
Is this Hadith Sahih? | "Whoever cries for Husayn will go to paradise"

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Ibn Yahya

Imam Ahmed records in Fadhail Sahaba, Volume 2 page 675 Tradition 1154:
"Narrated on the authority of Ahmed bin Isra'el: 'I read in the book of Ahmed bin Muhammed Bin Hanbal written by his own hand writting on the authority of Aswad Bin Amer Abu Abd Arrahman on the authority of Al-Rubay bin Mundher on the authority of his father that AL- HUSSAYN (as) use to say: 'Whomsoever eyes cries a drop of tears on us or sheds a one drop of tears on us, Allah will reward him with paradise'’
Fadhail Sahaba, Volume 2 page 675 Tradition 1154

Reason for edit: Improved the title.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 11:21:21 PM by AbuMuslimKhorasani »


Re: Is this Hadith Sahih? | "Whoever cries for Husayn will go to paradise"
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 03:16:34 AM »
The narration is weak.

Firstly, Imam Ahmad did not include this narration in his Fadha'il Al Sahaba. It was never narrated by his son. As you quoted, it comes through a foreign narrator.

Al Daraqutni was asked about this narrator, who is also known as Ahmad bin Salman bin Al Hasan bin ISRA'EEL. He said: He would narrate from other books which weren't in it.

Su'alaat Hamza Al Sahmi p. 134 - Dar Al Faruq ed.

Al Khateeb Al Baghdadi in his history of Baghdad tried to explain that this is possibly since he went blind at the end of his life, and that he students may have read books to him and that they were not reliable.

Ibn Yahya

Re: Is this Hadith Sahih? | "Whoever cries for Husayn will go to paradise"
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2015, 03:59:55 AM »
The narration is weak.

Firstly, Imam Ahmad did not include this narration in his Fadha'il Al Sahaba. It was never narrated by his son. As you quoted, it comes through a foreign narrator.

Al Daraqutni was asked about this narrator, who is also known as Ahmad bin Salman bin Al Hasan bin ISRA'EEL. He said: He would narrate from other books which weren't in it.

Su'alaat Hamza Al Sahmi p. 134 - Dar Al Faruq ed.

Al Khateeb Al Baghdadi in his history of Baghdad tried to explain that this is possibly since he went blind at the end of his life, and that he students may have read books to him and that they were not reliable.

thanks bro.

Ebn Hussein

Re: Is this Hadith Sahih? | "Whoever cries for Husayn will go to paradise"
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2015, 06:36:09 AM »
Akhi, these kind of narrations are such obvious fakes yet the Shia laymen who are driven by emotions blindly believe in them. Not once they asked themselves:

'If crying a (!) drop of a tear on the Ahlul-Bayt is a mean to enter Jannah, then how on earth did the Prophet (saws) miss to teach this to his Ummah? At his farewell speech where he mentioned how we shall treat ANIMALS well (but no word about Imamah, Ali, Wilayah, drops and self-flagellation). If the Shias claim that he did but the 'evil Sahabah' hid those narrations then we say:

- The very narration you use against us from Imam Ahmad's Musnad proves that Sunnis did not hide anything and narrated all sorts of narrations that you are obsessed with (mostly fabrications and weak hadith as in this very case)

- The Sahaba didn't hide anything, you seem to forget that you like to stress how the Ghadir narration is mass narrated by MANY Sahabah .... so how come the evil Sahaba whose hobby was to elect/accept Abu Bakr's leadership and hide the virtues of the Ahlul-Bayt (acc. to the Rafidah), happily narrated a narration which (as you falsely claim) proves the foundation of your sect?! How come that the narrator of the famous hadith about Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein being the leaders of the youth in Jannah is narrated by ABU HURAYRAH (an alleged liar who was paid by the Umayyads to disregard the Ahlul-Bayt!), how come that the famous Kisa' hadith is narrated by 'Aisha?! Well, the answer to us is obvious, neither Ghadir, nor Kisa' nor any hadith you use has anything to do with the sole right of Ali+his eleven sons ruling the Ummah, with the 12th being in silent mode for over 1200 years. The Sahabah were truthful and the weak and fabricated hadith Shias use actually make the Prophet (saws) look irresponsible.

Fact is, the Prophet (saws) was informed by Jibrail (in the presence of his WIVES) that Al-Hussein will be martyred (some authentic hadith in Musnad Ahmad state this), he got sad, cried, his wives cried, that's it! He never turned it into a Shia carneval of wailing (like Jews), chest beating etc. let alone teaching his Ummah that crying for Hussein is a one way ticket to Jannah! He never did that, if he would many narrations would be in the books of the Muslims stating how the Prophet taught everybody to prepare himself to spent the rest of his life wailing and whinning for Imam 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc.. The Prophet taught Tawhid and Al-Hussein lived Tawhid, if you want to be a Husseini than cry about your own sins, Al-Hussein who dwells in heaven doesn't need your tears, his legacy (like the legacy of all great man) is preserved by following his path, the path of his grandfather, not turning his martyrdom into a bloody carneval.
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]


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