
Similarities between the Shia and the jews

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Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« on: October 02, 2015, 05:48:47 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.
An ant from the valley of the ants possesses more intellect than a Rafidhi - Fakhr Al-Din Razi

Bolani Muslim

Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2015, 07:53:45 PM »
Shias and Jews believe that Jihad is Haraam till the Mahdi comes.
Both Shias and Jews believed that mixture of religion and politics is Haraam till Mahdi appears.
*However, both Shias and Jews have lost patience and made their own bidahs (WF and Israel).
Shias and Jews can't eat Fish without scales.
Shias and Jews can't eat rabbit.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2015, 12:03:43 AM »
Both have been persecuted throughout history for over 1000 years, and both exploit this history to justify their hatred against others.
Both believe they are  only the chosen people, and others are not in the eyes of God. Jews categorize people as gentiles and non-gentiles. Twelvers categorize Muslims as Khassa and Ammi . 

Both believe since they are Jews and Shias they can't go to Jahannam regardless of the sin unless its committed against its own group.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2015, 05:02:39 AM »
Neither Shia nor Jews tend to give da'wah to people of other religions (Shi'ah only preach to Sunnis, not christians or other religions)

Both Shi'a and Jews delay breaking their fast well beyond maghrib until the stars can be seen

The Jews had slandered the chaste and pure Mary the mother of Jesus(as), whereas the Shiites slandered and accused Aisha(ra) the wife of the Prophet


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2015, 12:40:34 AM »
Tashayyu' also has alot in common with Christianity.

Like take this Christian interpretation of the Torah for example:

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression[a] and judgment he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
    for the transgression of my people he was punished.
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
    and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
    and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,
    he will see the light of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many,
    and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g]
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
    and made intercession for the transgressors.

Genesis 12:3

Christians interpret this to be a prophecy that Jesus would be sacrificed for our sins.

