21:03 PM »
Not to mention the Prophet (SAW) guranteed him Jannah many times, but one of the signifcant moments is when he offered 300 camels to the Prophet (SAW) before the battle of Tabuk.

Optimus Prime

Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2015, 05:23:59 PM »
Prophet (SAW) said :"Every prophet has a companion in paradise. My companion there is Uthman (RA)".

Source: Ibid


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 10:23:27 PM »
Prophet (SAW) said :"Every prophet has a companion in paradise. My companion there is Uthman (RA)".

Source: Ibid

Ok, so the chain of narrations leading to this hadith will automatically be authentic and reliable or would you still need to examine this???

Secondly would this and also marrying two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) make Usman (ra) superior than the Shaikhain???

Well it should, shouldn't it??? As you calim that Ali knew Usman was superior than him then, the Shaikhain must have also k own that Usman was superior than them???



Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2015, 12:25:29 AM »
Ameen, I admit, this post of yours is way better than your previous 100 posts, though one "?" after each sentence will suffice.

Ok, so the chain of narrations leading to this hadith will automatically be authentic and reliable or would you still need to examine this???

Good geustion.

Secondly would this and also marrying two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) make Usman (ra) superior than the Shaikhain???

They married their own daughters to rasululah (saw). The shaykhain are unbeatable btw.

Well it should, shouldn't it??? As you calim that Ali knew Usman was superior than him then, the Shaikhain must have also k own that Usman was superior than them???

See previous 2 comments of mine.
Before Qazî Mihemed, President of the first kurdish Republic Mahabad was hanged the iranian judge asked:

“last words?”

Qazî: “I thank Allah: even in death he put my shoes above your heads”

Optimus Prime

Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2015, 01:22:48 AM »
Prophet (SAW) said :"Every prophet has a companion in paradise. My companion there is Uthman (RA)".

Source: Ibid

Ok, so the chain of narrations leading to this hadith will automatically be authentic and reliable or would you still need to examine this???

Secondly would this and also marrying two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) make Usman (ra) superior than the Shaikhain???

Well it should, shouldn't it??? As you calim that Ali knew Usman was superior than him then, the Shaikhain must have also k own that Usman was superior than them???


Hadith scholars have confirmed it's authenticity. Look it up yourself. :)

Ali (RA) knew Uthman (RA) was number 3 as he admitted or confessed this to one of his own sons who asked him the question. So, hah!

As brother Furkan said the two Shaikhain's are unsurpassable.

This thread is about the qualities of Uthman (RA) since you were wanting to know.

There are heaps. So, what are your thoughts on this great man?


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2015, 01:58:17 AM »
Guys, its ameen here, forget about hadith.

Khamenei jails, executes & house arrest his rivals (shia & sunni) while Uthman RA would rather arrest himself in his house than hurt even the rebels.

Khamenei supports regime in Syria to kill, torture & bomb thousands of their people, Uthman RA??? How many of his own people let alone other did he kill? Which dictator did he support? etc

Everyone can see how evil this rafidi is for even questioning uthman RA character when all hes been doing in this forum are defending the vile khamenei & iran.


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2015, 02:04:08 AM »
On the authority of Muhammad ibn Abdur Rahman who said:

“A man in Kufa used to spread a rumour that Uthman ibn Affan (RA) was a Jew.

So Imam Abu Hanifa (rh) approached him and said: ‘I come to you with a proposal’.

 The man said: ‘ what is the proposal concerning?’

Abu Hanifa said: ‘I come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage for a man who is noble, wealthy and a hafiz of the Holy Qur'an, he's devoted in worship. He spends the night praying and cries a lot from the fear of Allah.’

The man said: ‘you have said enough to convince me he's a suitable person to marry my daughter, O Abu Hanifa.’

Imam Abu Hanifa then said to the man: ‘Except that this suitor has a certain characteristic.’

The man said: ‘and what is that?’

Abu Hanifa said: ‘This man is a Jew.’

The Shia said: ‘SubhanAllah!

Do you order me to give away my daughter in marriage to a Jew O Abu Hanifa?!’

The imam said to the Shia: ‘Do you agree to marry her to the Jew?’

The Shia said: ‘No!’

Abu Hanifa said: ‘But you are spreading the news that the Holy Prophet (SAW) married two of his daughters to a Jew.’

The Shia said: ‘I seek Allah's forgiveness! I turn to Allah with repentance as of now.’”

[Related by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi (d. 463 H) in 'Tarikh Baghdad', (Vol. 15, pg. 498-499)]

(The dutch translation I have read didn't say "shia" but "man", can someone check this on the picture I have included here.)[ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Before Qazî Mihemed, President of the first kurdish Republic Mahabad was hanged the iranian judge asked:

“last words?”

