
Who is Challenging Farid to a Debate?

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Who is Challenging Farid to a Debate?
« on: February 06, 2018, 06:42:39 AM »
Alsalam alaykum wa rahmatullah,

A brief background on the topic:

Several months ago, there was a major challenge set out by some Shias in the UK to debate Sunnis on the topic of Adalat Al Sahaba. The person that was supposed to be representing the Twelvers was a man named Abu Zaynab. Nobody knows anything about Abu Zaynab and he never made himself public. During that time, the Shias insisted that whoever wanted to accept the challenge should send a CV showing their qualifications to represent the Sunni side. Ironically, they did not do the same and kept Abu Zaynab's identity hidden.

I was then told by a brother who was in touch with Sayyed Ali of the identity of Abu Zaynab. I was in touch with him and he told me straight that he was not Abu Zaynah, and that these people were issuing out debate challenges when they had nobody to represent them.


I was also told that Asrar Rashid had a similar experience and went running around in circles after this Abu Zaynab that nobody knows of.

Many months later, the scenario repeats itself. I was under the impression that Sayyed Ali issued out a debate challenge to me. I accepted under the condition that it would be face to face and that I don't mind going to the UK for it. I then made a counter challenge to debate the reliability of Al-Saduq, who I have personally found to be a great distorter of hadith. I said that I don't mind if Sayyed Ali uses a laptop during our second face-to-face debate, since he will not be finding any material online to defend Al-Saduq since all the arguments I will be bringing will be original.

Now, the cat-and-mouse game starts... Here is what Sayyed Ali wrote a few hours ago on Facebook:

"From what I been told he never understood my post. At NO point did I say that was my challenge. Rather it was from the 'Revisiting the Salaf team'."

Is this the return of Abu Zaynab ya Sayyed Ali? I am not accepting anonymous challenges.

If you are challenging me to a debate, then be forward about it. List your conditions. I will not be discussing conditions on Titans TV.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 06:44:08 AM by Farid »


Re: Who is Challenging Farid to a Debate?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2018, 06:46:42 AM »
You should counter challenge the 12ers by asking them to prove the adalat of Hisham ibn Hakam or Zurara.


Re: Who is Challenging Farid to a Debate?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2018, 08:27:36 AM »
Sayyid Ali also said: "If you want to debate me, I have my own topics and conditions".

So what are his topics and conditions ? I hope one of his condition doesn't turn out to be denying Farid to choose a follow up topic which he wants to debate.


Re: Who is Challenging Farid to a Debate?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2018, 04:34:42 AM »
The whole situation involving Asrar Rashid is on YouTube; the Shia side of the story, too, is on YouTube.  Sayed Ali, as the representative from the Shia side, showed up on the podium and agreed to the terms and conditions of the debate (on behalf of whoever he was representing) away from the public eye, in other words, the agreement took place elsewhere (not on the podium).  Asrar Rashid excused himself to go and join the agreement talks to finalize the terms and conditions.  He returned and proceeded with his own lecture while also saying that there would be a debate in the near future, as the two sides had gone through the formalities.  Sayed Ali, as I said earlier (as the representative of whoever he was representing) agreed to it.  On the day of debate, as the video says, no Shia showed up for the debate.  In fact, leading up to the debate, no one contacted Asrar Rashid from the Shia side (as says the video).

The Shias, on the other hand, released a video in which they seem to have gathered somewhere (in some hall) asking if anyone had seen Asrar Rashid.

I do not know who to believe but after Sayed Ali's latest adventure ride, I have no doubt that he is quite slimy.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 04:39:10 AM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Who is Challenging Farid to a Debate?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 01:44:42 PM »
I do not know who to believe but after Sayed Ali's latest adventure ride, I have no doubt that he is quite slimy.
I would automatically doubt the shia than sunni since we all know that shia believe lying is one of the most important activities to defend their religion from their enemy 😀


Re: Who is Challenging Farid to a Debate?
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2018, 10:58:45 PM »
I would automatically doubt the shia than sunni since we all know that shia believe lying is one of the most important activities to defend their religion from their enemy 😀

With all due respect, if true at all, I do not care if Shias believe in lying.  I believe that Allah (swt) has made it obligatory upon us to investigate the facts before we pass a judgment and even then we must say, "Allahu Aalim".
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


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