
The Hypocriy of the Sunni World

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The Hypocriy of the Sunni World
« on: October 06, 2016, 12:41:34 AM »


Re: The Hypocriy of the Sunni World
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2016, 07:42:12 AM »
 I am really quite shocked at the stupidity.  Wallahi I am a baby when it comes to Islamic knowledge, yet I could refute most of these points.  I think I might just do that, actually.

Fatima's truthfulness is guaranteed in the Quran in Ayah Tatheer and Ayah Mubahila so they decide to call the person who opposed her SIDEEQ.
1.) Abu Bakr (ra) did not "oppose" Fatimah (ra).  They had their differences like everyone, sure.  But they mutually respected each other, alhamdulillah.
2.) The Prophet (saws) referred to Abu Bakr (ra) as as-Sidiq.  Do you believe the Prophet (saws) is a liar?  La huwa wa la quwatta ila billah.

The 'Sahaba' who doubted the Prophet the most and was openly rude towards him became FAROOQ.
In what was was `Umar (ra) rude towards the Prophet (saws)?  When did he (ra) doubt Him (saws)?  Also, there are narrations specifying that either the Prophet (saws) or Angel Jibreel were the first to call `Umar (ra) "al-Farooq".  Do you have more knowledge than the Prophet (saws) or the angel of Allah (swt)?  Na'udhubillah.

The wife that caused so much grief to the Prophet that Allah threatened her with divorce became the most beloved wife.
In what way did `Ayeesha (ra) cause grief to the Prophet (saws)?  Are you referring to the incident where `Abdullah ibn Ubayy (the chief of the munafiqoon) spread rumors about her that Allah (swt) declared her to be innocent of?  Or are you referring to the incident where she and Hafsa (ra) said that his breath smelled after he over-stayed his visit with Zaynab bint Jahsh (ra)? 

The 'Sahaba' known for opulence and nepotism became GHANI
`Uthman (ra) is known for opulence and nepotism?  Subhan'Allah, how these jahils turn things around.  `Uthman (ra) was a very wealthy business man that gave more in charity than nearly anyone else.  Do they also say that Zaynab bint Jahsh (ra) was opulent because she was also generous with her wealth?  Also, if you hate `Uthman (ra) so much, feel free to stop reading the Qur'an that HE (ra) compiled.

The person known to be from the Accursed Tree became Katib-e-Wahi.
No idea what you're talking about.  Zayd ibn Thabit (ra) is the person most commonly known for being a writer of the Qur'an, but I have not heard of him being from the accursed tree.  Please enlighten me.

The person responsible for killing Hussain and destroying Masjid-e-Nabawi & Kaaba was guaranteed Jannah because he took part in a naval attack (allegedly).
Oh lord.  This topic.  First of all, nobody is saying that Yazeed is guaranteed Jannah.  The list of people guaranteed Jannah is incredibly short.  For everyone else, Allah's (swt) judgement will be shown.  Secondly, Yazeed did not kill Hussain (ra).  A guy named Shimr killed Hussain (ra), and he did so under the direction of Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad, the governor of Kufa.  Now, there is a lot of blame to go around, sure, but Yazeed is at the end of the blame list (but he is still on it, in my opinion).  The first person to blame is Shimr, as he is the one that "pulled the trigger" so to speak.  The second person to blame is Ibn Ziyad who refused to negotiate with Hussain (ra) and demanded that they fight the battle.  The third group to blame are the Shi'ites of Kufa.  30,000 Kufans pledged their support to Hussain (ra) and Muslim ibn Aqeel (ra), and yet all 30,000 turned their backs and refused to help them when they were being slaughtered.  If those 30,000 Shi'ites had not sent letters begging Hussain (ra) to come to Kufa, it is unlikely he would have been killed in the manner that he was.  The last person to blame is Yazeed who had placed Ibn Ziyad in charge.  Yazeed also did not punish Ibn Ziyad.  However, to say that Yazeed personally killed Hussain (ra) or had a personal hand in the matter is massively incorrect.  You Rafidah seem to be under the impression that Shimr, Ibn Ziyad, and Yazeed were sending WhatsApp messages back and forth to each other in the 5 days before the battle.  They were not!  Do you know how long it takes for a message to get from Kufa to Damascus and back? 