Qazî: “I thank Allah: even in death he put my shoes above your heads”


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2015, 02:28:49 AM »
it only says man from kufa, but maybe at the time it most likely meant to be what we know as shia?


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2015, 03:47:56 AM »
A man in Kufah insulting `Uthman (ra) = 100% Shia.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2015, 03:52:54 AM »
what kind of shia is the question?  ----> Ignore this irrelevant question, since imam ali's topics always get off topic :p
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 04:01:02 AM by Furkan »
Before Qazî Mihemed, President of the first kurdish Republic Mahabad was hanged the iranian judge asked:

“last words?”

Qazî: “I thank Allah: even in death he put my shoes above your heads”

Optimus Prime

Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2015, 03:59:14 AM »
Let's stick to the topic, kindly.


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2015, 07:55:19 PM »
Ameen, I admit, this post of yours is way better than your previous 100 posts, though one "?" after each sentence will suffice.

Ok, so the chain of narrations leading to this hadith will automatically be authentic and reliable or would you still need to examine this???

Good geustion.

Secondly would this and also marrying two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) make Usman (ra) superior than the Shaikhain???

They married their own daughters to rasululah (saw). The shaykhain are unbeatable btw.

Well it should, shouldn't it??? As you calim that Ali knew Usman was superior than him then, the Shaikhain must have also k own that Usman was superior than them???

See previous 2 comments of mine.

The Shaikhain are unbeatable??? Ok, how??? Because they married their daughters to the Prophet (pbuh)??? How does that make you unbeatable??? You put forward a reason that Usman is superior than Ali, why?, because he married two of the Prophet's (pbuh) daughters.

Now this should also mean that Usman is superior than the Shaikhain. But in fact he (Usman) along with Ali both should be superior than the Shaikhain because they both had the privilege, but no. Here we see double standards kicking in. Wow!

Either having the privilege of being married to the Prophet's (pbuh) daughter/s is not a question of superiority or the Shaikhain have just gone down. So what are we suppose to believe in??? Which way are you going to go???

Ali knew that Usman was number 3??? Excuse me??? Usman should be number one due to this privilege and that should make Ali number two??? LOL! You don't think when you come out with things, do you??? Think before you speak. Or at least stick to and stand by what you say.

Optimus Prime

Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2015, 10:01:41 PM »
Ameen, I admit, this post of yours is way better than your previous 100 posts, though one "?" after each sentence will suffice.

Ok, so the chain of narrations leading to this hadith will automatically be authentic and reliable or would you still need to examine this???

Good geustion.

Secondly would this and also marrying two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) make Usman (ra) superior than the Shaikhain???

They married their own daughters to rasululah (saw). The shaykhain are unbeatable btw.

Well it should, shouldn't it??? As you calim that Ali knew Usman was superior than him then, the Shaikhain must have also k own that Usman was superior than them???

See previous 2 comments of mine.

The Shaikhain are unbeatable??? Ok, how??? Because they married their daughters to the Prophet (pbuh)??? How does that make you unbeatable??? You put forward a reason that Usman is superior than Ali, why?, because he married two of the Prophet's (pbuh) daughters.

Now this should also mean that Usman is superior than the Shaikhain. But in fact he (Usman) along with Ali both should be superior than the Shaikhain because they both had the privilege, but no. Here we see double standards kicking in. Wow!

Either having the privilege of being married to the Prophet's (pbuh) daughter/s is not a question of superiority or the Shaikhain have just gone down. So what are we suppose to believe in??? Which way are you going to go???

Ali knew that Usman was number 3??? Excuse me??? Usman should be number one due to this privilege and that should make Ali number two??? LOL! You don't think when you come out with things, do you??? Think before you speak. Or at least stick to and stand by what you say.


Let me break it down for you.

Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) are numero-uno because of a wide range/list of reasons. The mere fact that the Prophet (SAW) accepted and willed to marry their daughters is equally a very big honour of epic proportions to the Prophet (SAW) marrying his daughters to Uthman (RA) and Ali (RA). We didn't say just because Uthman (RA) married two of his daughters that it makes him higher in status than his predeccors, but just confirms his exalted status in Islam which, is what this thread is about - geddit?

Zainab (RA), the eldest daughter was the FIRST to be married, and that too to someone who was a Kafir for much of the time since the inception of Islam, namely Abu al-Aas ibn al-Rabee (RA). Even when he embraced Islam none of us said nor are there any narrations to let alone imply he surpassed any Muhajir or Ansar let alone the Khulafah Rashidun.

