
Shah Ismail used to drink wine instead of Water

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Shah Ismail used to drink wine instead of Water
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:52:56 AM »
…شاه اسماعیل...با اينكه مروّج مذهب شيعه اماميه بود، در جاى آب شراب می آشاميد و هميشه ندماء مجلس او زنان و پسران خوش منظر بودند. در محرّم فقط در روز عاشورا مجلس عزايى منعقد كرده، يكى از وعاظ كتاب روضة الشهداء حسين واعظ كاشفى را بر منبر مى خواند. سامعين ندبه و گريه مى كردند. چون اين كتاب فارسى بود، غالب امرا، حتى لشكر كه ترك بودند، نمى فهميدند. جلال الدين ميرزاى مرحوم در جلد ثالث نامه خسروان مى نگارد: كه در مجلس عزايى كه شاه اسماعيل حضور داشت، يكى از امراى بزرگ شاملو در آن مجلس بود و گريه مى كرد، شاه از او پرسيد كه تو چرا گريه مى كنى؟ در جواب عرض كرد كه "من از براى حسين شما گريه نمى كنم؛ از براى آن دليران شام ما گريه مى كنم كه حسين شما و اصحابش آنها را كشته اند. شاه كه اين جواب را شنيد، خنديد"
محمد عارف اسپناقچى پاشازاده، انقلاب الاسلام بين الخواص و العوام، به کوشش رسول جعفریان، قم، انتشارات دلیل ماه، چاپ نخست 1379، ص 271.

"Shah Ismail eventhough followed the Shia Imamia sect, he would drink wine instead of water, and every time his gathering (majlis) would consist of women and good looking boys. During Muharam, only on the day of Ahsura there would be mourning ritual. One would recite from the book Rawzatu Shuhada of Husain Waiz Kashifi from the pulpit (minbar). Listeners would wail and cry. Since this book was in Farsi, most of the generals and even the army who were turks, couldn't understand. Late Jalal ad-Din Mirzae writes in the third volume of the letter of Khosrawan: that in the mourning majlisi that Shah Ismail was present, one of the top generals of Shamlo was also present and he would cry, Shah Ismail asked him why are you crying? He said in reply: I am not crying for your Hussain, I am crying for the brave Shamis (Syrians) who were killed by your Hussain and his companions. When Shah Ismail heard this, he laughed.

Mohammad Arif Ispenaqchi Pashazade, Inqilab Islam bayn al-Khawayes wa al-awam, with the effort of Rasoul Jafarian, Qum, Dalil Mah Publications, First Print 1379, Page 271"

Translated by:Brother Abu Muslim Khorosani(May Allah Bless him)


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