The person who spent minimal time with the Prophet became the biggest narrators of ahadith.
Abu Hurayrah (ra) spent 2 years with the Prophet (saws).  And unlike other Sahabah that had businesses and jobs and families to take care of, he spent literally all of his extra time with the Prophet (saws).  I don't see why it's so controversial for you.  You have disconnected ahadeeth from centuries after the Prophet (saws) died that you accept, but you reject ours simply because one man learned a lot in 2 years?  SubhanAllah, your hearts are made of stone.

They would rather celebrate the fake sunnah (non-obligatory, optional) of fasting on Ashura in solidarity with the Jews than observe the wajib (muwadat-fil-qurba) of observing Ashura with solemnity.
Who made the mourning of Muharram wajib?  Was it made wajib before or after Allah (swt) perfected the deen of Islam?

They get ready to burn cities to the groud if someone draws a cartoon of the Prophet or makes a movie about him, yet they keep quite or worse celebrate the martyrdom of his beloved grandson.
Who is burning cities to the ground?  It seems like your people (like Bashar) are the ones incinerating cities.  Also, who is celebrating the martyrdom of Hussain (ra)?  I'd really like to meet those people so I can beat them up.

I thank Allah everyday that I was not born into nor part of the hypocrisy that is the Sunni World.
We thank Allah (swt) everyday as well that we do not have ignorants like you in our world ;)

أبو ماريا المرزم

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Re: The Hypocriy of the Sunni World
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2016, 05:52:02 PM »
I am really quite shocked at the stupidity.  Wallahi I am a baby when it comes to Islamic knowledge, yet I could refute most of these points.  I think I might just do that, actually.

Fatima's truthfulness is guaranteed in the Quran in Ayah Tatheer and Ayah Mubahila so they decide to call the person who opposed her SIDEEQ.
1.) Abu Bakr (ra) did not "oppose" Fatimah (ra).  They had their differences like everyone, sure.  But they mutually respected each other, alhamdulillah.
2.) The Prophet (saws) referred to Abu Bakr (ra) as as-Sidiq.  Do you believe the Prophet (saws) is a liar?  La huwa wa la quwatta ila billah.

The 'Sahaba' who doubted the Prophet the most and was openly rude towards him became FAROOQ.
In what was was `Umar (ra) rude towards the Prophet (saws)?  When did he (ra) doubt Him (saws)?  Also, there are narrations specifying that either the Prophet (saws) or Angel Jibreel were the first to call `Umar (ra) "al-Farooq".  Do you have more knowledge than the Prophet (saws) or the angel of Allah (swt)?  Na'udhubillah.

The wife that caused so much grief to the Prophet that Allah threatened her with divorce became the most beloved wife.
In what way did `Ayeesha (ra) cause grief to the Prophet (saws)?  Are you referring to the incident where `Abdullah ibn Ubayy (the chief of the munafiqoon) spread rumors about her that Allah (swt) declared her to be innocent of?  Or are you referring to the incident where she and Hafsa (ra) said that his breath smelled after he over-stayed his visit with Zaynab bint Jahsh (ra)? 

The 'Sahaba' known for opulence and nepotism became GHANI
`Uthman (ra) is known for opulence and nepotism?  Subhan'Allah, how these jahils turn things around.  `Uthman (ra) was a very wealthy business man that gave more in charity than nearly anyone else.  Do they also say that Zaynab bint Jahsh (ra) was opulent because she was also generous with her wealth?  Also, if you hate `Uthman (ra) so much, feel free to stop reading the Qur'an that HE (ra) compiled.

The person known to be from the Accursed Tree became Katib-e-Wahi.
No idea what you're talking about.  Zayd ibn Thabit (ra) is the person most commonly known for being a writer of the Qur'an, but I have not heard of him being from the accursed tree.  Please enlighten me.