Same belief in hidden meanings.
إن يتبعون إلا الظن وما تهوى الأنفس

Bolani Muslim

Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2015, 03:32:27 AM »
From ex-Shia sister 'FaithandPeace':
There is another pattern I've noticed. While Sunni leaders don't address the issue of oppression in our ummah near enough, the Shia leaders seem to talk about persecution non-stop to a level similar to what one might hear from the Jews. Yet like the Jews, I don't see much evidence of persecution to anywhere near the degree they go on about it. Most of the hate crimes in the West, arsons and vandalism of masjids, and people put in prison are against Sunnis not Shias. It's like how Jews go on and on and on about how persecuted they supposedly are when the truth is that any American knows that a simple comparison to what American blacks are going through with police violence or what the Muslim community is dealing with far exceeds anything Jews as a community are going through. And I see the same nonsense promoted from the Shias. Worse, most of what I've heard is directed at persecution from the Sunnis rather than persecution from the kuffar. And again as far as the West goes, I'm not seeing evidence of it. I'm not seeing hate crimes happening to them at all (not that it doesn't sometimes happen) but instead it is Sunnis constantly getting thrown in prison, beaten up, discriminated against, killed, etc. even right here in America. I hate to generalize like this but this is what I've seen. And when it comes to community response, it is largely the Sunnis who are fighting the oppression (albeit the lay people, not the scholars so much). CAIR puts out article after article of oppression and yet either the Shias are silent and it is the Sunnis speaking up or I'm actually seeing Shias making excuses for the oppression (i.e. arguing that Muslims shouldn't be challenging the kuffar systems too much, typical apologist stuff, etc.) and another matter is that I'm finding also that like the Jews it seems far more common for Shias to hide their identity and mask who they really are. Same thing I find with many Jews. Almost all of the well known islamophobia-industry leaders in America have Jewish names. And I'm seeing similar deceptiveness among the Shias. Like when hate crimes happen against Sunnis, Sunnis condemn the American media and poor police investigations whereas the Shias say that it is a reaction to ISIS, arguing that Sunnis need to do more to condemn ISIS, as if ISIS somehow was responsible for the hate crimes. These are just observations. Don't take this to mean I am saying everyone is guilty. But I'm not imagining this stuff. I'm seeing sneakiness coming from too many places. Subhanallah.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2015, 05:19:19 AM »
A lot of persecution toward the 12er Shia happens in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The extremist blew up their mosques. However, the problem is when this happens a lot of them blame the entire Sunni population just because they see the 12ers to be deviants even after this. Supposedly when a 12er gets killed that is the ultimate proof that they are the people of the truth and if you are still not convinced you are a Nasibi according to them.
I recall when Morsi was removed from power, the 12ers at my work assumed that  this was a punishment for the killing of Hassan Shahate. This is no different that the Qadianis says Zia al Haq was killed because he went against the Ahmadis.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2015, 06:53:23 AM »
From ex-Shia sister 'FaithandPeace':
There is another pattern I've noticed. While Sunni leaders don't address the issue of oppression in our ummah near enough, the Shia leaders seem to talk about persecution non-stop to a level similar to what one might hear from the Jews. Yet like the Jews, I don't see much evidence of persecution to anywhere near the degree they go on about it. Most of the hate crimes in the West, arsons and vandalism of masjids, and people put in prison are against Sunnis not Shias. It's like how Jews go on and on and on about how persecuted they supposedly are when the truth is that any American knows that a simple comparison to what American blacks are going through with police violence or what the Muslim community is dealing with far exceeds anything Jews as a community are going through. And I see the same nonsense promoted from the Shias. Worse, most of what I've heard is directed at persecution from the Sunnis rather than persecution from the kuffar. And again as far as the West goes, I'm not seeing evidence of it. I'm not seeing hate crimes happening to them at all (not that it doesn't sometimes happen) but instead it is Sunnis constantly getting thrown in prison, beaten up, discriminated against, killed, etc. even right here in America. I hate to generalize like this but this is what I've seen. And when it comes to community response, it is largely the Sunnis who are fighting the oppression (albeit the lay people, not the scholars so much). CAIR puts out article after article of oppression and yet either the Shias are silent and it is the Sunnis speaking up or I'm actually seeing Shias making excuses for the oppression (i.e. arguing that Muslims shouldn't be challenging the kuffar systems too much, typical apologist stuff, etc.) and another matter is that I'm finding also that like the Jews it seems far more common for Shias to hide their identity and mask who they really are. Same thing I find with many Jews. Almost all of the well known islamophobia-industry leaders in America have Jewish names. And I'm seeing similar deceptiveness among the Shias. Like when hate crimes happen against Sunnis, Sunnis condemn the American media and poor police investigations whereas the Shias say that it is a reaction to ISIS, arguing that Sunnis need to do more to condemn ISIS, as if ISIS somehow was responsible for the hate crimes. These are just observations. Don't take this to mean I am saying everyone is guilty. But I'm not imagining this stuff. I'm seeing sneakiness coming from too many places. Subhanallah.

Look at the entire islamic history, only Sunnis ever fought the enemies of islam and spread islam throughout the world, all the shi'a ever did was stab the sunnis in the back and cause the downfall of islamic empires. Its like they sit and wait until the kuffar come and attack ahlus Sunnah and then they come and take the opportunity to attack sunnis while theyre weak. Wallahi the raafidha never did anything to benefit the ummah of Islam; even in da'wah they wait for Sunnis to do all the hard work of calling nonmuslims to islam, then the shi'a go after the naive new reverts to try and make them shi'a.

Even is recent times, whenever muslims were oppressed, the sha did nothing... bosnia, algeria, chechnya, afghan, iraq, syria,  only sunnis came to their rescue, while shia either did nothing or joined the kuffar in killing ahlusSunnah.

Rafidha are a cancer in the ummah.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 07:31:00 AM by Muwahhid »


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2015, 03:51:58 AM »
To be honest, the Sunnis would react in similar manner if the 12ers were oppressed and being killed.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2015, 10:58:57 AM »
both are cowards

both play the victim card

both are cunning and always try to control the finances

both are filthy 

Ibn Yahya

Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2015, 12:59:39 AM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.
Orthodox Jews don't believe in batini tafsir and secret teachings and all that occult stuff. That's called Kabbalah which probably influenced the Rawafid and deviant Sufis more


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2015, 07:08:25 AM »
Both have been persecuted throughout history for over 1000 years, and both exploit this history to justify their hatred against others.

Here is an example of how history is used to censor any form of criticism against them.

Likewise the 12ers do the same. Just because they were massacred in history, nobody is allowed to criticize them?


