@ Ameen
Ok brother Husayn, this has been put forward and discussed many times but every time the matter of Hazrath Fatimah (as) and Hazrath Abu Bakar (ra) is discussed, Hazrath Ali (as) is brought in to it to divert the attention and to derail the matter. Discuss the matter first rather than bringing in a totally different matter to challenge the matter being discussed.
The problem, oh Ameen, is that 12vers constantly harp on about how Fatima was supposedly angry with Abu Bakr, and they mention the hadith of "Fatima bidh'autun mini" e.t.c.
They take this hadith from Bukhari - but when we quote a hadith from Bukhari about how Fatima became angry with 'Ali over something, they make thousands of excuses, and prefer to reject the narration all together.
But when it comes to Abu Bakr - are the 12vers willing to make even a single excuse?
Ofcourse not - because you are hypocrites.
Now, as for the issue of Fatima, her anger, and the Prophet's words, this is my opinion:
- Fatima was a fallible human being, and she was a young girl, and all young girls, no matter how knowledgeable or pious, are prone to getting annoyed and angry. This is normal, and every father, husband or brother knows that this is true. Saying this is not an insult, it is a fact.
The same could be said for 'Aisha - she would get annoyed and angry whenever the Prophet mentioned Khadija, for example, or would become jealous when he showed attention to his other wives.
This is normal, this is how young girls are.- The Prophet's statement about Fatima being a part of him, and whoever angers her angers him,
is something any father feels for any daughter of his.- Fatima's anger is not a barometer of kufr or imaan - especially when this anger is not justified. In the case of Fadak, even if Fatima got angry with Abu Bakr, is this his fault? No, he did what was right, and Fatima was angry
because she disagreed with him and thought that she was in the right. Moreso, she was sick and grieved due to the passing away of Rasul Allah (saw), which made her temperament even worse.. Is this abnormal for a teenage girl who is going through such a stressful time? No, this is perfectly normal! And Abu Bakr treated Fatima with utmost respect - I am sure if it was 'Aisha he would have been much harsher.
- Abu Bakr had a very heavy task on his shoulders - and his remaining steadfast, even when faced with the displeasure of Banu Hashim, is a testament to his strength of character. Weaker men would have buckled trying to seek the pleasure of the kin of Rasul Allah (saw) - but he placed obedience to Allah (swt) over this, and this is why Allah (swt) gave him his favour and victory.