
Companion of prophet committed apostasy in the time of Umar ra?

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Shia argued Rabi’ah bin Umayyah bin Khalaf, embraced Islam during the conquest of Mecca, participated during Hajj Wada but left Islam during the reign of Umar r.a

Ibnu Hajar stated in Al Ishabah Fi Tamyiz As Shahabah 2/520 no 2754

لكان عده في الصحابة صوابا لكن ورد أنه ارتد في زمن عمر

Translation: No doubt he is sahabi but he apostate during the time of 'Umar

Sunni scholars stated he is companion of Rasulullah sallahu 'alaihi wassalam

1) Al Baghawi in  Mu’jam As Shahabah 2/389 no 757.
2) Adz Dzahabi in Tajrid Asma As Shahabah no 1845.
3)Abu Nu’aim in Ma’rifat As Shahabah no 2432, even he stated a narration via Ibnu Ishaq when Rabi'ah reiterated harshly sermon of Rasulullah sallahu 'alaihi wassalam during Hajj Wada
4)Ibnu Atsir in Asad Al Ghabah Fi Ma’rifat As Shahabah 2/248 and stated his hadith is narrated by  Ibnu Ishaq and Yunus bin Bakir
5)Ibnu Abdil Barr in Al Isti’ab Fi Ma’rifat As Shahabah 2/721

What is your view?


Re: Companion of prophet committed apostasy in the time of Umar ra?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 08:59:20 PM »

Very very misleading translation, may Allah forgive the person who wrote it.  Here is a highlight:

This is an inaccurate translation. Firstly, the whole line is as follows:
فلو لم يرد في أمره إلا هذا لكان عده في الصحابة صوابا لكن ورد أنه ارتد في زمن عمر
Secondly, the correct translation is, “If nothing more has been included about him other than this, then his inclusion among the companions would have been correct, however, it has been stated that he apostatized during the reign of Omar.”
كلُّ سُلامى من الناس عليه صدقة كلَّ يوم تطلع فيه الشمس، تَعدلُ بين اثنين صدقة، وتعين الرَّجل في دابَّته فتحمله عليها أو ترفع له عليها متاعَه صدقة، والكلمةُ الطيِّبة صدقة، وبكلِّ خطوة تَمشيها إلى الصلاة صدقة، وتُميط الأذى عن الطريق صدقة


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