
The weird excuses of Shias.

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Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2018, 12:07:38 AM »
☺ Anything positive, useful, constructive, meaningful or right about the Shia, or are we still living in the times of ignorance? 😀 Come on, there's got to be one thing even? Grudge and hatred still lives for the Shias even 1400 years and onwards.
Nice example in relation to the topic bro.

The example you used can also be used in the category of "the pot calling the kettle black", since we know the extreme level of hatred, grudge, enmity for non-Shias in Shiism.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2018, 04:23:21 AM »
Nice example in relation to the topic bro.

The example you used can also be used in the category of "the pot calling the kettle black", since we know the extreme level of hatred, grudge, enmity for non-Shias in Shiism.

Care to give me an example? We're talking about a community (Shia) here who have been under seige since day one. They don't believe in violence or threatening behaviour to have their demands met or for retaliation or vengeance. So what grudge or hatred do Shias hold and for whom? Anyways a thread with a long list of nonsense.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2018, 12:27:24 PM »
Care to give me an example? We're talking about a community (Shia) here who have been under seige since day one. They don't believe in violence or threatening behaviour to have their demands met or for retaliation or vengeance. So what grudge or hatred do Shias hold and for whom? Anyways a thread with a long list of nonsense.

Rather what appears is you are living in fantasy.

Readers are welcome to read this article from Shia website displaying love affection and compassion for non-Shias.

And it is because of these beliefs Massacres of Sunnis occured due to Shias. Such as in Iraq where Nasir addin Tusi along with Hulagu massacred thousand of Sunnis and like in Iran thousand of Sunnis were brutally killed , just because of their belief by the Shias.

And yes it quite easy for you Shias to justify that by saying those massacred innocent human beings were nasibi, since their blood is halal for you.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2018, 09:14:23 PM »
Rather what appears is you are living in fantasy.

Readers are welcome to read this article from Shia website displaying love affection and compassion for non-Shias.

And it is because of these beliefs Massacres of Sunnis occured due to Shias. Such as in Iraq where Nasir addin Tusi along with Hulagu massacred thousand of Sunnis and like in Iran thousand of Sunnis were brutally killed , just because of their belief by the Shias.

And yes it quite easy for you Shias to justify that by saying those massacred innocent human beings were nasibi, since their blood is halal for you.

May be you're not familiar with history or you're just playing blind games. In Iran and Iraq thousands of Sunis were killed? You mean thousands of Shias have been murdered in cold blood. Who are targeted when it comes to bombings? The Shias. All the Muslim related terror organisations happen to be Sunis. Well vast majority of them. How long are you going to fool people and in this day and age. We don't spend time on websites banging and bashing the Sunis. Take a good look at yourselves and what you're involved in.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2018, 09:31:36 PM »
May be you're not familiar with history or you're just playing blind games. In Iran and Iraq thousands of Sunis were killed? You mean thousands of Shias have been murdered in cold blood. Who are targeted when it comes to bombings? The Shias. All the Muslim related terror organisations happen to be Sunis. Well vast majority of them. How long are you going to fool people and in this day and age. We don't spend time on websites banging and bashing the Sunis. Take a good look at yourselves and what you're involved in.

I talk with proofs. I don't waste the time of readers with empty talks. And yes terrorist organisation hailed by Shias like Hezbollah, Mahdi Army, etc are all Sunni, who kill Sunnis isn't it?

