
Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.

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Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2016, 10:14:42 PM »

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

When the slave woman gives birth to her mistress, that is one of its portents."

There are many view but the most stong advice is the advice of IBN KATHIR is that kids will disobey to their parents and pupils "will educat" Masters

Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2016, 08:23:06 PM »

 Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said,

"The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Turks;

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people with small eyes, red faces, and flat noses. Their faces will look like shields coated with leather. The Hour will not be established till you fight with people whose shoes are made of hair."

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« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 08:24:33 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2016, 11:09:30 PM »
PREDICTION 20 - Turks will become Muslims.

 Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said,

"The Hour will not be established till you fight a nation wearing hairy shoes, and till you fight the Turks, who will have small eyes, red faces and flat noses; and their faces will be like flat shields. And you will find that the best people are those who hate responsibility of ruling most of all till they are chosen to be the rulers. And the people are of different natures: The best in the pre-lslamic period are the best in Islam. A time will come when any of you will love to see me rather than to have his family and property doubled."


According to Ibn Hajar that means Turks will become Muslim.

We have many others hadith linked with those above which suggested that.

One saying " Turkish will hook their Horse to yours Masjid"

And another hadith sahih acording Ibn Hajar but daif as per El Albani saying.

" Ibn Qantûrâ (Turks) will steal the Khalifa to arabs"

This hadith Up to Mouawiya ibn soufian.

Soubh'An Allah!

They have embraced the religion of Abou Hourayra!

Another thing, If you follow the real Islam you know this hadith is a perpetual miracle of the prophècie because all day every day we see new muslim who used their old capacitie for help Islam. Every People.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 11:20:42 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2016, 11:27:22 PM »
Hadith from Abou Hourayra, The Peak of Eloquence ?

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with awe (cast into the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping last night, the keys of the treasures of the earth were brought to me till they were put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) left (this world) and now you people are carrying those treasures from place to place.

Sahih al-Bukhari 6998

According to Ibn Kathir in "miracle of the prophecy"" the eloquence of sunni hadith are the proof that it up to the messenger saws ".

 It's particulary true for hadith from Abou Hourayra.  Because He had a the better memory among all sahaba
When you see that in also 1 hadith Abou Hourayra reported the Mogolian invasion  with their conversion to islam, with their physical description in very few words... You can teach many things with this hadith.

Another thing in Adith of Abou Hourayra we often find sahaba they didn't know some words. It's because the eloquence of the Messenger saws was so High. for example see the hadith about Rouwaybida.
Sahaba they didn't know the means of "ROUWAYBIDA"
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 11:31:02 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2016, 11:32:10 PM »
I have finished the part 1 of this work.

Now I will begin with Part 2 insh'Allah.
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2016, 08:16:22 PM »

Perhaps the questioner is referring to the hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhaari (1036) from Abu Hurayrah who said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until knowledge is taken away, earthquakes increase, time passes quickly, tribulations appear, and there is a lot of haraj, which is killing, killing, and until there will be a lot of wealth among you and it will become abundant.”

And Ahmad narrated (10560) that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until time passes quickly, so a year will be like a month, and a month will be like a week, and a week will be like a day, and a day will be like an hour, and an hour will be like the burning of a braid of palm leaves.” 

Ibn Katheer said: Its isnaad is (saheeh) according to the conditions of Muslim. And it was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7422.

These two ahaadeeth indicate that one of the signs of the Hour is that time will pass more quickly.

The scholars differed concerning the meaning of the phrase taqaarub al-zamaan (time passing more quickly). There are many views, the strongest of which is: 

That the phrase taqaarub al-zamaan (time passing quickly) may be interpreted literally or metaphorically.

The metaphorical meaning is that barakah (blessing) will disappear from time, which is something that started a long time ago.

This was the view favoured by al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad, al-Nawawi and al-Haafiz ibn Hajar (may Allaah have mercy on them).

Al-Nawawi said: what is meant by its becoming short is that there will be no barakah in it, and that the benefit that a person gets from one day, for example, will be the equivalent of the benefit that he used to get in a single hour.

Al-Haafiz said: The fact of the matter is that what it means is that barakah will disappear from everything, even from time. That is one of the signs that the Hour is at hand.

