
The celebration of Omar’s Al-Faruq’s death during the “unity week” in Iran!

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I didn't know this happened in Iran. 

It's common for some people here in the West such as Yasser Al Habib, but I figured such celebrations would be outlawed in the "land of unity".   ::)

You've said it my friend. They're holding Sunni and Shia unity week and on the other hand they're accused of the opposite. What lovely propaganda. You have so many Muslim countries with Sunni governments but only one with Shia government and they're finding it so hard to digest this only one country and its government.

Ameen, have you ever taken part in such celebrations?

The answer is No! And do you know why??? Because such celebrations do not take place. You need to get your facts right. What we're having over here is banned, not allowed in Iran. Inter faith discussions about Islam are not allowed in Iran. And the two major Scholars (Khaminei and Sistani) have issued Fatwas,

To humiliate and insult, speak ill and bad about wives and companions of the Prophet (pbuh) is haram. And did you know and are you familiar about one of Ayatullah Khomenie's fatwas that he believed the Prophet (pbuh) had four natural daughters and not one???

I speak through knowledge and information, through experience and exploring. You speak on gossip and rumours based on what you listen and hear. How much Iran is doing and spending on unity amongst Muslims (Etihad bainal Muslimeen) I am fully aware of. You might misguide others who are not aware, like you are misguided yourself.


Listen brothers, being bitter or angry, full of hate or to envy is not a crime. There is nothing wrong with this. It's obvious that you are bitter and angry over something and you hate or envy for a reason. I certainly do not dispute this.

But in such a state one doesn't think straight or proper. In such a state you don't see things through with both eyes or from both sides. It stops you from looking in to things and searching for facts (fact finding).

I do not side with everything about Iran and I certainly do not hate Saudi Arabia. Will continue this.

Just as a sidenote so you don't get the wrong idea, unlike Shia, the vast majority of Ahlul-Sunnah dislike Saudi rulers and disagree with many of their policies.

So as to not place us in the same basket as most Shia who blindly follow/defend Iran.

I add, you mentioned words like angry and envy, and while a lot of us may be angry at Imamist religion, yet I seriously doubt anyone is envious of you guys, in fact it's mostly pity.

First of all not every Shia follows or defends Iran blindly. Even in Iran there are differences amongst politicians and various government departments. You have moderates and you have hard liners. As you yourself know that Shias have difference in thought, opinion and point of view. And I asked you yourself,

"Do you believe Shia are Kafir, is Shiaism a religion of Kufr???"

And you replied by saying, "I can't answer that, it depends on the individual Shia about their thought, opinion and point of view about things. Secondly there is no need to be angry over anything and if you are then, think about how others feel when it comes to situations like Fadak etc. or the Prophet (pbuh) didn't bother to appoint anyone. And as far as your pity is concerned, ask and discuss through argument based on sense, logic, reality, facts and reasoning rather than accusing and forcing someone to accept this and that.

Yeah sure,

Open a new thread, pick any topic you want from Faduck to Mubahala to why `Ali wasn't appointed, anything you want and I'll discuss it with you in detail.

Go ahead and let me know when you open a thread.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Taha, do you celebrate the death of Umar (RA), and do you believe he contributed to the death of Fatima (RA).

Difficult questions.  I liked a Facebook status of one of my friends saying something along the lines of "congratulations to believers on the death of `Umar", but I don't actually celebrate it, no.

I don't know whether or not he did.  The hadeeths say he did, but they're weak.  I have more studying to do.  Wallahu alim.

Optimus Prime

Taha, do you celebrate the death of Umar (RA), and do you believe he contributed to the death of Fatima (RA).

Difficult questions.  I liked a Facebook status of one of my friends saying something along the lines of "congratulations to believers on the death of `Umar", but I don't actually celebrate it, no.

I don't know whether or not he did.  The hadeeths say he did, but they're weak.  I have more studying to do.  Wallahu alim.

Why not a start a thread, and we'll be more than obliged to educate you on the matter.