Shia scholar Muhammad Baqir al-Khwansari in the biography of highly revered Shia Scholar Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi, said:
وإيقاع القتل العام من أتباع أولئك الطغام، إلى أن أسال من دمائهم الأقذار كأمثال الأنهار، فانهار بها في ماء دجلة، ومنها إلى نار جهنم
“He is the Examiner, the Philosopher, the Polymath, the Widely-versed, the Honorable … … And one of his famous known transmitted matters, is the story of [his] alliance in Iran with the respected Sultan Hulagu Khan son of Tolui son of Genghis Khan, one of the greatest Sultans of the Tatars and Mongols, and his arrival in the convoy of the supported Sultan with full preparation to Dar Al-Salam Baghdad, to guide the servants and spread harmony [in the land], and putting an end to the chain of transgression and mischief, and extinguishing the circle of injustice and confusion. By ending Rule of Bani Al-‘Abbas (i.e. the Abbasid caliphate), and inflicting the general massacre on the followers of those tyrants, up to the point where their filthy bloods flowed like rivers, collapsing into the Tigris river, and from it, it shall collapse into the fire of Hell, their Home of Misery, and the residence of the wretched and the evil”. (‘Rawdaat Al-Janaat’ 1/300-301.)

Pay careful attention to his choice of words when he said: “their filthy blood”. Is this how he views the blood of 1.5 million Muslims who were massacred in Baghdad?

In the record Ibn Kathir(rah) gave in Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya he said:

    “The arrival of Hulegu Khan at Baghdad with all his troops, numbering nearly 200,000 fighting men, occurred on 12 Muharram of this year [January 19, 1258] … he came to Baghdad with his numerous infidel, profligate, tyrannical, brutal armies of men, who believed neither in God nor in the Last Day, and invested Baghdad on the western and eastern sides. The armies of Baghdad were very few and utterly wretched, not reaching 10,000 horsemen. They and the rest of the army had all been deprived of their fiefs [iqta’] so that many of them were begging in the markets and by the gates of the mosques. Poets were reciting elegies on them and mourning for Islam and its people. All this was due to the opinions of the vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami the Shi’ite, because in the previous year, when heavy fighting took place between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites, Karkh and the Shi’ite quarter were looted, and even the houses of the vizier’s kinsmen were looted. He was filled with spite because of this, and this was what spurred him to bring down on Islam and its people the most appalling calamity that has been recorded from the building of Baghdad until this time. That is why he was the first to go out to the Tatars. He went with his family and his companions and his servants and his suite and met Sultan Hulegu Khan, may God curse him, and then returned and advised the caliph to go out to him and be received by him in audience and to make peace on the basis of half the land tax of Iraq for them and half for the caliph. The caliph had to go with 700 riders, including the qadis, the jurists, the Sufis, the chief amirs, and the notables. When they came near the camp of Sultan Hulegu Khan, all but 17 of them were removed from the sight of the caliph; they were taken off their horses and robbed and killed to the very last man. The caliph and the others were saved. The caliph was then brought before Hulegu, who asked him many things. It is said that the caliph’s speech was confused because of his terror at the disdain and arrogance which he experienced. Then he returned to Baghdad in the company of Khoja Nasireddin Al-Tusi, the Vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami, and others, the caliph being under guard and sequestration, and they brought great quantities of gold and jewels and gold and silver objects and precious stones and other valuables from the seat of the caliphate. But this clique of Shi’ites and other hypocrites advised Hulegu not to make peace with the caliph. The vizier said, “If peace is made on equal shares, it will not last more than a year or two, and then things will be as they were before.” And they made the killing of the caliph seem good to him so that when the caliph returned to Sultan Hulegu he gave orders to kill him.

    It is said that he who advised [Hulegu] to kill [the Caliph] are the Vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami and Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi. Nasir was with Hulegu where he accompanied him when he (Hulegu) invaded Qilaa’ Al-Lamout from the Ismailis … Hulegu elected Nasir [Al-Din] to be his advising minister, so when Hulegu arrived and had some fear of killing the Caliph, the minister made it seem easy for him, so they killed him …

  They [the Tatars] came down upon the city and   killed all they could, men, women and children, the old, the middle-aged, and the young. Many of the people went into wells, latrines, and sewers and hid there for many days without emerging. Most of the people gathered in the caravanserais and locked themselves in. The Tatars opened the gates by either breaking or burning them. When they entered, the people in them fled upstairs and the Tatars killed them on the roofs until blood poured from the gutters into the street; “We belong to God and to God we return” [Qur’an, ii, 156]. The same happened in the mosques and cathedral mosques and convents. No one escaped them except for the Jewish and Christian dhimmis, those who found shelter with them or in the house of the Vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami the Shi’ite, and a group of merchants who had obtained safe-conduct from them, having paid great sums of money to preserve themselves and their property. And Baghdad, which had been the most civilised of all cities, became a ruin with only a few inhabitants, and they were in fear and hunger and wretchedness and insignificance”” [Source: Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya, 13:234].