I hope it's clear now Mr. Ameen.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 10:03:17 PM by Imam Ali »


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2015, 01:30:35 AM »
Ameen, I admit, this post of yours is way better than your previous 100 posts, though one "?" after each sentence will suffice.

Ok, so the chain of narrations leading to this hadith will automatically be authentic and reliable or would you still need to examine this???

Good geustion.

Secondly would this and also marrying two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) make Usman (ra) superior than the Shaikhain???

They married their own daughters to rasululah (saw). The shaykhain are unbeatable btw.

Well it should, shouldn't it??? As you calim that Ali knew Usman was superior than him then, the Shaikhain must have also k own that Usman was superior than them???

See previous 2 comments of mine.

The Shaikhain are unbeatable??? Ok, how??? Because they married their daughters to the Prophet (pbuh)??? How does that make you unbeatable??? You put forward a reason that Usman is superior than Ali, why?, because he married two of the Prophet's (pbuh) daughters.

Now this should also mean that Usman is superior than the Shaikhain. But in fact he (Usman) along with Ali both should be superior than the Shaikhain because they both had the privilege, but no. Here we see double standards kicking in. Wow!

Either having the privilege of being married to the Prophet's (pbuh) daughter/s is not a question of superiority or the Shaikhain have just gone down. So what are we suppose to believe in??? Which way are you going to go???

Ali knew that Usman was number 3??? Excuse me??? Usman should be number one due to this privilege and that should make Ali number two??? LOL! You don't think when you come out with things, do you??? Think before you speak. Or at least stick to and stand by what you say.


Let me break it down for you.

Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) are numero-uno because of a wide range/list of reasons. The mere fact that the Prophet (SAW) accepted and willed to marry their daughters is equally a very big honour of epic proportions to the Prophet (SAW) marrying his daughters to Uthman (RA) and Ali (RA). We didn't say just because Uthman (RA) married two of his daughters that it makes him higher in status than his predeccors, but just confirms his exalted status in Islam which, is what this thread is about - geddit?

Zainab (RA), the eldest daughter was the FIRST to be married, and that too to someone who was a Kafir for much of the time since the inception of Islam, namely Abu al-Aas ibn al-Rabee (RA). Even when he embraced Islam none of us said nor are there any narrations to let alone imply he surpassed any Muhajir or Ansar let alone the Khulafah Rashidun.

I hope it's clear now Mr. Ameen.

All you are doing is giving me words based on your opinion and absolutely nothing to back them up what so ever. Those women that the Prophet (pbuh) married it is an honour for them and their families but that doesn't raise their status, neither does it put them above anyone else or gives them more authority over anything.

The point is that Ali knew Usman was superior to him. Why??? Because Usman married two of the Prophet's (pbuh) daughters. Full stop! Now either admit that this statement is wrong and false or stand by it and stop twisting and turning things around.

The Prophet's (pbuh) elder daughter was married to a Kafir??? Is that so??? Was he not a Messenger when he married of his daughter??? And why to a Kafir??? We're there no believers around at the time that he had to rely upon Kafirs???

Anyone can become a Khalifa and get authority and power. That is all. You get authority and power and you are above the rest due to this authority and power. It has got nothing to do with Fazeelath. When you become Khalifa you are not above others because of Fazeelath.

Yazeed also became Khalifa and was above others due to this authority and power. So there you have it. All you are trying to do is use Khilafath and the sequence of how certain people became Khalifa to somehow prove they were above others due to Fazeelath.

These are reality and facts. If Khilafath is Fazeelath then you have Yazeed who was accepted and supported by a vast majority. In history books he is listed and considered as the sixth Khalif by Ahle Sunnah scholars. Like it or not. You can't pick and choose. Either accept Khilafath and accept and praise everyone regardless or take in and digest that Khilafath is just authority and power and nothing more.

Optimus Prime

Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2015, 01:44:04 AM »
Ameen, I admit, this post of yours is way better than your previous 100 posts, though one "?" after each sentence will suffice.

Ok, so the chain of narrations leading to this hadith will automatically be authentic and reliable or would you still need to examine this???

Good geustion.

Secondly would this and also marrying two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) make Usman (ra) superior than the Shaikhain???

They married their own daughters to rasululah (saw). The shaykhain are unbeatable btw.

Well it should, shouldn't it??? As you calim that Ali knew Usman was superior than him then, the Shaikhain must have also k own that Usman was superior than them???

See previous 2 comments of mine.

The Shaikhain are unbeatable??? Ok, how??? Because they married their daughters to the Prophet (pbuh)??? How does that make you unbeatable??? You put forward a reason that Usman is superior than Ali, why?, because he married two of the Prophet's (pbuh) daughters.