Optimus Prime

I didn't know this happened in Iran. 

It's common for some people here in the West such as Yasser Al Habib, but I figured such celebrations would be outlawed in the "land of unity".   ::)

You've said it my friend. They're holding Sunni and Shia unity week and on the other hand they're accused of the opposite. What lovely propaganda. You have so many Muslim countries with Sunni governments but only one with Shia government and they're finding it so hard to digest this only one country and its government.

Ameen, have you ever taken part in such celebrations?

The answer is No! And do you know why??? Because such celebrations do not take place. You need to get your facts right. What we're having over here is banned, not allowed in Iran. Inter faith discussions about Islam are not allowed in Iran. And the two major Scholars (Khaminei and Sistani) have issued Fatwas,

To humiliate and insult, speak ill and bad about wives and companions of the Prophet (pbuh) is haram. And did you know and are you familiar about one of Ayatullah Khomenie's fatwas that he believed the Prophet (pbuh) had four natural daughters and not one???

I speak through knowledge and information, through experience and exploring. You speak on gossip and rumours based on what you listen and hear. How much Iran is doing and spending on unity amongst Muslims (Etihad bainal Muslimeen) I am fully aware of. You might misguide others who are not aware, like you are misguided yourself.

Ayatullah Khameena was a first class pindu!

Again, going off on a girly tangent and not just commenting the points accordingly. Next question.

Do you believe Umar (RA) played a part in the death of Fatima (RA). Yes or no?


Listen brothers, being bitter or angry, full of hate or to envy is not a crime. There is nothing wrong with this. It's obvious that you are bitter and angry over something and you hate or envy for a reason. I certainly do not dispute this.

But in such a state one doesn't think straight or proper. In such a state you don't see things through with both eyes or from both sides. It stops you from looking in to things and searching for facts (fact finding).

I do not side with everything about Iran and I certainly do not hate Saudi Arabia. Will continue this.

Just as a sidenote so you don't get the wrong idea, unlike Shia, the vast majority of Ahlul-Sunnah dislike Saudi rulers and disagree with many of their policies.

So as to not place us in the same basket as most Shia who blindly follow/defend Iran.

I add, you mentioned words like angry and envy, and while a lot of us may be angry at Imamist religion, yet I seriously doubt anyone is envious of you guys, in fact it's mostly pity.

First of all not every Shia follows or defends Iran blindly. Even in Iran there are differences amongst politicians and various government departments. You have moderates and you have hard liners. As you yourself know that Shias have difference in thought, opinion and point of view. And I asked you yourself,

"Do you believe Shia are Kafir, is Shiaism a religion of Kufr???"

And you replied by saying, "I can't answer that, it depends on the individual Shia about their thought, opinion and point of view about things. Secondly there is no need to be angry over anything and if you are then, think about how others feel when it comes to situations like Fadak etc. or the Prophet (pbuh) didn't bother to appoint anyone. And as far as your pity is concerned, ask and discuss through argument based on sense, logic, reality, facts and reasoning rather than accusing and forcing someone to accept this and that.

Yeah sure,

Open a new thread, pick any topic you want from Faduck to Mubahala to why `Ali wasn't appointed, anything you want and I'll discuss it with you in detail.

Go ahead and let me know when you open a thread.

Yeah sure??? Come on, you can do better than that. Brother I don't have a problem with anyone. Those who do have an issue and or problem are opening threads and I am responding to them. People believe that Shia are Kafir and Mushrik as well, at the same time. I asked for an explanation and wanted to discuss the matter but was told that, it was none of my business.

And there are many more issues such as Jumah prayers were prevented from taking place by the Iranian authorities for certain Sunnis. I asked why??? What for???? What was the reason for prevention??? Haven't got a reply. I don't think I will get one. It's all one sided.


I didn't know this happened in Iran. 