The metaphorical meaning also includes ease and speed of travel between distant places, so that it may be regarded as time passing more quickly. Distances that took months to cross in the past do not take more than a number of hours nowadays.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz said, in his commentary on Fath al-Baari, 2/522: the time passing quickly mentioned in the hadeeth may be interpreted in the sense of what has happened nowadays, where the distances between cities and regions have grown shorter and it takes less time to travel between them, because of the invention of planes, cars, broadcasting, etc. And Allaah knows best.

With regard to the literal meaning, that days will become shorter in a real sense, so that the hours of night and day pass quickly, this has not happened yet, but it is not something impossible. This is supported by the fact that the days of the Dajjaal will become longer so that a day will be like a year or a month or a week in length. Just as days may become longer, they may also become shorter. That will be because of the world system going out of control and the approach of the end of the world.

In al-Fath, al-Haafiz quoted Ibn Abi Jamrah as saying:

It may be that what is meant by time passing quickly is that time will literally become shorter, based on what is said in the hadeeth: “The Hour will not begin until a year is like a month.” Based on this, then the shortening of time may be understood in a literal sense, or it may be metaphorical. In the real sense it has not started yet, but it may be one of the things that will happen when the Hour is at hand. With regard to the metaphorical sense, it appeared some time ago. This is known to the religious scholars and also to those who are smart and involved in worldly affairs, for they find that none of them can do as much work as they used to do before, and they complain about that and do not know the reason for it. Perhaps that is because of the weakness of faith and the emergence of things that go against Islam in many ways. The worst of that lack of barakah is mostly manifested in provision, because the sources of provision are either completely haraam or are dubious, as is obvious to everyone, to such an extent that many people do not care where their provision comes from; wherever they can get they take it and they do not care.  In fact the barakah in time, provision and agriculture can only be obtained by means of strength of faith, following Allaah’s commands and heeding His prohibitions. The proof of that is the words of Allaah (interpretation of the meaning):

“And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa (piety), certainly, We should have opened for them blessings from the heaven and the earth”

[al-A’raaf 7:96]

Al-Suyooti said something similar in al-Haawi li’l-Fataawi (1/44), where he said concerning the meaning of this hadeeth:

It was said that this is in fact literal, and that the hours of day and night will grow shorter when the onset of the Hour is at hand. And it was said that it is metaphorical, and that what is meant is that days will pass quickly and the barakah will be removed from all things, even from time…. And there are other opinions as well. And Allaah knows best.

There is no contradiction between these three views, that it means the removal of blessing, ease of transportation and time passing more quickly in a literal sense. There is no reason why the hadeeth should not be interpreted as meaning all of them. And Allaah knows best.

There are other opinions concerning the meaning of “time passing quickly,” but they are not as strong as the opinions quoted above. For example there is the view of al-Khattaabi, which is that life will become enjoyable. Al-Haafiz said: It means – and Allaah knows best – that this will happen at the time of the Mahdi, when security and justice prevail throughout the earth, and life will become enjoyable at that time, and people will feel that time is shorter; because people feel that times of ease are short even when they are long, and they feel that times of hardship last long, even if they are short. Then al-Haafiz said: Rather al-Khattaabi interpreted it in this manner because that this shortness of time had not yet happened in his era. But what the hadeeth refers to is happening in our time, for we see that days are passing quickly in a way that did not happen during previous times, even though there is no easy life. In fact the meaning is metaphorical and refers to the removal of barakah.

Another opinion was that of Ibn Battaal, which is that what is meant is that people will become similar to one another in their lack of religious commitment, so that there will not be anyone among them who enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil, because of the prevalence of evil and its people.

This interpretation goes against the apparent meaning of the hadeeth and is refuted by what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in another hadeeth: “The Hour will not begin until time passes more quickly so that a year will be like a month…” It is obvious that what is meant is that time itself will pass more quickly, not that people will start to resemble one another in their lack of religious commitment.

And Allaah knows best.

See Fath al-Baari, 13/21, commentary on hadeeth no. 7061.

Ittihaaf al-Jamaa’ah by al-Tuwayjri, 1/497

Al-Sunan al-Waaridah fi’l-Fitan wa Ghawaa’iliha wa’l-Saa’ah wa Ashraatiha by Abu ‘Amr ‘Uthmaan al-Daani, ed. By Dr. Rida’-Allaah al-Mubaarakfoori

Ashraat al-Saa’ah by al-Waabil, p. 120.

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Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2016, 08:27:48 PM »

I have heard that by one reliable Imam in France.


" In internet  you find almost all signs of the end of time reunited

- you wasting your time.

