
The Shia world is still waiting for 313 men

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The Shia world is still waiting for 313 men
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:29:04 PM »
Every nation has few unique ways, and same is the case with Iranians.

When Iranians write the date, their format is as follows.

 بیش از 1142 سال(شمسی) و 10 ماه و 8 روز و 18 ساعت و 24 دقیقه و 41 ثانیه است کسی منتظر 313 مرد است و زمان 36062735081.319 همچنان در گذر است

More than 1142 years, 10 months, 8 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes, and 41 seconds have passed, and people are waiting for 313 men, as the time (36062735081.319) goes by.

According to Shias, Mahdi is waiting for 313 believers, and after their birth will he end his occultation.

So, there are no 313 men in the Iraqi army and Shia militias combined?

What kind of men is Mahdi actually waiting for?

Re: The Shia world is still waiting for 313 men
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2016, 10:58:03 PM »
There are hadeeth (can not remember if its authentic, but its in sunni books as well) on it that the first group of men who give allegiance to him will be at the kabah.

So your 313 men have to go to Mecca.


It not 313 specifically. 



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