The person responsible for killing Hussain and destroying Masjid-e-Nabawi & Kaaba was guaranteed Jannah because he took part in a naval attack (allegedly).
Oh lord.  This topic.  First of all, nobody is saying that Yazeed is guaranteed Jannah.  The list of people guaranteed Jannah is incredibly short.  For everyone else, Allah's (swt) judgement will be shown.  Secondly, Yazeed did not kill Hussain (ra).  A guy named Shimr killed Hussain (ra), and he did so under the direction of Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad, the governor of Kufa.  Now, there is a lot of blame to go around, sure, but Yazeed is at the end of the blame list (but he is still on it, in my opinion).  The first person to blame is Shimr, as he is the one that "pulled the trigger" so to speak.  The second person to blame is Ibn Ziyad who refused to negotiate with Hussain (ra) and demanded that they fight the battle.  The third group to blame are the Shi'ites of Kufa.  30,000 Kufans pledged their support to Hussain (ra) and Muslim ibn Aqeel (ra), and yet all 30,000 turned their backs and refused to help them when they were being slaughtered.  If those 30,000 Shi'ites had not sent letters begging Hussain (ra) to come to Kufa, it is unlikely he would have been killed in the manner that he was.  The last person to blame is Yazeed who had placed Ibn Ziyad in charge.  Yazeed also did not punish Ibn Ziyad.  However, to say that Yazeed personally killed Hussain (ra) or had a personal hand in the matter is massively incorrect.  You Rafidah seem to be under the impression that Shimr, Ibn Ziyad, and Yazeed were sending WhatsApp messages back and forth to each other in the 5 days before the battle.  They were not!  Do you know how long it takes for a message to get from Kufa to Damascus and back? 

The person who spent minimal time with the Prophet became the biggest narrators of ahadith.
Abu Hurayrah (ra) spent 2 years with the Prophet (saws).  And unlike other Sahabah that had businesses and jobs and families to take care of, he spent literally all of his extra time with the Prophet (saws).  I don't see why it's so controversial for you.  You have disconnected ahadeeth from centuries after the Prophet (saws) died that you accept, but you reject ours simply because one man learned a lot in 2 years?  SubhanAllah, your hearts are made of stone.

They would rather celebrate the fake sunnah (non-obligatory, optional) of fasting on Ashura in solidarity with the Jews than observe the wajib (muwadat-fil-qurba) of observing Ashura with solemnity.
Who made the mourning of Muharram wajib?  Was it made wajib before or after Allah (swt) perfected the deen of Islam?

They get ready to burn cities to the groud if someone draws a cartoon of the Prophet or makes a movie about him, yet they keep quite or worse celebrate the martyrdom of his beloved grandson.
Who is burning cities to the ground?  It seems like your people (like Bashar) are the ones incinerating cities.  Also, who is celebrating the martyrdom of Hussain (ra)?  I'd really like to meet those people so I can beat them up.

I thank Allah everyday that I was not born into nor part of the hypocrisy that is the Sunni World.
We thank Allah (swt) everyday as well that we do not have ignorants like you in our world ;)

Very analytical refutation I must say.
They asked how many will be with the one I hate. I said 313


Re: The Hypocriy of the Sunni World
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2016, 06:21:16 PM »
Very analytical refutation I must say.
Thank you brother. But I have no knowledge compared to some of the brothers on the board. I hope that inshaAllah someone will do a better job than me and bring sources as well.

أبو ماريا المرزم

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  • Allah grant the Rafidah their seat in Jahannam
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Re: The Hypocriy of the Sunni World
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2016, 05:15:09 AM »
Very analytical refutation I must say.
Thank you brother. But I have no knowledge compared to some of the brothers on the board. I hope that inshaAllah someone will do a better job than me and bring sources as well.

Na'am, same here. I'm more focused in kharaji refutations. I just pop up every now and then here
They asked how many will be with the one I hate. I said 313


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