Now this should also mean that Usman is superior than the Shaikhain. But in fact he (Usman) along with Ali both should be superior than the Shaikhain because they both had the privilege, but no. Here we see double standards kicking in. Wow!

Either having the privilege of being married to the Prophet's (pbuh) daughter/s is not a question of superiority or the Shaikhain have just gone down. So what are we suppose to believe in??? Which way are you going to go???

Ali knew that Usman was number 3??? Excuse me??? Usman should be number one due to this privilege and that should make Ali number two??? LOL! You don't think when you come out with things, do you??? Think before you speak. Or at least stick to and stand by what you say.


Let me break it down for you.

Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) are numero-uno because of a wide range/list of reasons. The mere fact that the Prophet (SAW) accepted and willed to marry their daughters is equally a very big honour of epic proportions to the Prophet (SAW) marrying his daughters to Uthman (RA) and Ali (RA). We didn't say just because Uthman (RA) married two of his daughters that it makes him higher in status than his predeccors, but just confirms his exalted status in Islam which, is what this thread is about - geddit?

Zainab (RA), the eldest daughter was the FIRST to be married, and that too to someone who was a Kafir for much of the time since the inception of Islam, namely Abu al-Aas ibn al-Rabee (RA). Even when he embraced Islam none of us said nor are there any narrations to let alone imply he surpassed any Muhajir or Ansar let alone the Khulafah Rashidun.

I hope it's clear now Mr. Ameen.

All you are doing is giving me words based on your opinion and absolutely nothing to back them up what so ever. Those women that the Prophet (pbuh) married it is an honour for them and their families but that doesn't raise their status, neither does it put them above anyone else or gives them more authority over anything.

The point is that Ali knew Usman was superior to him. Why??? Because Usman married two of the Prophet's (pbuh) daughters. Full stop! Now either admit that this statement is wrong and false or stand by it and stop twisting and turning things around.

The Prophet's (pbuh) elder daughter was married to a Kafir??? Is that so??? Was he not a Messenger when he married of his daughter??? And why to a Kafir??? We're there no believers around at the time that he had to rely upon Kafirs???

Anyone can become a Khalifa and get authority and power. That is all. You get authority and power and you are above the rest due to this authority and power. It has got nothing to do with Fazeelath. When you become Khalifa you are not above others because of Fazeelath.

Yazeed also became Khalifa and was above others due to this authority and power. So there you have it. All you are trying to do is use Khilafath and the sequence of how certain people became Khalifa to somehow prove they were above others due to Fazeelath.

These are reality and facts. If Khilafath is Fazeelath then you have Yazeed who was accepted and supported by a vast majority. In history books he is listed and considered as the sixth Khalif by Ahle Sunnah scholars. Like it or not. You can't pick and choose. Either accept Khilafath and accept and praise everyone regardless or take in and digest that Khilafath is just authority and power and nothing more.

I'm going to enjoy dismantling your posts.

The above is based on authentic narrations from Bukhari and Muslim. Want me to pull them up?

Again, no one said just because he married two daughters of ther Prophet (SAW) that it means he is the main sheriff - stick that in your brain otherwise, I'll spam you a PM repeating the same fact until it sinks in. The fact he did is a list of many of his virtues which, places him up the ladder as one of the most astute companions. The only reason why you're sticking to this point because you can't use it or compare it with the status of Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA).  ;) I know how you roll.

Haha, the Prophet (SAW) would ever only marry righteous and virteous women. How can you say NOT marrying them is a reflection of their status. Seriously, what did you have for breakfast? It does raise their status, but you'll never admit this as it's apart of your corrupt religion to perceive most of them as evil women. By Rafidhi definition then I guess Khadija (RA) was a nobody?

Yes, she was married to a Kafir. The verse about only marrying Muslims was not revealed. Again a knowledge gap on your part. Hardly surprising.

No one mentioned anything about the Khalifat. Again, you're just clutching at straws to derail this discussion from it's original topic. Having said that the fact Uthman (RA) is apart of Khulafah Rashidun does place him in an elite 4. See, again you just shot yourself in the foot by inadvertently pointing out another reason why Uthman (RA) is number 3. :D
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 01:47:22 AM by Imam Ali »


Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2015, 03:55:36 AM »
Main Sheriff?? Well why not??? Why the double standards??? You put him above Ali and the reason you give is clear and there for everyone to see but that doesn't make him the main sheriff. Well how does it put him superior than Ali for the reason you've given??? Try explaining it rather than twisting and turning it then running away from it.

