This topic is opened for whoaretheshia.
In the Mutazilla topic the brothers has advised me to pick only one aqeeda, and not choose the different views between the aqeeda. He also said that the 12er Shia are united in the aqeeda. I've look into some translations of the 12er Shia kalam, and I don't agree that this is the case with the 12er Shia.
Below is reference on what the brother said.
User whoaretheShia. First you advise me to stick to one aqeeda, and then in the end you contradict yourself by saying the Salafis, Asharis and Maturidi should do more.
Anyway, since you said the 12er Shia are united on aqeeda, can you tell me how your Imams have explained this verse?
The Day the shin will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able (Quran 68:42)
I referred to some of the 12er tafseer online, and the explanations are unsatisfactory. Agha Pooya did a good job, but he too had to rely on the Sunni tasfeer of Abdullah bin Abbas.
Again in the 12er Shia beliefs one must rely on the 12 imams. So please help me find a hadith which gives me the correct understanding of this verse. I am satisfied with Abdullah bin Abbas' explanation, but since you are telling me how the 12er Shia are the only right ones, and everyone else is misguided so please provide a 12er Shia hadith to explain this verse of shin which is not an attribute of Allah, but a possession.
The reality is, by Muttawatir transmission Allah does not have corporeality, is not composed of constituent parts, and this is so unequivocal and clear so that the Shia do not believe Allah literally has a shin, but not like ours, and will uncover his literal shin. In fact, even the Ashariyya and Maturidiyya schools affirm he does not have a shin, and that the meaning of this verse is unknown, and that unlike the Salafi-Atharis they do not take the apparent meaning but resign the howness to Allah, but wholeheartedly reject the notion he has a Shin, but affirm whatever it is to Allah (Tafweed).
Either way, we have traditions on this very issue;م انثدهح :لاهق ،)لا ههحر( اقدهلا نارهمع نهب دهمم نب دحأ نب يلع انثدح :لاق ،هيوباب نبا :لاهق ،فوهكلا لا دهبع بأ نهبا دهم ههههيلع( نهههسلا بأ نههع ،ديعهههس نههب يهههسلا نههع ،رهههكب نههع ،نهههسلا نههب يهههسلا انثدههح :لاهههق يههكمبلا لهههيعاسإ نههب دهههمم انثدههح :لاههق ،ِدوُجههّسلا َلِإ َنْوَعْدههُي َو ٍ اههس ْنههَع ُفههَشْكُي َمْوههَهي :لههج و زههع هههلوق ف ،)ملههسلا«ههنمؤلا عههقيف فههشكي روههن نههم ناههجح نودوجسلا نوعياتسي لف يقفانلا نلصأ جمدت و ،ادجس.» Ibn Babuwayh said, ‘Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Umran Al-Daqaq narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Abdullah Al-Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al-Barmakky, from Al-Husayn Bin Al-Hassan, from Bakr, from Al-Husayn Bin Saeed, who has narrated: ‘Abu Al-Hassanasws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: On the Day the Shin shall be laid bare and they would be called to do the Sajdah [68:42], heasws said:
‘A Veil of Light would be Uncovered, so the Momineen would fall down in Sajdah, and the backbones of the hypocrites would stiffen so they would not be able to do Sajdah’.Kitab al-Tawhid, by Shaykh as Saduq. ،بللا يلع نب دمم نع ،ةلي بأ نع ،لاضف نبا نع ،مشاه نب ميهاربإ نع ،لا دبع نب دعس انثدح :لاق ،هيبأ نع :هنع و( لا دبع بأ نع:لاهق ،ٍ اهس ْنهَع ُفهَشْكُي َمْوهَهي :لهج و زهع ههلوق ف ،)ملهسلا ههيلع «راهباا كراهبت- فهشكف ،هقاهس لإ راهشأ نرا لا اهنع- َنوُعيِاَتْسَي لَف ِدوُجّسلا َلِإ َنْوَعْدُي َو :لاق And from him, from his father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ibn Fazal, from Abu Jameela, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Halby, who has narrated: ‘Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: On the Day He would Uncover from a side [68:42]. Heasws said:
‘Blessed is the Mighty’ – Then gestured to hisasws own side, so heasws uncovered from it the outfit – said: ‘and they would be called to do the Sajdah, but they will not be able to [68:42]’. ههّلِذ ْمُهُقَهْرههَهت ْمُهُراههصْبَأ ًةَعههِشاخ رجاههنلا نوههلقلا تههغلب و ،راههصبلا تعههشخ و ،ةههبينا مهتههلخد و موههقلا مهه فأ :لاههق اوُناهه ْدههَق َو ٌة َنوُمِلاس ْمُه َو ِدوُجّسلا َلِإ َنْوَعْدُي.» Heasws said: ‘The people would understand, and the awe would enter into them, and the visions would be humbled, and their hearts would reach to the throats’ Their visions humbled, humiliation having tired them, and they had been called to the Sajdah while they were safe (and sound) [68:43]. :هلوق :هيوباب نبا لاق«را لا اههنع فهشكف هقاهس لإ راشأ و ،راباا كرابت » ياهلا اهسلاب فهصوي نأ نهم راهباا كراهبت ههب نهعي.هتفص ااه [Kitab al Tawhid]
Shaykh Saduq writes: The words of the Imam: ‘Blessed is the Compeller’ – Then gestured to his own side, and he uncovered from the outfit it, (and said): ‘It means by it, ‘Blessed is the Compeller from being described with the side, the description of which is this’.
Essentially, by saying 'Blessed be Allah' and then pointing to his Shin, he is saying that high above being likened to creation or described by that which the creation has, to actually be considered to have a Shin.
So there we have it, two traditions.