Roger Savory says in his book ‘Iran Under the Safavids’ p. 27 to 29:

Shias therefore regard the first three Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman) as usurpers, and the ritual of cursing of these persons has always been a proper duty of Shias, although the emphasis on it varied from time to time. In the early days of the Safavid state, when revolutionary fervous was still strong, great emphasis was palced on this ritual of cursing. Safavid supporters known as tabarraiyan walked through the streets and bazaars cursing not only the three “rightly guided” caliphs mentioned above, but also the enemies of Ali and the other Imams, and Sunnis in general. Anyone who failed to respond without delay, “May it [the cursing] be more and not less”. was liable ot be put to death on the spot. Despite the two centuries of propaganda carried out by Safavids, the promulgation of Shiism as the state religion was fraught with danger, and some of Ismail’s advisers were worried about the reaction to his announcement. “Of the 200,000-300,000 people in Tibriz”, they said “two thirds are Sunnis … we fear that the people may say they do not want Shii sovereign, and if (Which God forbid!) the people rject Shi’ism, what can we do about it?” Ismail’s reply was uncompromising: he had been comissioned to perform this task, he said, and God and the immaculated Imams were his companions, he feared no one. “With God’s help,” he said, “if the people utter on word of protest, I will draw the sword and leave not one of them “

[Source: ‘Iran Under the Safavids’ p. 27 to 29]

And many more examples are present to expose the crocodile nature of Shias.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2018, 10:25:26 PM »
Grudge and hatred still lives for the Shias even 1400 years and onwards.
Thats your religion!! 😁 A religion of having grudges against the best muslim and hating them for more than a thousand years. Your religion wont survive without grudge & hate


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2018, 10:34:24 PM »
I talk with proofs. I don't waste the time of readers with empty talks. And yes terrorist organisation hailed by Shias like Hezbollah, Mahdi Army, etc are all Sunni, who kill Sunnis isn't it?

Shia scholar Muhammad Baqir al-Khwansari in the biography of highly revered Shia Scholar Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi, said:
وإيقاع القتل العام من أتباع أولئك الطغام، إلى أن أسال من دمائهم الأقذار كأمثال الأنهار، فانهار بها في ماء دجلة، ومنها إلى نار جهنم
“He is the Examiner, the Philosopher, the Polymath, the Widely-versed, the Honorable … … And one of his famous known transmitted matters, is the story of [his] alliance in Iran with the respected Sultan Hulagu Khan son of Tolui son of Genghis Khan, one of the greatest Sultans of the Tatars and Mongols, and his arrival in the convoy of the supported Sultan with full preparation to Dar Al-Salam Baghdad, to guide the servants and spread harmony [in the land], and putting an end to the chain of transgression and mischief, and extinguishing the circle of injustice and confusion. By ending Rule of Bani Al-‘Abbas (i.e. the Abbasid caliphate), and inflicting the general massacre on the followers of those tyrants, up to the point where their filthy bloods flowed like rivers, collapsing into the Tigris river, and from it, it shall collapse into the fire of Hell, their Home of Misery, and the residence of the wretched and the evil”. (‘Rawdaat Al-Janaat’ 1/300-301.)

Pay careful attention to his choice of words when he said: “their filthy blood”. Is this how he views the blood of 1.5 million Muslims who were massacred in Baghdad?