It's common for some people here in the West such as Yasser Al Habib, but I figured such celebrations would be outlawed in the "land of unity".   ::)

You've said it my friend. They're holding Sunni and Shia unity week and on the other hand they're accused of the opposite. What lovely propaganda. You have so many Muslim countries with Sunni governments but only one with Shia government and they're finding it so hard to digest this only one country and its government.

Ameen, have you ever taken part in such celebrations?

The answer is No! And do you know why??? Because such celebrations do not take place. You need to get your facts right. What we're having over here is banned, not allowed in Iran. Inter faith discussions about Islam are not allowed in Iran. And the two major Scholars (Khaminei and Sistani) have issued Fatwas,

To humiliate and insult, speak ill and bad about wives and companions of the Prophet (pbuh) is haram. And did you know and are you familiar about one of Ayatullah Khomenie's fatwas that he believed the Prophet (pbuh) had four natural daughters and not one???

I speak through knowledge and information, through experience and exploring. You speak on gossip and rumours based on what you listen and hear. How much Iran is doing and spending on unity amongst Muslims (Etihad bainal Muslimeen) I am fully aware of. You might misguide others who are not aware, like you are misguided yourself.

Ayatullah Khameena was a first class pindu!

Again, going off on a girly tangent and not just commenting the points accordingly. Next question.

Do you believe Umar (RA) played a part in the death of Fatima (RA). Yes or no?

Ayatullah Khameena??? I'm sure you can spell, so this is not an error but sarcasm. Taking the Mick, are we??? This is your behaviour and you want respect for yourself and the ones you believe in???? So why do you think he was a first class pindu???? By the way thanks for such a behaviour and response. The audience/viewers aren't blind and will make up their own mind.

Optimus Prime

I didn't know this happened in Iran. 

It's common for some people here in the West such as Yasser Al Habib, but I figured such celebrations would be outlawed in the "land of unity".   ::)

You've said it my friend. They're holding Sunni and Shia unity week and on the other hand they're accused of the opposite. What lovely propaganda. You have so many Muslim countries with Sunni governments but only one with Shia government and they're finding it so hard to digest this only one country and its government.

Ameen, have you ever taken part in such celebrations?

The answer is No! And do you know why??? Because such celebrations do not take place. You need to get your facts right. What we're having over here is banned, not allowed in Iran. Inter faith discussions about Islam are not allowed in Iran. And the two major Scholars (Khaminei and Sistani) have issued Fatwas,

To humiliate and insult, speak ill and bad about wives and companions of the Prophet (pbuh) is haram. And did you know and are you familiar about one of Ayatullah Khomenie's fatwas that he believed the Prophet (pbuh) had four natural daughters and not one???

I speak through knowledge and information, through experience and exploring. You speak on gossip and rumours based on what you listen and hear. How much Iran is doing and spending on unity amongst Muslims (Etihad bainal Muslimeen) I am fully aware of. You might misguide others who are not aware, like you are misguided yourself.

Ayatullah Khameena was a first class pindu!

Again, going off on a girly tangent and not just commenting the points accordingly. Next question.

Do you believe Umar (RA) played a part in the death of Fatima (RA). Yes or no?

Ayatullah Khameena??? I'm sure you can spell, so this is not an error but sarcasm. Taking the Mick, are we??? This is your behaviour and you want respect for yourself and the ones you believe in???? So why do you think he was a first class pindu???? By the way thanks for such a behaviour and response. The audience/viewers aren't blind and will make up their own mind.

I'll fill you in some other time.

Do you believe Umar (RA) killed Fatima (RA)?


I didn't know this happened in Iran. 

It's common for some people here in the West such as Yasser Al Habib, but I figured such celebrations would be outlawed in the "land of unity".   ::)

You've said it my friend. They're holding Sunni and Shia unity week and on the other hand they're accused of the opposite. What lovely propaganda. You have so many Muslim countries with Sunni governments but only one with Shia government and they're finding it so hard to digest this only one country and its government.

Ameen, have you ever taken part in such celebrations?