No one is talking about the virtues of Usman but the question is that it puts him above and makes him superior than Ali for the reason you've given but throws him off course regarding the Shaikhain. Well how many daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) did the Shaikhain marry???

Well according to your theory it must have been at least three if not more to put the Shaikhain above and superior to Usman. Just admit that your statement is ridiculous and save yourself from future embarrassment, rather than twisting and turning yourself.

We're there no believers for available for Zainab to marry that she had to be given up to Kuffar??? It was the wive's relations that I was talking about, the Prophet (pbuh) marrying the daughters doesn't put their parents and relations on to a higher status.

You mentioned the Shaikhain marrying their daughters to the messenger (pbuh) and this gives the Shaikhain some privilege and status. My friend the Prophet (pbuh) also married Abu Sufyan's daughter (Muavia's sister) and correct me if I am wrong then, this should put all the wives fathers right up and along with the Shaikhain for the reason you have given.

It's time to wake up.

Optimus Prime

Re: Qualities of Uthman (RA)
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2015, 04:44:14 AM »
Main Sheriff?? Well why not??? Why the double standards??? You put him above Ali and the reason you give is clear and there for everyone to see but that doesn't make him the main sheriff. Well how does it put him superior than Ali for the reason you've given??? Try explaining it rather than twisting and turning it then running away from it.

No one is talking about the virtues of Usman but the question is that it puts him above and makes him superior than Ali for the reason you've given but throws him off course regarding the Shaikhain. Well how many daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) did the Shaikhain marry???

Well according to your theory it must have been at least three if not more to put the Shaikhain above and superior to Usman. Just admit that your statement is ridiculous and save yourself from future embarrassment, rather than twisting and turning yourself.

We're there no believers for available for Zainab to marry that she had to be given up to Kuffar??? It was the wive's relations that I was talking about, the Prophet (pbuh) marrying the daughters doesn't put their parents and relations on to a higher status.

You mentioned the Shaikhain marrying their daughters to the messenger (pbuh) and this gives the Shaikhain some privilege and status. My friend the Prophet (pbuh) also married Abu Sufyan's daughter (Muavia's sister) and correct me if I am wrong then, this should put all the wives fathers right up and along with the Shaikhain for the reason you have given.

It's time to wake up.

I think it's high-time you went to bed. You've clearly lost the plot and not for the first time either.

Why? Simple, because marrying the daughter of a Prophet (SAW) does not propel you above others for the umpteen time. Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) are in a league of their own because of their vast qualities, accomplishment and virtures which, are equalled by none. How difficult is this to swallow?

You're rigidly sticking to this belief that marrying a daughter of a Prophet (SAW) makes you G. Show me where and annotate my text where I said such a thing? You're mischievously playing devil advocates here or it's way past your bedtime and can't think straight. I think you're playing games, but I ain't gonna' take the baint, but throw it back in your face.

Catch this:

You mentioned the Shaikhain marrying their daughters to the messenger (pbuh) and this gives the Shaikhain some privilege and status.

Indeed, but, where did I say it by defaults ranks you higher than Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA)?

You then said:

My friend the Prophet (pbuh) also married Abu Sufyan's daughter (Muavia's sister) and correct me if I am wrong then, this should put all the wives fathers right up and along with the Shaikhain for the reason you have given.

lol, you just made yourself look like a plumb. You've reinforced the very point, I was trying to make. Duh, it does NOT put you higher than them, but it reflects good on that person from whom the proposal is being made. This is what I was getting at about Uthman (RA). The fact the Prophet (SAW) married Raqqiyah (RA) and Umm Khulthum (RA) suggests he was a made of real awesome-fibre because no doubt the Prophet (SAW) only wanted one of the BEST for his daughters as was the case with Ali (RA). The uniqueness about Uthman (RA) is he was given the privilege of marrying not one, but two. It only takes someone with functional brain cells to come to terms that Uthman (RA) was a pious man and of great integrity.  ::) Umm Habiba (RA) was not proposed to the Prophet (SAW) by Abu Sufyan (RA), but hopefully now your mind can understand what's being mentioned here?

The fact that Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) proposal were accepted by the Prophet (SAW) fuses well with the compliments the Prophet (SAW) threw at them and about them. So, effectively it does raise their status in all angles - in society and spiritually.

Another knowledge gap. Marrying Kuffar was allowed at the time and Zainab (RA) was a sound man as the Prophet (SAW) stated in authentic narrations. Whether you accept our vision of history is your personal choice, but this was the situation with Zainab (RA). Her story is pretty interesting and warm. Go, research it and you'll find out, but I'm sure you'll find something to nit-pick and question.  :o
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 04:50:49 AM by Imam Ali »


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