In the record Ibn Kathir(rah) gave in Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya he said:

    “The arrival of Hulegu Khan at Baghdad with all his troops, numbering nearly 200,000 fighting men, occurred on 12 Muharram of this year [January 19, 1258] … he came to Baghdad with his numerous infidel, profligate, tyrannical, brutal armies of men, who believed neither in God nor in the Last Day, and invested Baghdad on the western and eastern sides. The armies of Baghdad were very few and utterly wretched, not reaching 10,000 horsemen. They and the rest of the army had all been deprived of their fiefs [iqta’] so that many of them were begging in the markets and by the gates of the mosques. Poets were reciting elegies on them and mourning for Islam and its people. All this was due to the opinions of the vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami the Shi’ite, because in the previous year, when heavy fighting took place between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites, Karkh and the Shi’ite quarter were looted, and even the houses of the vizier’s kinsmen were looted. He was filled with spite because of this, and this was what spurred him to bring down on Islam and its people the most appalling calamity that has been recorded from the building of Baghdad until this time. That is why he was the first to go out to the Tatars. He went with his family and his companions and his servants and his suite and met Sultan Hulegu Khan, may God curse him, and then returned and advised the caliph to go out to him and be received by him in audience and to make peace on the basis of half the land tax of Iraq for them and half for the caliph. The caliph had to go with 700 riders, including the qadis, the jurists, the Sufis, the chief amirs, and the notables. When they came near the camp of Sultan Hulegu Khan, all but 17 of them were removed from the sight of the caliph; they were taken off their horses and robbed and killed to the very last man. The caliph and the others were saved. The caliph was then brought before Hulegu, who asked him many things. It is said that the caliph’s speech was confused because of his terror at the disdain and arrogance which he experienced. Then he returned to Baghdad in the company of Khoja Nasireddin Al-Tusi, the Vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami, and others, the caliph being under guard and sequestration, and they brought great quantities of gold and jewels and gold and silver objects and precious stones and other valuables from the seat of the caliphate. But this clique of Shi’ites and other hypocrites advised Hulegu not to make peace with the caliph. The vizier said, “If peace is made on equal shares, it will not last more than a year or two, and then things will be as they were before.” And they made the killing of the caliph seem good to him so that when the caliph returned to Sultan Hulegu he gave orders to kill him.

    It is said that he who advised [Hulegu] to kill [the Caliph] are the Vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami and Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi. Nasir was with Hulegu where he accompanied him when he (Hulegu) invaded Qilaa’ Al-Lamout from the Ismailis … Hulegu elected Nasir [Al-Din] to be his advising minister, so when Hulegu arrived and had some fear of killing the Caliph, the minister made it seem easy for him, so they killed him …

  They [the Tatars] came down upon the city and   killed all they could, men, women and children, the old, the middle-aged, and the young. Many of the people went into wells, latrines, and sewers and hid there for many days without emerging. Most of the people gathered in the caravanserais and locked themselves in. The Tatars opened the gates by either breaking or burning them. When they entered, the people in them fled upstairs and the Tatars killed them on the roofs until blood poured from the gutters into the street; “We belong to God and to God we return” [Qur’an, ii, 156]. The same happened in the mosques and cathedral mosques and convents. No one escaped them except for the Jewish and Christian dhimmis, those who found shelter with them or in the house of the Vizier Ibn Al-‘Alqami the Shi’ite, and a group of merchants who had obtained safe-conduct from them, having paid great sums of money to preserve themselves and their property. And Baghdad, which had been the most civilised of all cities, became a ruin with only a few inhabitants, and they were in fear and hunger and wretchedness and insignificance”” [Source: Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya, 13:234].