The answer is No! And do you know why??? Because such celebrations do not take place. You need to get your facts right. What we're having over here is banned, not allowed in Iran. Inter faith discussions about Islam are not allowed in Iran. And the two major Scholars (Khaminei and Sistani) have issued Fatwas,

To humiliate and insult, speak ill and bad about wives and companions of the Prophet (pbuh) is haram. And did you know and are you familiar about one of Ayatullah Khomenie's fatwas that he believed the Prophet (pbuh) had four natural daughters and not one???

I speak through knowledge and information, through experience and exploring. You speak on gossip and rumours based on what you listen and hear. How much Iran is doing and spending on unity amongst Muslims (Etihad bainal Muslimeen) I am fully aware of. You might misguide others who are not aware, like you are misguided yourself.

Ayatullah Khameena was a first class pindu!

Again, going off on a girly tangent and not just commenting the points accordingly. Next question.

Do you believe Umar (RA) played a part in the death of Fatima (RA). Yes or no?

Ayatullah Khameena??? I'm sure you can spell, so this is not an error but sarcasm. Taking the Mick, are we??? This is your behaviour and you want respect for yourself and the ones you believe in???? So why do you think he was a first class pindu???? By the way thanks for such a behaviour and response. The audience/viewers aren't blind and will make up their own mind.

I'll fill you in some other time.

Do you believe Umar (RA) killed Fatima (RA)?

Don't worry. I am not like you who runs from answering. Lets stick to the title of the thread, what this thread is all about and what is being discussed. A Shia dominant country is holding unity week and then they are celebrating something which is threatening the unity??? You go to so much effort and then you threaten it??? Come man, for God's sake, put something forward that adds up and makes sense. Don't accept and believe in things blindly.


Don't worry. I am not like you who runs from answering. Lets stick to the title of the thread, what this thread is all about and what is being discussed. A Shia dominant country is holding unity week and then they are celebrating something which is threatening the unity??? You go to so much effort and then you threaten it??? Come man, for God's sake, put something forward that adds up and makes sense. Don't accept and believe in things blindly.

Yes they definitely do that, heck you should check the content of the books printed in Qum and Tehran. That's because this unity thing is a farce that fools no one but uneducated folks.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Don't worry. I am not like you who runs from answering. Lets stick to the title of the thread, what this thread is all about and what is being discussed. A Shia dominant country is holding unity week and then they are celebrating something which is threatening the unity??? You go to so much effort and then you threaten it??? Come man, for God's sake, put something forward that adds up and makes sense. Don't accept and believe in things blindly.

Yes they definitely do that, heck you should check the content of the books printed in Qum and Tehran. That's because this unity thing is a farce that fools no one but uneducated folks.

Brother this is nothing but absolute propaganda against Iran and its government. Their has been unrest in Iran since the revolution. The politicians of Iran were killed one by one. Their entire parliment along with their first president (Muhammad Ali Rajai) was were killed by an explosion. Their entire parliment was blown up. They didn't have a clue how to govern and protect themselves and the west took advantage of this in the early days of the revolution up till now, through various groups with in Iran.

Sabotage against their nuclear programme, the computer virus and the killings of their scientists done by these hidden extremists with in Iran funded by the west, who want to cause unrest in Iran. Take a look at this, in the early fifties Muhammad Musadak was elected as president of Iran, in fair and free elections. Now Iran has a 1000 mile long border with Russia.

The President of Iran signed two contracts with Russia and arranged a team to strengthen their relationship with Russia and work on business investments and trade between the two countries. America was not happy with this so the C.I.A. Spent 1million dollars to destabilise Iran and to have the government over thrown. And they worked on this through these agents with in Iran, who just do anything for money.

Have a look at the secret C.I.A files.

Optimus Prime

I didn't know this happened in Iran. 

It's common for some people here in the West such as Yasser Al Habib, but I figured such celebrations would be outlawed in the "land of unity".   ::)

You've said it my friend. They're holding Sunni and Shia unity week and on the other hand they're accused of the opposite. What lovely propaganda. You have so many Muslim countries with Sunni governments but only one with Shia government and they're finding it so hard to digest this only one country and its government.