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2015, 07:12:43 AM »
Prof Norman Finkelstien went to Iran last year, and he enjoyed his trip there. However, he was very disappointed when many Iranians denied the holocaust. Also, he pointed out that the Muslims or Shias are not the only people who suffered in the world. History is full of many different communities who were targeted and persecuted. This includes the Jews.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2017, 08:31:07 PM »
Similarities between Jews and Salafis:

Their concept of tawheed. Lol and especially some of those Salafis who believe in "Al-Shab Al-Amrad" story and Ibn Baz-tier Salafis and their ilk.

I usually wouldn't quote Yasser Al-Habib but this lecture is quite funny:

Also another belief is that all the companions are good. I'm not sure if this is a Christian or a Jewish belief, but a foolish and quite literally retarded Salafi shaykh tried to use this as an argument against the Shi'a. It was actually an argument against his own creed rofl.

Again, this video is ever funnier, because of the tone, loool:
محور المقاومة والممانعة


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2017, 08:44:04 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.

The Jews don't hate the Arabs and the Arabs don't hate the Jews. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab league have accepted and recognise Israel as a state and have good ties with them. How much do the Arabs raise concern and stand up for their Palestinian brothers. You failed to speak about how much the Arabs (the Sunis) stand up for the oppressed Palestinians and what's happening in Burma.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2017, 10:16:30 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.

The Jews don't hate the Arabs and the Arabs don't hate the Jews. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab league have accepted and recognise Israel as a state and have good ties with them. How much do the Arabs raise concern and stand up for their Palestinian brothers. You failed to speak about how much the Arabs (the Sunis) stand up for the oppressed Palestinians and what's happening in Burma.

That's not true, what has Iran done for Palestinians? Supply weapons and make Hamas do the dirty work for hizbullah and the Shiite state of Iran?? The leadership supplies arms and the Shiites ask why should they as they are Shiites and Palestinians are Sunni, you help from one hand and curse from the other they don't need your hypocrisy Palestinian brothers themselves can see through your hypocrisy. All BS Shiite propaganda trying to make a name in the Muslim world off our Muslim sunni brothers suffering.......we know you from Karbala and how much you Shiites care.

As for rohingya Muslims what has any Shiite leader done? What has Iran done? Iraq? Any Shiite country leader? Any Shiite syed imam? I will mention 1 sunni name that got it highlighted and raised the issue on the international stage and got them to listen.......Erdogan.
Your just full of it full stop.

I do remember how Shiites of Iraq helped the Muslims oh yea they called the Satan to overthrow a leader just to be replaced by a Shiite one? he a divine one? Helping Satan? And yet you have the cheek to pick on someone else? It's ok when you can help usa but not when arabs do do stand up for the oppressed by the side of satan.

unbelievable hypocrisy.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2017, 12:32:49 AM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.

The Jews don't hate the Arabs and the Arabs don't hate the Jews. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab league have accepted and recognise Israel as a state and have good ties with them. How much do the Arabs raise concern and stand up for their Palestinian brothers. You failed to speak about how much the Arabs (the Sunis) stand up for the oppressed Palestinians and what's happening in Burma.

That's not true, what has Iran done for Palestinians? Supply weapons and make Hamas do the dirty work for hizbullah and the Shiite state of Iran?? The leadership supplies arms and the Shiites ask why should they as they are Shiites and Palestinians are Sunni, you help from one hand and curse from the other they don't need your hypocrisy Palestinian brothers themselves can see through your hypocrisy. All BS Shiite propaganda trying to make a name in the Muslim world off our Muslim sunni brothers suffering.......we know you from Karbala and how much you Shiites care.

As for rohingya Muslims what has any Shiite leader done? What has Iran done? Iraq? Any Shiite country leader? Any Shiite syed imam? I will mention 1 sunni name that got it highlighted and raised the issue on the international stage and got them to listen.......Erdogan.
Your just full of it full stop.

I do remember how Shiites of Iraq helped the Muslims oh yea they called the Satan to overthrow a leader just to be replaced by a Shiite one? he a divine one? Helping Satan? And yet you have the cheek to pick on someone else? It's ok when you can help usa but not when arabs do do stand up for the oppressed by the side of satan.

unbelievable hypocrisy.

Just stick to the vast amount of Suni Arabs. You couldn't come up with a response so you start jumping up and down about Iran. If they don't need our hypocrisy then ask the Suni Arabs why they have abandoned the Palestinians for such a long time. And what are the immense Arabs doing about Burma along with you?