Roger Savory says in his book ‘Iran Under the Safavids’ p. 27 to 29:

Shias therefore regard the first three Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman) as usurpers, and the ritual of cursing of these persons has always been a proper duty of Shias, although the emphasis on it varied from time to time. In the early days of the Safavid state, when revolutionary fervous was still strong, great emphasis was palced on this ritual of cursing. Safavid supporters known as tabarraiyan walked through the streets and bazaars cursing not only the three “rightly guided” caliphs mentioned above, but also the enemies of Ali and the other Imams, and Sunnis in general. Anyone who failed to respond without delay, “May it [the cursing] be more and not less”. was liable ot be put to death on the spot. Despite the two centuries of propaganda carried out by Safavids, the promulgation of Shiism as the state religion was fraught with danger, and some of Ismail’s advisers were worried about the reaction to his announcement. “Of the 200,000-300,000 people in Tibriz”, they said “two thirds are Sunnis … we fear that the people may say they do not want Shii sovereign, and if (Which God forbid!) the people rject Shi’ism, what can we do about it?” Ismail’s reply was uncompromising: he had been comissioned to perform this task, he said, and God and the immaculated Imams were his companions, he feared no one. “With God’s help,” he said, “if the people utter on word of protest, I will draw the sword and leave not one of them “

[Source: ‘Iran Under the Safavids’ p. 27 to 29]

And many more examples are present to expose the crocodile nature of Shias.

You should look at history with an open mind rather than picking and choosing what ever suits you. How much is true and how much is false needs to be looked at. Also look at both sides of the picture. Let me fill you in with history which you choose to avoid.

The Zaria massacre was a massacre carried out by the Nigerian Army in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria on Saturday, 12 December 2015. Up to 348 Shia,  including members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria were killed.

Despite being the religious majority in Iraq, Shia Muslims have been killed in large numbers by ISIL. On 12 June 2014, ISIL killed at least 1,566 Shia Iraqi Air Force recruits in the Camp Speicher massacre. ISIL has also targeted Shia prisoners. According to witnesses, after the militant group took the city of Mosul, they divided the Sunni prisoners from the Shia prisoners. Six hundred fifty Shia prisoners were then taken to another location and executed. Kurdish officials in Ibril have reported similar incidents where Sunni and Shia prisoners were separated and Shia prisoners were killed.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 10:41:50 PM by iceman »


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2018, 10:47:38 PM »
(London) – Pakistan’s government should take all necessary measures to stop Sunni extremist groups in Balochistan province from committing further killings and other abuses against Hazara and other Shia Muslims, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.

The 62-page report, “‘We are the Walking Dead’: Killings of Shia Hazaras in Balochistan, Pakistan,” documents Sunni militant group attacks on the mostly Shia Hazara community in Balochistan. Since 2008, several hundreds of Hazara have been killed in steadily worsening targeted violence, including two bombings in the provincial capital, Quetta, in January and February 2013 that killed at least 180 people.

On February 28, 2012, about 12 militants, dressed in military uniforms, stopped buses in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, hauled 18 men out and killed them. All, but one, of the victims were Shia Muslim residents of Gilgit-Baltistan who were travelling by bus from Rawalpindi, Punjab to Gilgit, Gilgit Baltistan. The buses were stopped in Kohistan and the victims killed based on their religious affiliation after identification. The dead included three children while 27 other passengers on the bus were spared.

February 2012 Kohistan Shia massacre

On Thursday, this week, 24 innocent Shias were killed, and more than 100 others injured, as a car bomb ripped through an Imambargah in Parachinar. Jamat-ul-Ahrar claimed responsibility for this dastardly attack. This is nothing out of the extraordinary; earlier in the year, on January 21st, more than 20 Shias were killed in a bomb blast in Parachinar.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 10:56:29 PM by iceman »


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2018, 11:00:05 PM »
A British tourist has been killed in a sectarian attack on a Shia Muslim gathering in Pakistan's largest city of Karachi, The Independent has learned.

Naiyyar Mehdi Zaidi, 60, from London, and two of his brothers were shot and killed when two gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire at a Shia Muslim gathering in the Nazimabad suburb.

Another man and a woman were also killed and six other people injured in the attack.