- Killers-mass they cast their crimes in internet

- Pornography

- The fact to curse Sahaba

- Deviants muslims speach mostly in internet

- You find Rouwabidah

- Music

- To establish Riba

etc etc...

« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 08:34:29 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2016, 10:09:35 PM »

 Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace he upon him) saying:

You have heard about a city, one side of which is on land and the other is in the sea (Constantinople). They said: Allah's Messenger, yes. Thereupon he said: The Last Hour would not come unless seventy thousand persons from Bani lshaq would attack it. When they would land there, they will neither fight with weapons nor would shower arrows but would only say: "There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest," and one side of it would fall. Thaur (one of the narrators) said: I think that he said: The part by the side of the ocean. Then they would say for the second time: "There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest" and the second side would also fall, and they would say: "There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest," and the gates would be opened for them and they would enter therein and, they would be collecting spoils of war and distributing them amongst themselves when a noise would be heard saying: Verily, Dajjal has come. And thus they would leave everything there and go back.


Acording to Ibn Kathir that Means "Roums" "Westerners" will become Muslims"

I reported that for say. " Don't worry the real Islam (Islam of Abou Hourayra) will succeed"!
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2016, 10:36:05 PM »

 Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said,

"The Hour will not be established till my followers copy the deeds of the previous nations and follow them very closely, span by span, and cubit by cubit (i.e., inch by inch)." It was said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Do you mean by those (nations) the Persians and the Byzantines?" The Prophet said, "Who can it be other than they?"


El Fawzan in his explanation of Kitab Tawhid said P 6

" It's during the rule of Al Mamun Muslims have translated Books of Byzantines and their "creeds" has been introduced in Islam"

What we find in Byzantines Books? The greek philosophy and Rationalism!

Saint Augustine was the first Christian 2 century before Islam had introduced Greek Philosophy, rationalism in Christian creeds!

Shias symbolyzed this hadith of Abou Hourayra because they are impregnated by "Rationalism" and by Majoosi.

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This Picture show the "School of Athens" The real Madhab of many muslims...
And Abou Hourayra knew we will live this situation since more of 1000 years!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 10:43:36 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2016, 11:21:12 PM »

 It seems that the hadith referred to in the question is the report narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh (2896) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Iraq will withhold its dirhams and qafeez (a measurement of grain), Syria will withhold its mudds and dinars, and Egypt will withhold its irdabb and dinars, and you will return to where you started, you will return to where you started, you will return to where you started.” The flesh and blood of Abu Hurayrah bear witness to that.

Al-Bukhaari (3180) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: How will you be when you are not able to collect any dinars or dirhams? It was said to him: On what basis do you say that will happen, O Abu Hurayrah? He said: By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Abu Hurayrah, (I learned that) from the words of the most truthful one (i.e., the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)). They said: What did he say? He said: “The covenant granted by Allah and His Messenger (to the dhimmis) will be transgressed, so Allah will make the hearts of ahl adh-dhimmah so bold that they will withhold the jizyah they are supposed to pay.”

An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

There are two views as to what is meant by Iraq and the other regions withholding (money and grains). The first view is that what is meant is that they will become Muslim, so the jizyah will be waived from them, and this is something that already happened.

The second view – which is more well-known – is that what is meant is that the Persians and Romans (Byzantines) will seize control of these lands at the end of time, and they will prevent the Muslims from obtaining these things

Others thing we can see the incredible intelligence of Our scholars.

Imam Nawawi has predicted the fact that Persians will dominate Muslims in Middle east.
Now we know that Iran want to have Baghad for its own capital.

Imam Nawawi Able to know that but not able to know that the man who was "frowed" in sourat Abasa was the Prophet saws ? So our scholars are largely above other scholars it's a shame to compare them.
Those who say things against our scholars are "ROUWABIDAH"

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For understand this hadith and the policy of current Iran we must see this map bacause Shias want to revive Majoossi empire.

All was predicted trhough Abou Hourayra the liar acording to shia!
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2016, 08:16:07 PM »

 Narrated Thawban: (From Thawban from Abu Hureira see Sign of end of time P76 of Ibn Kathir)

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.

We need to aplly the real Islam for be safe because

"And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might."

Quran 22 vers 40
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2016, 08:24:02 PM »

Chapter: Building
بَابُ الْبِنَاءِ

Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,

"The Final Hour will not come until houses' adornments resemble painted garments."