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2017, 01:37:02 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.

The Jews don't hate the Arabs and the Arabs don't hate the Jews. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab league have accepted and recognise Israel as a state and have good ties with them. How much do the Arabs raise concern and stand up for their Palestinian brothers. You failed to speak about how much the Arabs (the Sunis) stand up for the oppressed Palestinians and what's happening in Burma.

That's not true, what has Iran done for Palestinians? Supply weapons and make Hamas do the dirty work for hizbullah and the Shiite state of Iran?? The leadership supplies arms and the Shiites ask why should they as they are Shiites and Palestinians are Sunni, you help from one hand and curse from the other they don't need your hypocrisy Palestinian brothers themselves can see through your hypocrisy. All BS Shiite propaganda trying to make a name in the Muslim world off our Muslim sunni brothers suffering.......we know you from Karbala and how much you Shiites care.

As for rohingya Muslims what has any Shiite leader done? What has Iran done? Iraq? Any Shiite country leader? Any Shiite syed imam? I will mention 1 sunni name that got it highlighted and raised the issue on the international stage and got them to listen.......Erdogan.
Your just full of it full stop.

I do remember how Shiites of Iraq helped the Muslims oh yea they called the Satan to overthrow a leader just to be replaced by a Shiite one? he a divine one? Helping Satan? And yet you have the cheek to pick on someone else? It's ok when you can help usa but not when arabs do do stand up for the oppressed by the side of satan.

unbelievable hypocrisy.

Just stick to the vast amount of Suni Arabs. You couldn't come up with a response so you start jumping up and down about Iran. If they don't need our hypocrisy then ask the Suni Arabs why they have abandoned the Palestinians for such a long time. And what are the immense Arabs doing about Burma along with you?

Response? I gave it in the post haven't replied, what has shia leaders done for rohingya Muslims? Any Shiite syed? Or Are they hiding hiding? Where's the Mahdi? Muslims are dying getting killed and raped, where is he? shouldn't throw stones from glasshouses.

And you have the cheek to talk lol


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2017, 03:42:24 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.

The Jews don't hate the Arabs and the Arabs don't hate the Jews. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab league have accepted and recognise Israel as a state and have good ties with them. How much do the Arabs raise concern and stand up for their Palestinian brothers. You failed to speak about how much the Arabs (the Sunis) stand up for the oppressed Palestinians and what's happening in Burma.

That's not true, what has Iran done for Palestinians? Supply weapons and make Hamas do the dirty work for hizbullah and the Shiite state of Iran?? The leadership supplies arms and the Shiites ask why should they as they are Shiites and Palestinians are Sunni, you help from one hand and curse from the other they don't need your hypocrisy Palestinian brothers themselves can see through your hypocrisy. All BS Shiite propaganda trying to make a name in the Muslim world off our Muslim sunni brothers suffering.......we know you from Karbala and how much you Shiites care.

As for rohingya Muslims what has any Shiite leader done? What has Iran done? Iraq? Any Shiite country leader? Any Shiite syed imam? I will mention 1 sunni name that got it highlighted and raised the issue on the international stage and got them to listen.......Erdogan.
Your just full of it full stop.

I do remember how Shiites of Iraq helped the Muslims oh yea they called the Satan to overthrow a leader just to be replaced by a Shiite one? he a divine one? Helping Satan? And yet you have the cheek to pick on someone else? It's ok when you can help usa but not when arabs do do stand up for the oppressed by the side of satan.

unbelievable hypocrisy.

Just stick to the vast amount of Suni Arabs. You couldn't come up with a response so you start jumping up and down about Iran. If they don't need our hypocrisy then ask the Suni Arabs why they have abandoned the Palestinians for such a long time. And what are the immense Arabs doing about Burma along with you?

Response? I gave it in the post haven't replied, what has shia leaders done for rohingya Muslims? Any Shiite syed? Or Are they hiding hiding? Where's the Mahdi? Muslims are dying getting killed and raped, where is he? shouldn't throw stones from glasshouses.

And you have the cheek to talk lol

LOL. You're the vast majority so why are you relying on us? We don't throw stones at all. Look in the mirror and at facts before you talk. You throw allegations/accusations at us. We are at the receiving end. We don't bother you so why are you so obsessed with us? LOL.


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