In a statement issued on October 23, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged the Pakistani government to bring to justice the perpetrators of recent terrorist attacks on Shia Muslims that killed over 40 people, including several children. The attacks took place in the provinces of Balochistan and Sindh for which a banned, yet proactive, Sunni extremist group, the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), claimed responsibility. The Secretary General has reiterated that nothing justifies terrorism and called upon the Pakistani government “to do its utmost to protect its citizens.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 11:03:50 PM by iceman »


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2018, 11:41:03 PM »
By Ahmed Rashid in Islamabad
12:00AM GMT 07 Feb 2001
AT least 300 people were massacred by Taliban forces last month when they re-took a remote area in central Afghanistan inhabited by Shia Muslim Afghans, United Nations officials fear.

Pakistani and Arab extremists were also involved in the massacre, witnesses said.Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, announced on Jan 19 that "more than 100 people may have been killed, including Afghan humanitarian workers", when the Taliban recaptured Yakawolang, a small town in the Hazarajat region that had been captured a week earlier by the anti-Taliban United Front.

Witnesses who escaped the massacre and were interviewed by UN relief agency officials have spoken of large-scale killings in more than a dozen villages around Yakawolang. The Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, has banned aid workers and journalists from visiting the area. A UN official said: "When the Taliban re-entered the town they lined up every male from 17-70 years old and shot them in the head, including a group of tribal elders who had come out to welcome them."


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2018, 11:49:11 PM »
Total Shia Muslims killed in Pakistan from 1963 to 31 May 2015: 23,655

We have now spent considerable time in compiling a relatively comprehensive database of genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan since 1963. We have chosen 1963 as our starting point because before that year, no significant incident of anti-Shia violence has been reported in the media.

Shia Muslims of Pakistan have been relentlessly attacked in various ways by the Deobandi militants who were originally trained and raised for the Saudi-CIA-ISI sponsored Afghan Jihad against Soviet Union during the 1980s. However, due to their inheret sectarian, violent tendencies, these Deobandi militants have killed more than 23,500 Shia Muslims, 45,000 Sunni Sufi or Barelvi Muslims and hundreds of Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus and other persecuted communities in Pakistan.

While the first major incident of the massacre of Shias in Pakistan took place in 1963 in Therhi, Khairpur (Sindh), Deobandi militants started to receive state patronage during General Zia-ul-Haq’s military rule (1977-1988) which gradually resulted in the present form of systemic killings of Shias and other communities in Pakistan.

Since late 1980s, Shias belonging to all walks of life and all ethnic backgrounds have been targeted and killed in every possible way, at every possible place and area in Pakistan. In almost all incidents, Shias (as well as Sunni Sufis/Barelvis, Ahmadis, Christians etc) have been killed by Deobandi militants of the Sipahe-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ) and Taliban. It may be noted that ASWJ-SSP (also known as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ) is the urban face of Taliban.

Religious scholars, doctors, lawyers, educationists, government officials, other professionals, shopkeepers, vendors and students, all have been targeted in one way or the other for the mere reason of them being Shia.

Shias have been attacked in religious processions, they have been dragged off the buses, separated and slaughtered, they have been targeted on their way to pilgrimage, they have been subject to attacks on their way to schools or workplaces, they have been gunned down while offering prayers and they have been attacked while performing their regular daily business. They have been killed in all parts of the country from Parachinar to Karachi and Balochistan to Gilgit-Baltistan.

Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP) has created a database of all the victims of this religious terrorism carried out by Deobandi takfiri terrorists, funded by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, and supported by certain pro-takfiri elements in the Pakistani establishment, in what can now be described as a slow-motion genocide or pre-genocide of Shias in Pakistan. This database presents a chronological pattern of the atrocities committed against the Shias of Pakistan.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2018, 11:56:19 PM »
Download Shia Genocide Database from the following link:

Shia Genocide Database

Shia Genocide Database: Incidents of Shia killings in Pakistan since 1963                  
Designed and compiled by Abdul Nishapuri (   

And this is just and only Pakistan.                