Ameen, have you ever taken part in such celebrations?

The answer is No! And do you know why??? Because such celebrations do not take place. You need to get your facts right. What we're having over here is banned, not allowed in Iran. Inter faith discussions about Islam are not allowed in Iran. And the two major Scholars (Khaminei and Sistani) have issued Fatwas,

To humiliate and insult, speak ill and bad about wives and companions of the Prophet (pbuh) is haram. And did you know and are you familiar about one of Ayatullah Khomenie's fatwas that he believed the Prophet (pbuh) had four natural daughters and not one???

I speak through knowledge and information, through experience and exploring. You speak on gossip and rumours based on what you listen and hear. How much Iran is doing and spending on unity amongst Muslims (Etihad bainal Muslimeen) I am fully aware of. You might misguide others who are not aware, like you are misguided yourself.

Ayatullah Khameena was a first class pindu!

Again, going off on a girly tangent and not just commenting the points accordingly. Next question.

Do you believe Umar (RA) played a part in the death of Fatima (RA). Yes or no?

Ayatullah Khameena??? I'm sure you can spell, so this is not an error but sarcasm. Taking the Mick, are we??? This is your behaviour and you want respect for yourself and the ones you believe in???? So why do you think he was a first class pindu???? By the way thanks for such a behaviour and response. The audience/viewers aren't blind and will make up their own mind.

I'll fill you in some other time.

Do you believe Umar (RA) killed Fatima (RA)?

Don't worry. I am not like you who runs from answering. Lets stick to the title of the thread, what this thread is all about and what is being discussed. A Shia dominant country is holding unity week and then they are celebrating something which is threatening the unity??? You go to so much effort and then you threaten it??? Come man, for God's sake, put something forward that adds up and makes sense. Don't accept and believe in things blindly.

There is media and photographic evidence that the pr1cks in Iran organise a rally in the streets and chanting all sort of kufri bits and pieces about my hero, Umar (RA). It's not us believing things nilly and willy that's what you guys do when you Hadith-pick Sunni narration that supports your vision of Islam.

Religion of the devil and central capital of shirki which, is why Iran is also popularly referred to as Shirkistan! :D

Ayatullah Khameena can rot in jahanm.  8)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 09:20:12 PM by Imam Ali »


This chaos would stop if we could know ameen's age. I am sure of it ( no offence)
Before Qazî Mihemed, President of the first kurdish Republic Mahabad was hanged the iranian judge asked:

“last words?”

Qazî: “I thank Allah: even in death he put my shoes above your heads”


Brother this is nothing but absolute propaganda against Iran and its government. Their has been unrest in Iran since the revolution. The politicians of Iran were killed one by one. Their entire parliment along with their first president (Muhammad Ali Rajai) was were killed by an explosion. Their entire parliment was blown up. They didn't have a clue how to govern and protect themselves and the west took advantage of this in the early days of the revolution up till now, through various groups with in Iran.

Sabotage against their nuclear programme, the computer virus and the killings of their scientists done by these hidden extremists with in Iran funded by the west, who want to cause unrest in Iran. Take a look at this, in the early fifties Muhammad Musadak was elected as president of Iran, in fair and free elections. Now Iran has a 1000 mile long border with Russia.

The President of Iran signed two contracts with Russia and arranged a team to strengthen their relationship with Russia and work on business investments and trade between the two countries. America was not happy with this so the C.I.A. Spent 1million dollars to destabilise Iran and to have the government over thrown. And they worked on this through these agents with in Iran, who just do anything for money.

Have a look at the secret C.I.A files.

Man Man!! Cool it! We're not talking about nuclear junk or global conspiracies! Iran prints books, it's common knowledge, they're all over the internet for God's sake! And in those books they wipe the floor with Ahlul-Sunnah and their icons, the fact that Iranian regime are hypocrites is well... a fact.

عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


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