
Crimes of Yazid bin Muawiyah?

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Crimes of Yazid bin Muawiyah?
« on: September 05, 2019, 10:29:32 AM »

Are these reports from ibn Kathir's al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah authentic?

Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) says in his magnificent work of Tarikh under events of 63 AH

فقال ابن الزبير يا هؤلاء قتل أصحابكم فانا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

وقد أخطأ يزيد خطأ فاحشا فى قوله لمسلم بن عقبة أن يبيح المدينة ثلاثة أيام وهذا خطأ كبير فاحش مع ما انضم إلى ذلك من قتل خلق من الصحابة وأبنائهم وقد تقدم أنه قتل الحسين وأصحابه على يدى عبيد الله بن زياد وقد وقع فى هذه الثلاثة أيام من المفاسد العظيمة فى المدينة النبوية مالا يحد ولا يوصف مما لا يعلمه إلا الله عز وجل وقد أراد بارسال مسلم بن عقبة توطيد سلطانه وملكه ودوام أيامه من غير منازع فعاقبه الله بنقيض قصده وحال بينه وبين ما يشتهيه فقصمه الله قاصم الجبابرة وأخذه أخذ عزيز مقتدر وكذلك أخذ ربك إذا أخذ القرى وهى ظالمة إن أخذه أليم شديد

Ibn Zubayr (Radhi Allaho Anho) said: O PEOPLE YOUR COMPANIONS HAVE BEEN KILLED – Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun

"Yazeed committed a mistake and that too a disgusting one by ordering Muslim bin Uqba to make Madina "mubah" for three days. This was his biggest and ugliest blunder. Many Sahaba and their children were slaughtered. As it has been mentioned before that Yazid made UbaydUllah Ibn Ziyad kill the grandson of Rasulullah (saw) Husayn and his companions, and in those three days huge heinous crimes happened in Madina about which nobody knows except Allah. Yazeed wanted to secure his governance by sending Muslim bin Uqbah but Allah did against his wishes and punished him. Verily Allah killed him likewise Allah made grip over the oppressing towns, no doubt His grip is painful and strict".[Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Vol 8 Page 283]

كان يزيد كتب إلى عبد الله بن زياد أن يسير إلى الزبير فيحاصره بمكة فأبى عليه وقال والله لا أجمعهما للفاسق أبدا أقتل ابن بنت رسول الله ص وأغزو البيت الحرام وقد كانت أمه مرجانة قالت له حين قتل الحسين ويحك ماذا صنعت وماذا ركبت وعنفته تعنيفا شديدا قالوا وقد بلغ يزيد أن ابن الزبير يقول فى خطبته يزيد القرود شارب الخمور تارك الصلوات منعكف على القينات

Translation: When Yazid wrote to Ibn Ziyad that he should go to Makkah and besiege Abdullah Ibn Zubayr (RA) he refused to do so and said: By Allah I will not combine two things for a Fasiq (i.e. Yazid). I have already killed the son of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s daughter (on his order) and now (he asks me to) wage war on Bayt ul Harram? However when he martyred Imam Hussain (RA) his mother Marjana said to him: May you die! what have you done and what crime have you committed, she also scolded him severely. Yazid was informed that Abdullah Ibn Zubayr (RA) used to say in his speeches that Yazid was a fraud, drunkard, one who abandons Salaat and one who stays with singing women. [Al-Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8, Page No 279]

قال المدائنى وجىء إلى مسلم بسعيد بن المسيب فقال له بايع فقال أبايع على سيرة أبى بكر وعمر فأمر بضرب عنقه فشهد رجل إنه مجنون فخلى سبيله

Translation: Al Mudaini (rah) said: Sa’eed Ibn Musaib (rah) was brought to Muslim (bin uqba), He asked him to give bayah. (Sa’eed ibn Musab) said: I will give bayah on seerah of Sayyidna Abu Bakr and Sayyidna Umar (RA). (Muslim) ordered to get him killed but a man said This person (i.e. Sa’eed ibn Musaib) is a mad man (in order to save him), at this he was left alone. [Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8, Page No 281]

Could someone please share the authentic reports if you know about crimes of Yazid bin Muawiya from books other than seha sitta?
إِنَّ أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ وَأَحْسَنَ الْهَدْىِ هَدْىُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَشَرَّ الأُمُورِ مُحْدَثَاتُهَا وَكُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدْعَةٌ وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلاَلَةٌ وَكُلَّ ضَلاَلَةٍ فِي النَّارِ

May Allah guide us to the true teachings of Quran and Sunnah of His beloved Prophet (s.a.w.w). Ameen


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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: Crimes of Yazid bin Muawiyah?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2019, 06:31:33 PM »
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


Re: Crimes of Yazid bin Muawiyah?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2019, 09:44:03 PM »
Walaikum Salam,

This may help:

Jazak Allah.

It contains only events from 63-64 hijri. Is there any article available for events of 61-62 hijri from same book?

إِنَّ أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ وَأَحْسَنَ الْهَدْىِ هَدْىُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَشَرَّ الأُمُورِ مُحْدَثَاتُهَا وَكُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدْعَةٌ وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلاَلَةٌ وَكُلَّ ضَلاَلَةٍ فِي النَّارِ

May Allah guide us to the true teachings of Quran and Sunnah of His beloved Prophet (s.a.w.w). Ameen


Re: Crimes of Yazid bin Muawiyah?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2019, 01:07:11 PM »
Nothing. No authentic reports.

Or no interest in the subject.
إِنَّ أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ وَأَحْسَنَ الْهَدْىِ هَدْىُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَشَرَّ الأُمُورِ مُحْدَثَاتُهَا وَكُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدْعَةٌ وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلاَلَةٌ وَكُلَّ ضَلاَلَةٍ فِي النَّارِ

May Allah guide us to the true teachings of Quran and Sunnah of His beloved Prophet (s.a.w.w). Ameen


Re: Crimes of Yazid bin Muawiyah?
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2019, 12:20:42 PM »
Nothing. No authentic reports.

Or no interest in the subject.

Not interested in the slightest bit, he will get his comeuppance with Allah swt, his life or death has no resemblance in Islam or the life of a Muslim living his daily life praying and remembering Allah swt.
Infact we don’t beat ourselves over such nonsense.


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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: Crimes of Yazid bin Muawiyah?
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2019, 10:54:56 PM »
Jazak Allah.

It contains only events from 63-64 hijri. Is there any article available for events of 61-62 hijri from same book?

Maybe if you check the book in Arabic online somewhere. Not sure about the English though.

BTW Yazid was fighting in the army during his father's rule.
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


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