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2018, 12:54:20 AM »
In Pakistan, its not one sided, as you try to portray. Many Sunnis as well, have been killed by Shia terrorists in Pakistan.

Irony is that you have no answer for the proofs I provided you from Shia books about the horrible teachings of Shiism, exposing the deception of Shias, acting as innocent lamb.

The readers can read few of the crimes of Shias against Sunnis under the section in below article.

VII – What was outcome of this horrible ideology of Twelver Shiism.?


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2018, 01:15:40 AM »
In Pakistan, its not one sided, as you try to portray. Many Sunnis as well, have been killed by Shia terrorists in Pakistan.

Irony is that you have no answer for the proofs I provided you from Shia books about the horrible teachings of Shiism, exposing the deception of Shias, acting as innocent lamb.

The readers can read few of the crimes of Shias against Sunnis under the section in below article.

VII – What was outcome of this horrible ideology of Twelver Shiism.?

Many Sunis killed by Shia terrorists in Pakistan? Please do elaborate.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2018, 01:34:13 AM »
Many Sunis killed by Shia terrorists in Pakistan? Please do elaborate.

Please come out of the world of fatasy and made a search on Sunnis killed in Pakistan by Shia terrorists. Such as Sipah e Muhammad, etc.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2018, 12:27:48 AM »
Please come out of the world of fatasy and made a search on Sunnis killed in Pakistan by Shia terrorists. Such as Sipah e Muhammad, etc.

You're calling response and revenge, after being let down by the authorities, the law and the justice system, terrorist activity? We don't believe in having the licence to kill. But people do eventually get sick and tired of oppression and then being let down by the authorities.

If there is or has been any action from any Shia individuals or organisations then they have every right to react and respond in defence and protection after being neglected and badly let down. It's your boys on the rampage and at a killing spree.

Come on and for heaven's sake have some dignity and shame to accept reality and the truth.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2018, 12:34:28 AM »
You're calling response and revenge, after being let down by the authorities, the law and the justice system, terrorist activity? We don't believe in having the licence to kill. But people do eventually get sick and tired of oppression and then being let down by the authorities.

If there is or has been any action from any Shia individuals or organisations then they have every right to react and respond in defence and protection after being neglected and badly let down. It's your boys on the rampage and at a killing spree.

Come on and for heaven's sake have some dignity and shame to accept reality and the truth.

Your words amount to nothing, in declaring Shias as oppressed. Infact the Shia hadeeth I shared about considering the blood of Nasibis halal. And the hand of Shia scholar such as Tusi in massacre of Sunnis in Iraq. And by Shia Shah in Iran and Afghanistan, its not hard to identity the real disease is Shia ideology. And they are the ones who instigate the fitna.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2018, 09:14:10 AM »
Your words amount to nothing, in declaring Shias as oppressed. Infact the Shia hadeeth I shared about considering the blood of Nasibis halal. And the hand of Shia scholar such as Tusi in massacre of Sunnis in Iraq. And by Shia Shah in Iran and Afghanistan, its not hard to identity the real disease is Shia ideology. And they are the ones who instigate the fitna.

That Shiite Persian deity who is depicted in bloody green robes and arrows sticking from his body in paintings demands that his blood should be avenged against Muslims.


Re: The weird excuses of Shias.
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2018, 09:45:30 AM »
Safavid RULERS killed Sunnis on a pogrom......(state sponsored)

Hulago got support from a Shiite to kill Muslims  (shia going against Islam and joining alliances with kafirs).

Fast forward to Syria.......(state sponsored terrorism) joined by the great shia Iran and the terrorist hizbullys.

Which state from the Sunnis made a pogrom to kill shias on a mass scale??

The sectarian terror bombings by individual or groups is minuscule compared to state sponsored pogroms or alliance with kafirs to kill MUSLIMS.
(Mongols,crusaders and now Russians) come to mind.


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