Grade   : Sahih (Al-Albani)

[ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2016, 05:52:45 PM »

Abu Hureira reported the Messenger saws said:

" Until you see a woman in the daytime openly having intercourse in the middle of the street"

Hadith sahih as pe El Hakim but Munkar as per Dahabi
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2016, 06:02:39 PM »

 Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said,

 "The Hour will not be established till a fire will come out of the land of Hijaz, and it will throw light on the necks of the camels at Busra."

حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو الْيَمَانِ، أَخْبَرَنَا شُعَيْبٌ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، قَالَ سَعِيدُ بْنُ الْمُسَيَّبِ أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى تَخْرُجَ نَارٌ مِنْ أَرْضِ الْحِجَازِ، تُضِيءُ أَعْنَاقَ الإِبِلِ بِبُصْرَى ‏"‏‏.‏

Reference    : Sahih al-Bukhari 7118

L'ijmah of scholars said" it's was in 1256 with erruptions of Volcano near Medina."

Obvioulsy, absolutly no links with the eplanation of the rouwaybida Imrab Hossein... saying it's linked with Houthi of Yemen...
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 06:04:28 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2016, 08:22:48 PM »

 Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:

"The Last Hour would not come until there would arise about thirty impostors, liars, and each one of them would claim that he is a messenger of Allah."


These thirty Liars and Impostors are the ones who would famous and acquire influence and followers.

We have

⦁   Moussaylima Al Kaddahab prétendait au temps du khalifat d'Abou Bakr, qu'il recevait des révélations.

⦁   Il y a un siècle, en Inde. Mirza Ghoulam Ahmed Al Qâdiyani prétendit être prophète. Sa secte existe encore aujourd'hui. Les partisans de sa secte soutiennent des idées loufoques comme le fait que Adam ne serait pas le 1êre homme sur la terre...

⦁   Al Mukhtar Ibn Abi Ubayd Al Thaqafi montrait son amour pour la famille du prophète. A la mort de Hussain, il voulut le venger. Il connu une grande influence à Kufa au début du khalifat de Ibn Al Zoubayr . Mais le diable fini par le pervertir et il prétendit être prophète, recevant la révélation de Jibril.

⦁   Il y a également Al Harith le menteur qui fit son apparition durant le califat de Abd Al Malik Ibn Marwan puis fut tué.

Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2016, 08:30:55 PM »

I have not find the narration in english.

It's from Musnad el Bazzan

Abou Hourayra reported that the Messenger saws said:

"Men will satify with men and women with women"

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« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 08:33:52 PM by scusemyenglish »
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2016, 08:42:52 PM »

Abou Hourayra reported the Messenger saws said:

"Femal singers and musical instrument will become prevalent"

Hadith Gharib reported by Tirmidhi

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Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2016, 08:46:48 PM »

I have not find the narration in english.

It's from Musnad el Bazzan

Abou Hourayra reported that the Messenger saws said:

"Men will satify with men and women with women"

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

I have find this narration in the book of end of time of Ibn Kathir P 211 french edition
Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2016, 04:17:02 PM »
PREDICTION 30 - earthquakes will be very frequent

 Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said,

"The Hour (Last Day) will not be established until (religious) knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious learned men), earthquakes will be very frequent,"

Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


Re: Abou Hourayra, the truthful man.
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2016, 04:24:40 PM »
PREDICTION 31 - The Prophet saws Foretold The End Of
The Persian And Roman Empires

 Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said,

"When Khosrau perishes, there will be no (more) Khosrau after him, and when Caesar perishes, there will be no more Caesar after him. By Him in Whose Hands Muhammad's life is, you will spend the treasures of both of them in Allah's Cause."

Sahih al-Bukhari 3618

Ibn Kathir says

" This truly came to be during the time of the three Caliphs Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman (R.A.). The Muslims conquered the two empires and distributed in charity the wealth of Caesar king of Rome and Khosrau king of Persia. This was a glad tiding to the Muslims, the two empires will never rise again. Thanks to Allah."

In the french translation we have in addition " it's the proof of the lhe legitimacy of the khalifs of Abou Bakr, Umar and Othman because it's during their rules that the wealth of Ceasar and Khosrau was spent by muslims"

see The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him by Ibn Kathir

Abou Hourayra narrated that the messenger saws said:

"“There will come to the people years
of treachery (...) the Ruwaibidhah will decide matters.”
It was said

 'Who are the Ruwaibidhah?'

The Prophet replied:

 “Vile and
ignorant men who will speak in the affairs of the people.”


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